Semua Bab The Secret Lover (CEO Love Story): Bab 1 - Bab 10
54 Bab
Chapter One - Intro
“The clock seems to tick slower when you’re anticipating something, don’t you think?” Phoebe’s gentle voice broke the silence. I lifted my gaze to see her face more clearly. I was staring at the small digital clock on the waiters' station. . “I don’t know, it’s not that I am anticipating anything anyways.” I gave her a little smirk. . “Then why are you looking at the little clock so much?” Phoebe tilted her head a bit as she questioned me. . “It eases my mind up from the thoughts that lingers inside my head. Kind of.” . Phoebe looked at the floor and then back at me. Her smile was a little weary. I could see it clearly even though she tried to hide it. . “You can always come over to my apartment if you need some company, Ariadne, I’ll always be there for you. Remember? We are friends, not mere coworkers.” . I gave her an assuring nod. I was not quite fitted with the idea, but I didn’t want to decline her act of kindness towards me. I did not want to seem like a shut-out bec
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Chapter Two - Lackluster Day!
I ran off my apartment door at great speed after dropping off my daughter at my neighbor, Kanika's, flat. I was really running late. I could only hope that the bus wouldn’t leave me behind, or else I’d be doomed. The hotheaded manager will surely yell at me throughout the shift..I dashed along the stairs, almost missing a few steps here and there. I didn’t want to take the old rickety elevator as it would only take more from my precious time. I almost bumped into my neighbor who was an old lady with a bad temper. .“HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING, DUMBASS!!!”.She screamed at the top of her lungs. Uh, whatever, I didn’t give a damn. I just wanted to get to my workplace. As soon as I went out the building, I ran to the bus stop just a few meters away. There was no bus in sight. Just as I predicted, the bus driver was already driving off to the next route. Stupidly, I ran for the bus in the hopes of catching it..“STOP!!! DRIVER!!! STOOOP, PLEASE!!!” I yelled, almost crying..I was
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Chapter Three - The Unexpected Visit
I just had a very weird dream. In that dream, I was unclothed with a man sleeping right beside me. When he turned around, it was clear that the man was Harrison. In my dream, he proceeded to move closer to me and caress the skin of my body. It felt very ecstatic. It has been years since I felt anything like this..It felt so wrong yet so right. The man in my dreams then moved his face slowly to my face as his hand crept all over my body. It gave me chills all over my spine. When he finally reached my ear, he spoke words only lovers would know. His voice was raspy and low, making my hair stand on end. I couldn’t make out what he said. After a few seconds of him continuing to whisper those dirty words, he finally stopped and looked at me with lustful eyes. He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and kissed me roughly. .We stayed kissing for many minutes. I tried desperately to fight back but I failed miserably due to the fact that he had a tight grip on me. Suddenly, the kiss end
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Chapter Four - Bouquet of Hyacinths and Amethyst Ring
I woke up in a shock. Somebody had knocked the front door to my flat. Honestly, I didn't feel like getting up from my bed. Last night's shift was such a wreck. It was a Friday night after all, a lot of people went out to get dinner with their families and significant others. It was so crowded that the orders did not stop until it was almost closing time. .My feet were hurting inside my shoes, and by the time I went home they were already swollen. Sigh. Well, that is what you get from wearing cheap shoes. If I was wearing a much expensive and comfortable pair of shoes, my feet would not hurt as much I guess. Moreover, my energy was drained running around the very spacey restaurant. I was never the athletic type of person. If zI worked too much, I would automatically become dizzy and lightheaded. My body then would slowly feel light and sucked into the sky..Sometimes I had wished that I was working in a smaller diner or cafe. I have always wanted a job that would not exhaust me to th
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Chapter Five - Terror Pt. 1
It was late at night, the clock showed that it was almost 11.36 PM. Amy was already fast asleep, she must be really tired. I took her to an indoor playground after having lunch in her favorite fast-food restaurant. I felt bad for what happened this morning. She was really hurt by my words, so I tried to make it up to her. .As I kissed her goodnight, I tucked her in and turned off the bigger lights in the room. Then I proceeded to turn on the night lights. She was always afraid of the total dark. I guess she got it from me. I am also afraid of pitch-black darkness. One time I stumbled across a pair of matching night lights that goes on and off in accordance to one another. If one switched off, the other one will also be off. They were in shapes of the moon and star. I got the moon one for my room, and the star-shaped one for Amy’s room. Our night lights tend to be kept on all night, because none of us dared to sleep with the lights totally switched off, and in total darkness..I deci
