All Chapters of The Last Immortal : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 Chapters
Chapter 39
Aqua Edis Castle throne room...King Hydrae is so furious upon hearing the bad news. Only one out of the eight assassins he sent to kill Akira was able to come back alive. "You couldn't kill a single woman!? What a shame having idiots in my castle!" He shouted furiously. "But Your Highness, she was not alone. She was with Conrad and Connor. Among them are three more Ignis Hella knights," the assassin defended himself. He was lucky to escape from the two men and three Ignis Hella nights in the forest, and now he is pitifully kneeling before the cruel king."That Conrad and Connor again!?" King Hydrae slammed his clenched fist on the armrest. "Hah! These two nephews of Peter have been giving me headaches, they must die! Send our best knights to kill them!" He ordered his right hand, General Thud."Yes, Your Highness," he bent forward and bowed to show his respect to the kin
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Chapter 40
"That's better than being an asshole like you!" Connor moved forward to attack General Thud who swiftly counter-attacked him. Shortly after, the knights circled Conrad and attacked him simultaneously. The surroundings were filled with the clinching sound of swords and cursing of both sides.Connor and General Thud's swords clashed blade to blade pushing and striking each other. No one wants to be defeated. "I wouldn't let you live for long," General Thud spoke in gritting teeth."You can say all that's in your head, but I'll make sure you'll be in vain," Connor smirked. He then pulled his sword away and thrust into Thud's from left to right. The skillful general never failed to block his attacks.Assaults and defenses can be seen below the man standing on a branch of a tree, watching them silently.***It's already getting dark. I'm sitting on my couch and watch
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Chapter 41
"Thank you for bringing this to me, Lady Amara," Hunter tearfully thanked me after pulling the map from the metallic box. "Uhmm, I'm glad to see you happy," I said while scratching my head. Did I do anything heroic? "This is the beginning," Hunter's radiant mood shows how delighted he is right at this moment. "Once you get the dagger and kill the beast. You'll be able to get the water that can cure me, and I will be able to go back to our world." "Yeah, and you can tell me everything I need to know as you promised," I smiled and reminded him of our agreement.  "That's right," he nodded with approval. "Here, bring this map and go back to Ehtrehto Edis."  "Wait, don't you think it's reasonable if I have someone with me when I go and fight the beast?" I asked him. "Don't get me wrong, I am not scared," I raised my brows and smirked. "Of course, let Conr
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Chapter 42
We stood looking in the direction where the spy went. A cold breeze sends his scent into my nostrils. I recognize his scent. It's very familiar, I just can't tell right now. "Do you have any idea who was it?" I consulted the two men with me. "No," they chorused.We stared at each other with questioning eyes. "Should we follow him?" I asked. "No need," Connor answered. "Let us head back to Ignis Hella Castle. We must study the map and discuss our next move." He said with urgency in his tone."Connor is right," Conrad agreed to what his brother said. "Alright, then. Since we are in a hurry, why don't we just teleport? Anyway, the enemies already know my presence," I suggested. Conrad and Connor looked at each other. Afterward, Conrad uttered their approval. In an instance, the three of us and their horses appeared right
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Chapter 43
"We are now moving out of the forest!" Conrad turned to me and shouted as his grip on the rein tightens. "Alright," I acknowledged at his warning while steadying on the saddle. From what I have been told, we will travel a wide desert where possible attacks from the unidentified tribe may begin. I still can hear the roaring sound of the galloping horses with which we suspect as Terra Hella knights. Conrad who was in front of us pulled the reins of his horse and cued to slow down. Connor and I did the same. "Whatever happens, you must be able to get to the cave, Lady Amara. We will cover you should the enemies attack us. Then, be sure you can find a way to continue your journey. We will make sure to follow," he said. Conrad's serious expression conveys an upcoming danger and should make my knees tremble, but it won't. I can't find any trace of fright in me."I won't leave you behind," I twitched my lips upward. "I'll stay with
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Chapter 44
