All Chapters of Where Ruby's Heart Belongs: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Chapter 11: The Father Of A Lion
Benson:“Who’s your daddy?” Jackson spoke to me. Before they stormed my cell I heard when they first arrived. After my conversation with Ruby I was in a peaceful state. My body shivered as the attack started from backstage of the auditorium. I could only listen as the fighting grew. I’m guessing Jackson and Gallant used these so-called demons to hold off Kane and Kyle. I’m not sure where Chaze or Ruby were but I knew for a fact they weren’t there at the heart of the battle. My ears followed the two of them, more so Jackson’s humming and singing as he slaughtered many vampires in their way. I could hear them getting closer to my cell which was surprising. What would they want with prisoners? From my understanding the ruby wolf pack were the only ones down here, and me. They soon arrived and mentioned that we needed to speak. It was at that moment that I first saw th
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Chapter 12: Family of Demons
Kyle:We were in the mess hall when the demons attacked. The three of us heard the explosion from upstairs. Kane didn’t even wait a second before he sprang up and raced for the stairs. Me and Shela followed close behind him as he reached the lobby, the source of the explosion. A horde of demons flooded in as Kane instantly shifted into his first stage Anubis form. Before I could shift a second explosion went off from underneath us.“Go! Benson and the ruby wolf pack are down there!” Shela shouts and shifts into her fiery wolf form, second stage. She was able to help Kane for a moment but I could see her struggling. Hopefully Chaze and Ruby were down there since the training hall was closer to the prisoners. Then again, that room was built like a forte. I doubt they could hear anything let alone feel the rumble of battle. I decided quickly that
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Chapter 13: Anubis History
Kane:After we brought Benson to the infirmary we headed up stairs. The ruby wolf pack was fine, none of them were touched. The vampires set them free since we needed to move from this facility anyways. They decided to help the vampires find their wounded and give them aid wherever they can. We returned to where I left Shela, hoping to find her and Ruby. They weren’t around. We looked a bit longer and still couldn’t find them.“Hey, where is Ruby and Shela.” Chaze asked one of the vampires.“Oh, yeah. They left with that knight looking fella.”“Shit.” I uttered. Chaze huffed as he shook his head.“Now we need to put together a rescue operation.” I added with frustrat
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Chapter 14: Meeting Cena
Sandra: We came out of the vortex and entered some kind of office room with no windows and two doors. One was the front door and the other was the door to the bathroom. Shela finally let go of my hand and sighed a bit as if the worst was over. I couldn’t see who was in front of us as Gale and Jackson were blocking my view. “As promised, here is Ruby.” Gale spoke and stepped out of the way. My eyes widened with shock at the sight that was before me. I tried not to look at who I can only guess was Cena, sitting on a throne like chair. She wasn’t alone or decent. Her button up white blouse with frills was opened completely, exposing her breast for all to see. Her lower half was covered, or blocked I should say, by some guy’s head buried in her other pair of lips. He was kneeling in front of her as she held the back of his head with one hand and rested the other
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Chapter 15: Who Am I?
Benson: Darkness… It surrounds me from every direction. There is no light, yet I can see myself. At least, I believe this person standing here is me. Who else could it be? I know no one. There isn’t a single person that comes to mind. No name, not even my own name. Who am I? Who is the person floating in the dark with me? He looks mean. Perhaps he is an enemy. Do I fight him? Can I flee from him? I don’t believe he has noticed me yet, even though I stand very close to him. “Hello? Who goes there?” Ah yes, real clever to try and sound intelligent. He hears me! He turned his face towards me and stared upon me with furious eyes. “Can I get a name?” I asked. He opens his mouth and speaks, yet no sound comes from him. Maybe I should move closer. I somehow force my body to hover towards him but suddenly I am hit with r
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Chapter 16: Rin Awakens
Kane:I can’t say I’ve rested much these past couple days. I’ve been busy moving my headquarters to the new stadium where the concert is going to be held. Below it is where I’ve set up everything that used to be in the opera house. The ruby wolf pack were a big help, along with the vampires that survived Gale’s attack. As I set up my base I’m also preparing the upper level for this band battle. Which reminded me that I had set up a meeting with my mother today. I guess she wants in on the concert too. The biggest let down so far is Benson. He hasn’t woken up yet and that concerns me. His vitals are good, he just doesn’t want to wake up at the moment. Also, Chaze has been worried about Ruby. She has been at my mother’s resort and there is no telling what they’ve been doing to her. I assured him that my mother wouldn’t allow anything to happen
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Chapter 17: Rin Meets Ruby
Sandra: I had the weirdest dream. My life was a complete lie and there was all this drama. Benson cheated on me but I cheated on him with Chaze, yet we didn’t do anything but he did just to get some weird power. Oh! And I was a shapeshifter. I would have been fine just being a werewolf but this dream had to be more complicated. I met the leader of the Dark Luna Rhythms, and everything was crazy. His mother was a whore and his father did weird and bad things to other shifters. The amount of stuff this dream contained seemed like months of knowledge about things I’ve never even heard of! Of course, I lay here with my eyes closed, knowing this bed isn’t mine. The scent in the air isn’t my house, and the person draped over me isn’t my fiance, or that foxy dragon boy. No, this wasn’t a dream. The dream was being home and having a good old laugh with Benson and friends, hanging out with Chaze while dodging his
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Chapter 18: Nine Tailed Fox Village
Chaze:“And that settles it! I’ll open up the concert with two songs, then Chaze’s band will play their set. After that Kane will do his set and then I’ll introduce Gale and Jackson as the surprise guest. Any questions?” Cena asked as if she was the one running the show. We all shook our heads no and she cheered with excitement.“Everyone is dismissed! We have lots to do!” Cena quickly got up and headed out to go practice I assume. Gale and Jackson followed her out as Kyle and Kane waved goodbye as they walked out with Shela. Rin and Ruby were with me as we walked out. It was awkward at first seeing as Rin had nowhere to go so he just followed us.“Sorry if I’m intruding. I’m just a little lost on how to get back.”
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Chapter 19: Heart to Heart Break
Kyle:After the meeting was over I walked out with Kane and Shela. Just being in the room with my uncles drove me mad. How could they be planning such an evil thing? To wipe out all land shifters, which would include themselves I assume. Having found this out and thinking it over, I decided I was going to tell Kane about me and my uncles.“Hey Kane-”“Not now, wait until we’re in the limo.” Kane quickly dismissed me. It was clear he didn’t trust the walls of his mother’s resort. Can’t say I blame him. Once we got inside the limo he signalled for me to wait until we were off property.“Go ahead.” He told me as he sat back. Shela was sitting off on her own. Normally she’d cuddle up next to her big brother Ka
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Chapter 20: Restored to Glory
Gale:The meeting was such a bore. We all met in silence, no one said a word until Shela and Ruby graced us with their presence. Having said that, I was surprised to see Benson up and walking. He looked different, it wasn’t just the lack of glasses. I could feel the difference within him. Once everyone started shouting and making a scene I was tempted to leave until Benson, who now goes by Rin, tossed the table. Words were exchanged and we all settled on the rest of the concert and how it would be run. Before we decided things Rin decided to show off and speak to me in my native tongue, which would be native for him too I suppose.“I meant what I said, Gallant. Thank you for returning me.” Rin started off.“You’re welcome. I see you have regained your memory. Is it fully restored?&rdquo
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