All Chapters of The Contract: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
63 Chapters
Living with the billionaires 16
CHAPTER SIXTEEN Catherine reclined on her bed, the room cloaked in the hush of secrets too long kept. The weight of her untold truths was an invisible burden, pressing on her like an insistent hand. The bond she'd cultivated with Hayden was a lifeline in this sea of concealed emotions. It was a revelation that dawned on her like a spark in the night – she needed someone beyond the confines of Mr. Devan's realm. And so, with a sense of both trepidation and liberation, she turned to her confidant.As Catherine turned toward her friend, it was as though the universe conspired in that moment, conspiring to unfurl a tapestry of trust and vulnerability. The dim glow of the room painted a halo around Hayden, her eyes a canvas of concern, framed by the curtains of an unwavering friendship.She leaned in, and with a voice that trembled like a fragile leaf on the brink of falling, Catherine whispered, "I'm really confused, Hayden."With a gesture of support, Hayden edged closer, her chin restin
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Living with the billionaires 17
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Theo's footsteps echoed through the grandiose hallways of the mansion, their hushed resonance reminding him of the weight of his familial obligation. Despite the opulence that surrounded him, an unsettling feeling gnawed at his core. It was as if the very walls of this grand abode held secrets, and the familiar grandeur offered little solace. He couldn't help but note that, during his absence, not a stone had been displaced, not a painting altered, and not a whisper of change had brushed these hallowed halls. Only a subtle shift in the cast of servants hinted at the passage of time.His thoughts, however, continued to orbit around a singular enigma – Caitlin. She was the woman who had captivated his cousin Dario's heart, and yet, the vivid descriptions Dario had painted of her seemed to clash starkly with the woman Theo had briefly encountered earlier. Dario had characterized Caitlin as sassy, arrogant, and laden with sarcasm, a tempestuous whirlwind of a personality
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Living with the billionaires 18
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Swimming was indeed a tempting idea, just as Hayden had suggested. It could offer Catherine a refreshing escape from the complexities of her current life. However, there was one major obstacle: she couldn't swim. The thought of exposing her body for everyone to see the painful scars on her back and tummy, inflicted by Matt, paralyzed her with fear.Sitting at the edge of the pool with her legs tucked inside, she had draped herself in a white bathing robe to conceal her scars. She watched the shimmering water, wishing she could immerse herself in its cool embrace like the others. But the scars, both physical and emotional, held her back.A deep, baritone voice interrupted her thoughts, and without even turning around, she knew who it belonged to. Ronnie. His voice had become familiar to her, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to it.Granting him permission to join her. Ronnie settled down beside her, their shoulders almost touching. He called her name softly, "Caitl
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Living with the billionaires 19
CHAPTER NINETEEN "I..I didn't..." Catherine stuttered, her voice quivering with fear, her head bowed in submission.The ominous silence that followed was pierced by the sharp click of Matt's tongue, a sound that sliced through the air like a blade, cutting off her words like a vise closing around her throat. "Don't speak until you're told to," he ordered, his words laced with a malevolent authority that silenced her with a chilling finality.Catherine instinctively pressed herself closer to the wall, as if willing it to envelop her, to shield her from the malevolent force that now stood before her, casting a sinister shadow that seemed to stretch infinitely.Accusations tumbled from his lips like venom, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. "You seduced Steven," he accused, jabbing his finger accusingly in her direction.She shook her head vigorously, her voice stifled by the command not to speak. How could she dare to s
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Living with the billionaires 20
CHAPTER TWENTY Catherine had retreated to the quiet comfort of the kitchen, her steps a gentle whisper in the dimly lit room. Clad in a cozy ensemble of emerald-green pajamas and a soft singlet, she had a simple mission in mind - to snatch a late-night snack that would be her nocturnal companion before she returned to the sanctuary of her room. Her aim was to escape the turbulent thoughts that had held her hostage, rendering her wide awake in the eerie stillness of the night.Yet, as she reached out for her midnight reprieve, an unexpected voice sliced through the darkness, shattering the tranquility of her momentary haven. The shock was potent enough to send her precious sandwich tumbling from her grasp, its descent to the floor marked by a crescendo of shattered bread and scattered ingredients."You startled me," Catherine admitted, her voice betraying the remnants of surprise as she turned to confront the enigmatic intruder.Theo, his shirt conspicuously absent and garbed only in
