All Chapters of The Reaver Chronicles: The Keepers (Book 5): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
49 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11(Raziel) I didn’t say much when Ambrosia was talking, but I never really do. I’m more of a stay in the background and assess the situation type of person. However, no assessment was to my liking. The fact that Ambrosia was able to control us was really bothering me. What fucking type of magic could she possess that would allow that? No other supernatural creature could even touch our magic… Well, maybe besides a Pyromancer. But even they couldn’t control us. It only meant one thing… If she changed sides for whatever reason, we were fucked. I wanted to say she would never do that. I could see the way she looked at my brother anytime he stepped foot in the room. The longing glances, the way she hung on his every word… The way she shined when she was sitting in his lap. Everything she did was to ensure that he was happy. There was no doubt she loved him. Pet or not. I knew how strong love could be first hand. I just hoped that it
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12I was definitely interested as I sat back in my seat kicking my feet up on the chair in front of me. So my theory was right… The reel played on to show Andres destroying the physical Pandora's Box and Ambrosia dying with its destruction. I’ll give it to whoever sent me these outcomes, they were nothing if not thorough. I watched my brother, Rowen, run to Ambrosia’s dying body, taking her into his arms. I could see and hear his pain through his facial expressions and his stammered words. I could then feel the pain in his chest to my very core. I watched as he lost the most important woman in his life. I watched as she faded before his eyes and there was nothing any of us could do to stop it. His desperation reminded me deeply of parts of his Human life. While Rowen never lost anyone dear to him like my other brothers, Rowen never had anyone in his life to lose. That same despair he felt, the dame despair I was feeling now, was all too familiar when I recalled his Human lif
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13I shot out of my dreamwalk in a flurry of confusion before realizing what had just happened. What the hell? Why would he come to me? I mean, I suppose I know why... He told me why, but what was his endgame? It seemed like he wanted to help us, but why would he want that when it ultimately meant his demise? I looked around and realized it was already daylight and Rayne wasn’t in bed. I heard the shower going so I got up out of bed and headed in there. How the hell did I not hear her get up? I was the lightest sleeper ever. I must have really been deep in that dreamwalk. I shed my basketball shorts and opened the glass enclosure, stepping inside with my mate. I wrapped my arms around her from behind. “Good morning, darling.” I purred in her ear. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her lips against mine. “Good morning.” She said against my lips. I pulled away so I could look at her. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” I murmured and I kissed her a
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14I arrived at Rowen's just as Ramses, Katrina, and Jade arrived. I took a seat in the armchair in Rowen’s sitting room. I had become rather fond of that spot. It was the ideal spot for me to be able to see everyone at an optimum angle. For someone who preferred to watch and listen, it was the ideal place to do so. The thoughts of what I saw in my dreamwalk last night were haunting me. How exactly was I going to get the point across that Ambrosia had to kill Dominik… Honestly, I knew she wouldn’t do it, leaving it to me. Always leaving it up to me... Ramses left Katrina and Jade with me in the sitting room, and he walked upstairs where I assume Rowen was. Neither Katrina or Jade said much, but I could feel Jade’s eyes on me. I looked up and met her gaze which she only held for a few moments before looking away. I snickered in my mind. Silly Humans. But I couldn’t blame her, she couldn’t help it. I turned to Katrina who looked over at me at the same time. “How is Kember?” I
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15(Ramses)Once we were back to Katrina’s house she went into the back room to start gathering supplies. I had no idea how she planned to reach the other Keeper, but they must have some sort of way to communicate. I knew she needed him in order to get to the Box, but I didn’t know just what it all entailed. I took a seat on her couch, pulling Jade down with me. She instantly switched her position and straddled me. “You seem stressed, and your eyes are going back to bronze, why don’t you feed? You’ll feel better.” She said. Just then I noticed my fangs were a little itchy and trying to unsheathe themselves. I did need to feed. I had been so distracted it had been a minute. I traced my fingers along Jade's neck for no reason really, I already knew exactly where I was going to bite her. I wrapped my fingers through her hair and pulled her closer to me, forcing her head back so I could get a good angle at her neck. Then sank my fangs in. She was right, the bloodrush was just wh
