All Chapters of The dark side of the moon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
92 Chapters
Not good enough
"I am so sorry."I tried to balance myself by taking the support of the wall, "It is fine.""No, I should have been more careful considering how important this is but it was kinda hard to see where I was going."I stared at the beautiful girl approximately 6 feet tall with rich sun-kissed skin, the raven hair reached her shoulders with the turquoise ends grabbing all my attention. I always wanted to try something bold like that.Her green eyes were focusing on the dress she was carrying, it was completely wrapped making it hard to see what kind of dress was inside. But it must be a gown as she was having difficulty carrying it."Can I help you?" I asked the girl who was lifting the dress high above her head."I am looking for Amber," she tried to give a smile but it came out strained, "this is for her, and I can't let anything happen to this otherwise my boss would freak out."Before I could point her in the right directi
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A misunderstanding
"I don't care, he can go out with anyone he wants."I put a handful of chips in my mouth."It is okay to care," Ruhee said gently, "you are soulmates and you are supposed to care about each other."I rolled my eyes, "Trust me Ruhee, this whole soulmate situation looks better in your head."She put a chip in her mouth and wiped the corners of her mouth, "Let me put it this way, no relationship is easy unless both partners work equally to make it better. I know you think he is bad but you are not trying to get to know him, you are judging him because of one thing only."I looked at her with no words forming in my mouth."Do you know he went against his father for you?""What?" I asked in a small voice."His parents asked him to stay in the palace with you but he denied because he knew you would have to stay in the room mostly which you would have hated. His father did not give him the throne because of you, he said you are not re
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Special Lemonade
Things were finally going well, I could not believe I was saying it. I enjoyed the rays of sun shining over the garden, making the flowers glow brightly. Ruhee made her way in my direction with a wide smile on her lips."You look happy," I closed my eyes one more time, putting my head on the wall behind me."I said no to Amber today," she sat next to me with the grin not leaving her lips, "she asked me to go with her to help her in getting ready during the event and the dinner they will have later.""I am proud of you, Ruhee," I took a sip of the mango juice.She took a sip of her orange juice and sat more comfortably on the wooden bench.I stole a glance at her when she was not looking. The girl sitting next to me was slightly more confident than the girl I met when I first came here. Her long light brown hair was in a messy bun, there was a light in her round curious eyes.I ran a hand over the pocket of my jeans
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Twice.... someone had tried to murder me twice in one month. I was missing my old boring life. The life where I had to worry about completing assignments on time, not about getting murdered by a werewolf.Even the sound of wind chime could not distract me from the trail of thoughts running inside my head.Damien had to leave in the evening and I would be alone here. The thought was enough to make me sweat. With a sigh, I sat down next to my window staring at the clear sky. Everything felt too dull even in the brightness. The guards standing in the garden were sharing no words with the mouth but many stolen glances were passing between them and they were enough to pass the message. Two knocks with the pause of a few seconds made me look away from the garden. Ruhee was standing near the door with a small smile on her face. The smile was one of the formal ones, that could fool anyone."What's the upda
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Feeling alive
I stood in my place mentally preparing myself as I stared at my opportunity.Damien sent the guard who stood on the second exit with the girl and he was so busy with his 'interrogation' that it might have slipped his mind or he was confident that I would never try to leave. Either way, it worked in my favor.I waited until the girl with raven hair went inside the house taking two steps at once while bumping here and there on her way.Taking a deep breath in, I checked for any signs of guards around before I ran outside to the car in which she was putting all the clothes and boxes.Everything was filled with dresses and at the back, some huge boxes were stacked upon each other. I didn't think twice and hid under the backseat when I saw her marching towards the car. It was the big moment, either I would be stuck here forever or I might get back my life.I held my breath as the girl put on her seatbelt and increased the volume of the fain
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Fresh start
A woman with streaks of grey in her dark hair and a light of worry reflecting in her hazel eyes was looking at me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Are you okay dear? You look a little pale," she asked looking around. "I am fine," I smiled at her. "Can I help you?" she asked again. I looked at the woman who was slightly taller than me, wearing a cardigan and had an apron tied around her waist with the hair in a tight bun. "I was just..."  "Take a seat, why don't I bring you some coffee first?" Before I could say anything else she was already behind a brown door leaving me alone in the empty cafe. I sat down on the table that was nearest to me, thinking if it was a mistake or not. I was still debating if I should leave or wait when the woman came back with a cup in her hands. She put the cup gently on the table and sat down in front of me. I cleared my throat and start
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"This is Cora, your new roommate," the woman answered her granddaughter."Woah woah...hold on. Let's rewind the whole thing. Roommate? I never said I wanted a roommate?" "There is no need to create the scene, Emily."I kept my head towards the wall hoping she would storm out of the cafe after saying no to a roommate. "Why can't she live in the pac....""Cora is a 'girl' who just moved here," the woman emphasized on 'girl' and I knew exactly why, "be a good girl and let her stay with you until she finds a place. She will also start working here from tomorrow."I heard the girl groan followed by a large sound of something hitting the table which I assumed was either her hand or head."Fine," came her muffled sound."Great why don't you both chat here and I will be back in ten minutes," the woman removed her apron and left it on the counter near the entrance, "or you know what, Emily why don't you show her the apartmen
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It is messed up
"Emily...wait, please listen to me," I was about to take a step in her direction, trying to stop the furious girl in front of me." listen to me. You liar. My grandma was just telling me about poor Cora and how alone she must be here in a new place....away from her family...but noo. Poor Cora is nothing but a liar.""Okay, I know this looks bad but just give me a chance to explain myself," I said in a slow calm voice taking a small step in her direction."Bad? Firstly, because of you, I was interrogated by some stupid guards, I could forget that but you played with my grandma's feelings. She was trying to help you, how can you lie to her?" she asked pointing her index finger in my direction to stop me from taking another step."It is true, I am new here and away from my family. It is true, I had my whole life planned for me but all my dreams were shattered by a werewolf. I am not here by my choice, I was in the cafe to get a job for a few days and
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New life
Two weeks passed and I spent every day looking over my shoulder. It was a normal Tuesday with the frosty wind welcoming the arrival of winters. I never liked the winters much but I could not ignore the combination of warm hot chocolate and a good book in bed.I enjoyed my breakfast in peace as Emily slept in her room without any care of the world. I could not believe how much things changed for me in just a few days. I was working, I had a roommate who was my friend. It was not the life I planned for myself but the new life was not bad either. For the first time, I was in control of my life, I was not waiting for someone to make decisions for me. I was not doing anything to make someone happy. I cleaned the dishes and decided to head out when I saw the time. I was still not interacting much with anyone and it was the only way of not attracting much attention. I shared some hello and good morning with the neighbors on my way
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What was she hiding?
I rolled over my bed again trying to find another position hoping for the sleep to engulf me.After tossing and turning for another thirty minutes nothing happened. The faint light of the moon entering from the window was illuminating every corner of the room. I shut my eyes again but this time a voice entered my ears.It was Emily.Her room led to the balcony but my window was open due to which her whispers were clear to me. It was almost 3 am, Emily had a habit of going for a walk in her wolf form at night whenever she had trouble sleeping. Who was she talking to? "She is sleeping, like a normal human."I sat up on the bed but did not say anything. Was she talking about me? "No-no-no I got this, you don't have to do anything. Just let me handle this," she said impatiently.She was talking to someone on phone.There was silence for a minute. "Yes, I am sure she is a human," sh
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