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Chapter Five - Terror Pt. 2
Amy and I could only stare in horror at the door in front of us. The intruder was stil banging mercilessly at the door. Not even quitting after I could hear his bone broke. Just what kind of person is this? Did somebody pay them to do this horrible deed? If somebody did, then they must be a determined cold blooded killer, then. Damn. The thought of it made my blood felt cold and almost frozen inside my body. .BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! .By hearing the sound of it, it seemed like the said person had such a big fist. He could have been using a heavy weapon of some sort, too. It could be a hammer that he was using, but it was not strong enough to break down the door in one blow. It could also be a wrench or some kind of a crowbar. Maybe it was a baseball bat, or it could also be a wooden pole. Whatever it was, the door still was much more powerful than it could ever hit..I need some weapon as well to defend myself and Amy. If not, the man would easily bludgeon us to death once he got into th
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Chapter Six - Good Deeds
After the incident, we did not immediately pack up and move to the hotel that Harrison told me to stay in. The hotel room which I will move to needed to be rearranged and cleaned up first because it was not used in quite a long time. Harrison said that it was not used quite often due to the fact that it had a smaller size compared to the other rooms. But as small as Harrison revealed it to be, I was sure as heck that it was much larger and more luxurious than the apartment that I was currently living in. Besides, comparing a cheap run down apartment located in the almost slum area of the city to a room of a large luxurious hotel which was owned by one of the richest families and located in the center of the city where most of the high rise buildings were located, would definitely be so far off the hook..We all needed some rest too, well, especially for me and Amy. Amy had just undergone the most traumatic experience in her life, so it would be best for her to catch on some rest for
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Chapter Seven - The Confession
Living in a new place might feel intimidating for anyone, especially me. But living in a new apartment with new neighbors felt even more daunting. I didn’t know how to handle the fact that Amy and I were going to live here in this fancy building..I did not know what kind of neighbors we were going to have, but I thought that they were much secluded and private than the neighbors in the old apartment. But then again, the tenants in our old apartment were all too busy to help out a lady and a small girl in trouble. They were all nosy at some point when they want to get all up into your business, but once they knew that you need desperate help; they chickened out. Bluck!.Luckily here though, Harrison said that he will be checking up on me a lot; for safety reasons. I get it, he must be feeling overwhelmed too about the incident in the old apartment and all. I was still pretty scared about it too, but I am glad now that I still have my daughter Amy here with me to keep me company. I am
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Chapter Eight - Someone from the Past
Phoebe and I were having our lunch break. We were eating at the small diner across of Scalavatia, its name was Cabana Craves. It had been advertised here and there throughout the town, since it was a newly opened diner. However, the inside was not as pretty as it advertised to be on the outside. By now, we had already seen the most of it, but to be honest, the food tasted pretty good and quite worth the price. Well, Phoebe and I loved food, and she just enjoyed spending time with me when we were having lunch break. So probably we would spend most of the rest of our lunch breaks here, hopefully they will be open for a long time. .The waitress walked over to us with our food. .“Hi there, you girls want anything else special today?”.The two of us looked up at each other..“We're fine, thank you.” .The waitress left again without giving us another glance. We resumed eating our food in a comfortable silence. Just then, she returned with a small basket full of different types of bre
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Chapter Nine - The Night Ride
Today at work, the visitors were really crowded so I had to work overtime. It was understandable as it was a Saturday night. I even had to stay behind to help closing up the restaurant. I worked from very early morning up to almost midnight. It was really, really exhausting. I could feel the soles of my feet being very swollen and it really did hurt so bad. I was dying to take my close-toed heels off after such a long hard day of working my ass off. .I continued on to do some tasks such as wiping up all the tables. I was helped by my colleague, of course. The bar was squeaky clean right after I wiped all the stains that was built up by the fluids spilled upon it. Then I finished off everything by wiping the wine glasses so that it would be dry completely. These glasses need to be free of water stains that would look unappealing when they finally dry up..When everything was finally clean and spotless, me and my colleagues went to the lockers in the staff break room to get ready to
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