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16We had been walking for what seemed like ages when we finally reached a cliff. Looking down off the edge I could see the waves of the ocean crashing into the jagged rocks below. Over to the right there was a small space where you could walk down on some makeshift steps. They took you around the side of the cliff, but I couldn't see where they ended up. There was no railing and the steps were rickety. I wasn't worried about myself, but Katrina wouldn't survive a fall from this high. I kept my eye on her the entire way, but it seemed as if she had done this a time or two. Something about the way she maneuvered between the steps, missing the ones that seemed to be in the worst condition gave me that clue. My nerves calmed as we made our way down the cliff and I could see an opening towards the bottom. It looked like it opened into a cave system, however at high tide it looked like the cave would be flooded. This could be a disaster waiting to happen. Once we got down inside
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17Just the feeling of magic and awe created by the Box was enough to make a sane man go insane. It was like a magnetic pull, forcing you to reach for it. I, however, knew better than to touch something I didn’t understand. This was not my Box to touch, so my hands were tied. Thayne, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. He reached out for it, and the second he touched it, his whole body became engulfed in a blue flame. My eyes widened as I watched the Box drain him of his very life force. I could hear him shrieking in agony and watched, as what looked like his soul, be sucked from his body. It looked insanely painful and sounded even worse. Then when the Box was done, it threw his depleted body straight down into the fissure. I instantly panicked and locked eyes with Katrina. She just smiled at me as tears started to run down her face. “No, no, no!” I shouted and I had only taken one step before she grabbed the box and slammed it straight down onto the rock below her. The bla
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18I grumbled to myself, noting that my tears were still fucking falling as I wrapped the Box in a small black cloth that was at my feet, before shoving it into the bag. I swung the bag over my shoulder, and just as I did the ground started to shake and rumble again. I scooped Katrina's body from the floor. The water had washed some of the blood out of her hair and it was now dripping down the front of me. I didn’t even care. I held her close as the cave groaned and the rocks moved underneath me. I noticed the fissure started to close. After a few moments, the tectonic activity ceased, and the fissure had closed completely. It looked as if it had never been there, and I couldn't help but notice the only thing left was a small scar looking blemish in the rocks. So lightly engraved that a naked eye wouldn’t even see it. The tears had stopped at this point and I was angry. So fucking angry. Angry at myself for letting her do this. Angry at her for doing this. Angry at Thayne fo
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19It was then that my head finally cleared enough to be able to hear what was going on around me. I could hear Jade crying softly from the couch. I forgot what a good relationship they had. They were friends. I could see the anguish on Ambrosia’s face. She knew what Katrina meant to me, and she knew I was hurting. I turned back to Ramses who was just sitting there, in the same spot he had been this whole time. I saw him looking down at Katrina's body on the floor. The look on his face was that of pure agony and distress. I put my hand on his shoulder. “Let’s take her to the mortuary. We need to let her sisters know.” I said. He just nodded and started to stand, picking her up with him. Then he materialized away. I stood as well, and looked solemnly around the room. I picked up Pandora's Box from the floor where Ramses had set it, and walked it over to Ambrosia. She stood and wrapped me in a bear hug. “I’m so sorry for your loss… I’m so sorry.” She said. I just wrapped my ar
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20We stayed in the cave for a while, mostly in silence. I knew my brother needed this, and maybe I did too. The strange thing was the feeling of magic in that cave. I swear I saw some sort of shimmery substance by one of the rocks going further down into the cave, but in my grief stricken mind I’m sure I imagined it. As my brother and I headed out of the cave system we walked in silence. Grief was a strange thing, and I have always thought this. “Look, I’m going to need some time to process this. I will be ok, but please just let me have the time I need. Next week on Saturday we are going to celebrate Katrina’s life, in New Orleans. It will be a party to top anything that has ever been done before... But until then, I need to grieve. I’m going to go back to your house, and get Jade. She needs to grieve too, and we can do it together. I will reach out when we are ready.” He said. I nodded to him and materialized home with him by my side. It had been hours since we left, and e
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