I looked straight into Connor's eyes. His warm hands comforted me. In this battle, I know I have to have someone to trust, and Connor is undoubtedly one of them. I sighed and nodded at him.  "Alright," I reckoned. "Let's move and continue our journey or we'll be under the hot sun later," I withdrew my hands and walked past him. I remounted into my horse and hold the reins.  I can feel that Connor's eyes were following me. Princess Melissa of Terra run her horse near me. Her long curly blonde hair hangs loose into her sole looking great against the white fur of her horse. She stopped and spoke to me. "We must be quick. Another wave of tribesmen is about to come," she said. Her attitude this time is gracious. I just looked at her and nodded. I turned to the other side when I overheard the brothers' conversation. "You can ride on my horse, brother." I heard Connor talk to Conrad. The latter was stroking the head of his dead horse with a
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Chapter 45
"Is everyone fine?" Connor asked after all the attackers lay down lifeless.  "I'm good," Conrad responded. "So am I," I said.  "We are too," the Terra Hella knights answered.  "Where is your princess?" Connor asked them with a smirk.  The four nights couldn't answer. They don't know where Princess Melissa went. I can't feel her presence in the surroundings. Therefore, she's far away or maybe just suppressing her aura. Her horse is tied on a tree, together with our horses. She possibly used her teleportation. She's maybe cooking a surprise. I glanced at Conrad and examined his expression.  "Let's find somewhere else to stay," I instructed them. I don't want to smell the blood spreading around and I don't like to sleep with dead men around.  Just when we are starting to mount into our horses, the princess appeared.  "Where are you heading?" She asked while roaming her eyes around. She lo
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Chapter 46
We can already hear the loud splashing of water from the magical waterfall. The coldness chills us to the bones. "I wonder how the beast looks like," I said to Connor who was firmly controlling the reins."I don't have any idea, either," he answered. "The ones who have seen it were already dead," he chuckled. "That only shows it's being cold-blooded. It doesn't let anyone who sees it live. It makes my hair stand," I said as I imagined deeply how it looks like."You've got my back," he said softly yet convincingly. "I'll back you up," he assured me."Then, thank you," I chuckled. "Let's move faster." Connor pulled the reins of the horse and made a kissing sound making the horse gallop even faster. Our comrades did the same, including the silent violet-eyed princess.Now, we are facing the alluring waterfalls. The water is magically cascading down in the shiny black limestone that looks like a staircase. Blackish rock
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Chapter 47
"Yeah, so you would still enjoy breathing your stinky smell," I beamed. "Grrrr," it growled. "You little creature has a bad mouth just like any other who came here before," It slowly walked near me. I readied myself for its possible attack. The beast's eyes are studying me. The wind blew in my direction taking its foul smell into my nostrils.Coughs. "Shit, you stink," I covered my nose.It growled again and leaped forward towards me. I leaped sideways averting its attack. The beast's sharp claws glided into the ground, leaving a mark. It is showing its sharp fangs and its sharp-pointed tail wiggled gradually."You surprise me with your agility," it said."Yeah, you should think of escaping now while I still can control myself," I told it. It laughed amusingly. "You are silly," it responded while the tentacles from the gaping holes of its body are starting to emerge. My eyes narrowed and I started to foc
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Chapter 48
Conrad, Connor, and I left the magical waterfall and headed back to Ignis Hella. We plan to go straight to Mount Siera and pass through the portal back to the human world. Prince Matias was still there, not leaving his sister's body, hoping she would come back to life after soaking in the water. Well, I believe she will still live. We were in the middle of the woods when we were trapped in a net. The loud whining of our horses sounded around. "We have a catch! Whoa!" Someone shouted.A tall man came out from the bushes. Another man followed him. Based on the clothes they are wearing, they are barbarians. More men came out from different directions. "What do we do now?" I asked Connor and Conrad who were also trapped in the net separately. "Fight," they both said. "They're many," I whispered to them. "They won't a
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