All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
552 Chapters
Clem stood at the outer courts of their pack house, looking steadily towards the entrance to their pack environs as if, he was willing a person or something to appear through it. '"What's taking them so long?" He muttered to himself, checking his wrist watch. It was almost six pm. "What are you looking at?" He heard a voice ask, and turning a little to the right to see who was talking, he saw Leo watching him. His mind-guess hadn't been wrong. Only Leo had that type of deep baritonic voice in their pack. "Nothing really. Just waiting for them." He replied. "Shane and Derek??" Leo asked, taking a long glance at the entrance of the pack too. "Yeah, Shane and Derek."
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Derek barged into the pack's conference room in anger, and wasn't fazed at all by the look of disappointment that appeared on his father's face at his entry. He totally ignored it, thinking that his old man should have had it coming; should have known that he wouldn't be pleased with the idea of merging their pack with another, let alone merging with Arnold's, even if it was for ten seconds.   "Oh, if it's not my favorite nephew." He heard his uncle say, and scoffed. Surely, he would get back at him one day. He just had to find the right circumstance to do it.   "Hello Uncle." He greeted, trying hard to rein his temper in, his teeth gritting in the process.   "Hello nephew. Where have you been? We've been searching the whole area for you." Arnold said, with a smirk present o
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Derek shut his eyes wearingly and cussed intermittently as he heard the voice which he had last heard, about seven years ago.  Fisting his hands tightly, he took a deep breath, in and out, before swerving around to face his oldest friend, turned foe.   "Maya.." He grumbled out, unfolding one of his hands, and inserting it into his deep left front pocket of his denim trousers; whilst still staring at the feminine beauty in front of him. He thought she was still the same, except older and more beautiful.   "Hello Cousin Brother.." Maya said with a smirk. "How have you been. Long time no see." She continued, her voice dripping with sarcasm.   Derek could tell, from the smirk that coated her lips, that she was also part of her father's plan, again; and it didn't do his mood
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The walls of the pack house were designed with beautiful drawings of wolf-like art, which Maya thought was excellent and aesthetic as she and Derek walked towards the place where she had left her warriors an hour ago to heed to her father's call to follow the way up to the Pack's conference room.  She was at least happy, that her Uncle, Derek's father,  had still managed to uphold the pack, even better, since the last pack war. She was also happy that her betrayal hadn't caused Derek much mayhem later, other than a broken heart and a dismembered trust pattern. Watching the bustling activity going on in the pack, the children running up and down, a group of women talking and laughing, she concluded that the her cousin's pack was warmer than hers. Her father had stopped pack members, children mostly, from trouping into the pa
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Derek sighed as he heard the bitter tone in his cousin's voice. He couldn't mistake it for pretence; his remark had really hurt her. He wondered whether she was now feeling sorry for the crime she had committed against him some years back. He wished she was, even though he doubted that they would be as close as before; the trust glass had already been broken. "Spaced out again?"  Derek heard Shane's voice through the pack link and swore. 'What was it this time around?' He thought. Looking around, he tried to take in his surroundings to know where he was actually at; as he had been oblivious of it even while walking because of his deep thoughts. He realized with a jerk-speed, that he was just at the entrance to
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Maya's eyes bulged out as she beheld the fine specimen that had just interrupted her cousin's excuse; partly from his beauty and build, and partly from his scent which was so invigorating and exhilarating. She could also feel Sia, her wolf, howling in happiness. She had just found her mate! Oh what pure joy, it brought to her that she wasn't mateless at last. Taking candid but small short steps towards the handsome figure that stood talking with her cousin, talks that she was completely oblivious of, as her mind was entranced and all centered on her mate; she thought of the happiness that would cloth her mother's face at the news. When she had turned 18, and let out her wolf,Sia, everyone had been expecting her to show her mate forth within a week or two; but it hadn't been so. They had decided to let her be for a month or two.
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Derek observed again, that for the second time under the space of thirty minutes, his cousin's eyes haf widened, more like bulged out. The first time had been when Leo had stepped into the Hall, interrupting the lame excuse he had conjured up to give his cousin who had seemed restless and impatient all of a sudden. The others hadn't noticed, but he had; perhaps because he was directly in front of her, or maybe because he had known her since birth. Now staring at her and her bulging eyes, he wondered what she was suprised or shocked about. Then with a startling speed, he realized that these reactions he was observing on his cousin, including the nose tapping which she did whenever she was nervous, had all started since Leo came. He dabated in his thoughts, whether the duo had known each other, sometime in the past, considering the fact that his best pack warrior was an ex rogue.
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Maya closed her tightly, as she heard Derek's proclamation. She didn't know whether she should be angry that he had said it out in the open without her consent, or happy that he had known her well enough, even to the extent, of telling that his best pack warrior was her mate. It showed her that he still hadn't really forgotten about their closeness. It also gave her a hope that they could reconcile, maybe later, if her father didn't require anything selfish from her. "Derek, what did you just say?" She heard her mate ask her cousin, and sighed. This was getting harder by the minute. "You both are mates." Derek replied Leo, folding his arms. "How come you don't know?"  He queried his friend. "Or are you ignoring the mate bond because of me?" He asked further, voicing his wolf's
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Melvina's nostrils flared in anger as she heard Maya's statement. She tried to rein in her agitation, as she contemplated on how wicked her mate's brother could be; even stretching the threads of his wickedness to his own daughter. "Mom.." She heard her son call, and sighed. She knew that he had already caught in, on her emotions; and so there was no need to hide the truth or the true effects of what the girl's father had done. "Aunt..what is it? You are not saying anything." Maya stated apprehensively. She could already tell that something was wrong; the potion was wrong, just like her wolf, Sia, had said. As she mulled over on the issue, she remembered her mother's reaction when she had heard that her father gave her the Panjyo potion. Her mother's reaction had just been l
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Maya swallowed her spittle forcefully as she beheld the furious look on Derek's face. He was very angry at her, and she didn't like it one bit. It wasn't helping her cause, but then,  she could also understand why he was so damn angry, with his nostrils flaring as he tried to stop himself from strangling her. He was annoyed at having being spied on; well nobody fancied being spied on.Taking her eyes off her cousin who was boiling in rage at her misconduct and selfish act, she casted a long glance on Melvina, her aunt. The older woman was staring into space, her face devoid of any emotions. Maya knew she was deep in thoughts, and she wondered whether she would be forgiven for this grave act. Well, she knew she wouldn't be forgiving her father very soon. He had crossed the limits, by almost depriving her of her mate; and for that alone, she spited him, not caring to please him again."You told him right?!!" Derek's loud question inter
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