All Chapters of Fated: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
The next few weeks flew by. Zak and I had barely spoken, while Ryan and I had spent quite a bit of time together. Ryan was true to his word, and has yet to pressure me for anything more. I found myself actually growing fond of Ryan. Still nothing like what I felt for Zak, but it was there and slowly growing.Even Kelsey had been on good behavior, coming back to sit with us at our table. I actually started to feel like I fit in with their group, getting more and more comfortable each day. Kelsey and I had even shared a few civil conversations. I could never see myself being friends with her, but I could play nice as long as she could.Zak would shoot death glares my way at lunch, seeing me with Ryan, but he never said anything about it. After a couple weeks of trying to ignore him, he stopped coming to lunch altogether. I couldn’t help but feel a bit guilt
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Chapter Twelve
“I know you’re there, Zak. Come on out.” My best friend Kai stood at the tree line with his arms crossed across his broad chest. He was just slightly shorter than me with golden hair that hung just above his eyes. I sighed, knowing there was no getting out of this. My only hope is that he hasn’t told anyone yet. “What the hell are you doing, man?” Kai asks once I emerge from the cover of the trees.“I just wanted to go for a run alone.” I shrug nonchalantly and walk past him. “Uh huh. And who was that girl?”I stop dead in my tracks. How did I not hear him follow me? Have I been that careless? “What girl?” I ask in hopes he meant someone else.“Don’t play dumb Zak. I noticed you had
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Chapter Thirteen
I woke up late the next morning from lack of sleep and quickly got ready, ignoring my dad as he demanded something for breakfast. I ran most of the way to school, only slowing down when I realized I would actually make it before the bell. I opened the door to the classroom quickly but stopped dead in my tracks. Zak was seated at his old desk right next to mine. What was he up to? He smiled like he used to when he saw me, making my heart beat erratically, but I ignored it. He opened his mouth to say something as I approached but I cut him off. "What are you doing?" I hissed as I took my seat."I was going to say good morning but I can see you're in a mood." I forced back a smile, struggling to keep my angry face on. I really have missed our playful banter, or perhaps it was just Zak in general that I missed. Either way, it was his idea to stop talking in t
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Chapter Fourteen
I hear a car pull up outside and quickly glance out the window. My heart quickens as Zak exits his suv, hair pulled back into a small bun and sunglasses shielding his eyes. I quickly grab my bag and rush out of the door, eager to start the day, but I was also a bundle of nerves considering I had no idea where he was taking me or what he would tell me. His mouth widens into a smile when he sees me, lighting up his devilishly handsome face and I nearly stumble to the ground, no longer watching where I walk, but looking at the gorgeous man that is standing in front of me. He opens the door for me and ushers me inside.“My lady.” I roll my eyes and try to hide my blushing cheeks.“Thanks.” I mumble, not able to hide the smile that grows on my face. I never felt like this with Ryan. My heart
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Chapter Fifteen
I follow his gaze as my eyes adjust to the darkness and gasp. We were standing in a cave full of beautiful crystals, all shimmering in different colors. There's a small pool of water leading into the cave and the sun shining through the waterfall makes every surface of the cave dance. It was so breathtakingly beautiful that I had no words. “I figured you might like it.”  “Like it?” I laugh, still in amazement that something could be so beautiful. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” His hand slides down my arm slowly and clasps my hand. The one movement brought all of my attention back to him. “Listen,” Again with the neck rub. I wondered what was making him so nervous. “I wanted to talk to you.” “To tell me your secrets.” I teased, but I was dying to kn
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Chapter Sixteen
For the next few days, I stayed in bed unless I had to work. It seemed silly being so upset over a guy I was never with, but I couldn't help but feel like I left a part of my soul with him when I said goodbye. Would I even see him again? I told myself that one day, we would run into each other again and things might be different then. That thought was the only thing keeping me going.  Towards the end of the week, I finally took Ryan up on his offer to go car shopping again, but it was another dead end. We had dinner and for a moment, I felt better. Not completely okay, but better. Despite coming up short at the car lot, I started packing up my room a bit. I’ve changed my moving date to the first week of July, leaving me a little over two weeks until I finally leave. I didn’t plan on telling my dad. I wasn’t sure if he would be glad I was gone or try to f
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Chapter Seventeen
I was engulfed in darkness when I hit the murky water before I finally emerged at the surface. I wiped my eyes, hoping I didn’t smear my makeup too much. My eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings just as soon as I saw a figure in his boxers swinging on the rope straight for me. I gasped as he hit the water next to me, splashing water over my head. I didn’t get a good look at who it was, but I did see black ink on his right shoulder. Zak emerged from the water shaking the water from his hair with a devious grin. “What are you doing?” I hissed. Was he trying to start a fight with Ryan? “Swimming.” He said and dragged his hand across the surface of the water, drenching my face once again. “Stop it! I’m serious Zak!” I say and wipe the water from my face. As I open my eyes, he hits me again with warm water straight
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Chapter Eighteen
Ryan smirks at me. "The guys and I made a bet to see if I could get the untouchable El in bed. I've got a lot of money on you, but it’ll be worth the effort. Of course, now that you know about the bet, I'll have to do this the hard way." I grab a nearby table, my head spinning. What was he saying? The room seems to have gotten dark and I couldn't manage to focus on anything. "What? Ryan…" I fell down on my knees, unable to stand upright any longer. My muscles seemed to have a mind of their own, not moving the way I wanted them to.  He drugged me. That was the only explanation. "The effects will wear off in a few hours. You won't even remember anything." I see him removing his belt from the corner of my eye and my heart races. No. There was no way I was going to let this happen! I frantically tried to crawl to the door but he was already on top of me, fli
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Chapter Nineteen
“El?” Dad's rough voice calls out.  I slam the car door shut, resisting the urge to look back as I walk towards the house. Dad meets me out on the front lawn. Zak’s car stayed put and I desperately willed him to leave. “Why the fuck is your room packed up?” He demands, coming face to face with me. “Are you planning on leaving?” “Let’s talk about this inside.” I try to grab his arm but he shoves me off. I hear Zak exit the car and I curse silently under my breath. This wasn’t good. “Who’s this? Your boyfriend?” Dad takes a step toward Zak. “Is there a problem?” Zak asks, looking between me and my father. “No. I got this, Zak. Please go.” I plead. “She’s right, son. You s
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Chapter Twenty
As we ate our food in silence, I snuck a glance in Zak’s direction, but caught a glimpse of a little shadow standing just out of sight. The boy, maybe five or six, hid further behind Zak when I spotted him.  "Hello." I say. The boy finally steps out, creeping up to me with curiosity in his eyes. "What's your name?" He looks up at Zak who gives a small nod. "Dylan." He says as he studies me and his nose scrunches up. "You smell weird." I couldn't help but laugh at the odd comment. "Do I?" I figured my night in the woods was to blame. He looks back to Zak and they stare at each other for a moment as if exchanging a conversation I couldn’t hear. "Oh, that makes sense." Dylan says aloud as if in the middle of a discussion then turns back to me. "Is that why she's pr
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