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Living with the billionaires 21
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE Catherine observed in silence as the doctor conducted an exhaustive examination of Dario. The room practically pulsated with elation, and the atmosphere was charged with palpable relief. Rosita, despite not being Dario's biological mother, couldn't help but shower him with affection, her joy radiating through her every touch. Mr. Simpson, a formidable presence in the family, couldn't contain his broad grin, while even Devan, the enigmatic enigma who'd kept Catherine guessing, wore a rare, genuine expression of happiness.Grandma, the heart of the family, held her station at Dario's bedside, patting his hair with an affectionate touch that spoke volumes. Theo and Ronnie, stoic and composed, stood in solemn reverence, their emotions tightly concealed but undeniably in sync with the collective jubilation filling the room.Yet in the midst of this heartwarming familial celebration, Catherine felt like a spectral outsider, a stranger amidst
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Living with the billionaires 22
Chapter twenty two"I'm not ready for it," Catherine finally declared, breaking the thick silence that had hung between them like a heavy curtain. The words tumbled from her lips with a mix of resolve and vulnerability, for there was no way she would allow herself to venture down a path she had no right to travel. Dario belonged to Caitlin, not her.She sat up, her posture firm and her expression resolute as she faced Dario. But she maintained a deliberate, matured distance between them, creating a physical boundary to reinforce the emotional one she intended to maintain. It was imperative that she appeared committed to her decision, even if her heart and her circumstances suggested otherwise.Dario, his brows arched inquisitively, remained silent, his eyes locked onto her. He watched her intently, as if searching for the hidden layers beneath her words, challenging her to explain herself further. The weight of the unspoken tension hung in the air, demanding an answer, and Catherine f
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Living with the billionaires 23
Chapter twenty threeAs Catherine discreetly approached Dario's room, her footsteps quiet against the floor, she couldn't help but overhear the intriguing exchange between the three brothers. The door was left slightly ajar, allowing her to eavesdrop on their conversation."How long was I out?" Dario's voice carried a hint of confusion and concern, piquing Catherine's curiosity."Nine months, bruh, nine freaking months, like a pregnant woman," Theo responded with a mischievous chuckle, his words painting a vivid picture of the lengthy absence.Dario's response was laced with frustration, "Man, that was messed up."This scene unfolded a week after Dario's miraculous recovery, and Catherine was keenly aware of the doctor's orders to keep him under observation for five more days. The close-knit family had taken turns visiting him every day, offering support and camaraderie.Hidden behind the partly open door, Catherine continued to
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Living with the billionaires 24
Chapter twenty four "Who is Lucy?" Catherine's inquiry burst forth, a mix of curiosity and apprehension coloring her tone.Ronnie's smirk deepened, relishing in Catherine's sudden intrigue. She wasn't the only one capable of surprises; he had his own cards to play, with women eager for his attention.Unfazed by the brothers' scrutiny, Catherine pressed on, determined to unravel the mystery surrounding Lucy."A friend," Ronnie retorted casually, his gaze lingering on Catherine, his demeanor betraying nothing but nonchalance. Then, with an unexpected twist, he added, "I'll be staying at her place tonight, so please, Theo, don't wait up for me."Theo's confusion was palpable. Ronnie's choice of Lucy was perplexing; he had always dismissed her as too needy. And the request—or was it a warning?—regarding waiting up for him was entirely out of character. Something didn't add up, and Theo couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Ronnie's words.Catherine's heart sank, a surge of hu
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Living with the billionaires 25
Chapter twenty five"No, no, no, please, don't," Catherine pleaded, her voice a desperate whisper echoing through the confines of her nightmare. With each thrash and turn, she battled against the unseen adversary lurking within her dreams."Cait, Cait," Dario's voice broke through the darkness, his hands reaching out to steady her thrashing form. "C'mon, Cait," he urged, his tone a mixture of urgency and reassurance. "Snap out of it!"His words pierced the veil of her dreams, pulling her back to consciousness with a jolt. Gasping for air, Catherine's eyes darted around the room, searching for signs of the unseen danger that had haunted her sleep. Yet, it was Dario's presence beside her that anchored her in reality, his steady gaze a lifeline in the tumult of her subconscious.Their eyes met, a silent exchange of emotions passing between them. In Dario's gaze, Catherine found concern and relief intertwined, a reflection of his unwavering support in her darkest moments. And as the echoes
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