
The Secret Lover (CEO Love Story)
The Secret Lover (CEO Love Story)
Author: Sellyn Sada

Chapter One - Intro

“The clock seems to tick slower when you’re anticipating something, don’t you think?” Phoebe’s gentle voice broke the silence. I lifted my gaze to see her face more clearly. I was staring at the small digital clock on the waiters' station.


“I don’t know, it’s not that I am anticipating anything anyways.” I gave her a little smirk.


“Then why are you looking at the little clock so much?” Phoebe tilted her head a bit as she questioned me.


“It eases my mind up from the thoughts that lingers inside my head. Kind of.”


Phoebe looked at the floor and then back at me. Her smile was a little weary. I could see it clearly even though she tried to hide it.


“You can always come over to my apartment if you need some company, Ariadne, I’ll always be there for you. Remember? We are friends, not mere coworkers.”


I gave her an assuring nod. I was not quite fitted with the idea, but I didn’t want to decline her act of kindness towards me. I did not want to seem like a shut-out because it might hurt her feelings.


“Thanks for worrying about me, Bee, but I’m totally fine. I’ll stop by your place when we both have free time.”


Phoebe gave me a very warm smile. The kind of smile which is able to warm the very coldest of hearts.


Phoebe and I are working as waitresses in this fine dining restaurant called Scalavatia. We were both waiting tables for the night. There weren’t many guests around. Only a few of the tables were filled, which was unusual, because usually the guests were countless. There were actually eight of us working the shift tonight, Oliver, Lucas, Noah, Todd, Elijah, Malena, Phoebe, and me.


Before my mind could start floating around elsewhere, Noah hopped by the waiter’s station. He tapped my shoulder and gave me a little smile. To be honest, Noah could be a movie star. He looked very handsome because he had dominant Egyptian features. His full name is Noah Malachi Ramses. Dark brown hair, wide-set dark brown eyes, very white teeth. You could say he looked a bit like that popular actor of Egyptian descent, but tanner and younger.


“Enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” Noah said with a little smile.


“I guess,” I replied to him with a half-smile.


“Do you like working here, Ari?”


“Yup. Can’t say I enjoy it, but I’m learning to like it.”

I replied to him in a cold tone, but he seemed like he wanted to have a long conversation with me.


“So, Ariadne, working for almost a month here, have you heard anything about the owner of this restaurant?”


“Not much that I know of. I came here for an interview with Mr. Dyson, the head of the Human Resources Department. Two days later, I got a call and just started working with you guys.”


“Where did you hear of this job application? The internet perhaps?”


“I saw a flyer stuck onto the bus stop in front of my apartment building, and instantly applied. I take whatever job that comes my way, because I need the cash.”.


"Ah, I see. It must have been destiny then. You know when things come directly your way and you get the utmost easiness on accomplishing the tasks and overcoming the obstacles, it is most likely designated for you..."


"I don't know, Noah, I never thought about it too deeply like that. Ahahah. The thing that comes to my mind upon seeing the job application was 'Ah, a job, I must take it instantly before somebody else would take my place on it.'"


"Yeah, usually people hate working in the food and beverage industries, especially as a waiter, but you just walked, no, you probably sprinted into it and ended up here. You're truly unique Aria."


"Well, it's not like I have a choice anyway. Hahaha. Yeah. It's actually pretty tough working as a waiter. It's my first time working as one and only for a month but it burnt me out already."


"That's totally true. I can't deny that. Well, why would I even deny that, it's the blatant fact. Hahahah. Really though, if it wasn't for the money, I wouldn't even think about working here."


"You know what, Noah? It shocked me. When I had the interview with Mr Dyson, we talked formally and later on he proceeded to tell me about the salary. Dude. The amount was totally unbelievable. I never knew working as a waitress would actually pay that much."


"It usually is not that high-paying, but because this restaurant belongs to one of the richest families in town, they probably were too ashamed to give average salary or pay to their workers. You know. They do this for their so called 'good' image."


“Oh, yeah. That makes sense too. At first I thought the workload was going to be insane, but it was actually decent.”


“Decent… Not that I disagree with you, but working here is really exhausting…”


“Well, it certainly is much more relaxed than my past jobs… Besides, we are only busy during weekends or Saturday nights.”


“Yeah, on weeknights it seemed very quiet here, even though they claimed to be the number one fine dining restaurant in this town.”


“Sometimes I feel like I am just lingering and hanging out here, whenever there are no patrons. The ambience is already very relaxing that sometimes I forget that I am currently working.”


“You’ll love it here, Aria, in the long run. I know you just will.” Noah smirked at me.


“Well, I hope so. Looking for a job isn’t that easy anyway. Finding this job was easy, but you never knew whether you’ll have the same chance in the future.”


“Wow. We technically have the same mindset. Sometimes I thought about quitting. Not because of exhaustion or tiredness of work, but I wanted to have a more challenging job, you know. But, come to think about it again, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to find the next right job.”


“That’s the challenging part of being an adult. You have this, some kind of, huge responsibility perching right on your shoulders, sometimes underneath your hands too, that you have to carry such a huge load. You wanted so badly to get out of your comfort zone, but there are more things to take accountability of.”


“I thought I was the only one thinking and feeling that way, Aria. Turns out you do to. Maybe everyone else feels the same way too, I’m guessing.”


“I think it’s the phase of growing into adulthood. It still depends on us though, whether we want to grow up according to how the community and world has led us to, or to rebel.”

I flung my sight across the distance, but I knew Noah was looking at me with his smiling face. He looked adorable. He was looking straight into my eyes. I was hesitant at first, but I led my eyes to met his.


Feeling a bit shy, I tried to broke eye contact and made another conversation with him, on another topic.


“Noah, I have told you how I eventually came to work here, now it’s my turn to ask you the same stuff.”


“Hm? You want to know?”


“Yeah… Unless you don’t want to tell me about it. It’s okay though. All fine with me.”


“I got no reason as of why I shouldn’t tell you, Aria.” He was looking at me while smiling again. What is it about this guy though. It was like he was trying to flirt with me, but I don’t really get his pace.


“Um…Well…? You might as well start now…” I looked back at him and gave him a smirk in return.


“I have known this family for quite a long time. It was probably when I finished high school. I wanted to proceed to college but I didn’t have enough money to pay off the education fees. I—Um – This is going to be a really long story, Aria…”


“It’s fine! Go on… I love to listen to stories… Besides, we got nothing else to do don’t we?”


“Um… You like to listen to stories? Even from me?”


“Heck! Especially from you! You’re my friend, I would love to listen to your story.”


“Ah, alright, if you insist. Hahaha.”




“Okay… So one of my distant uncles worked as a server and cleaner for the Bonavich’s family. He had started working there during his youth. He is one of the very trusted workers for the Bonavichs, even until now. He’s a year older than Mr Wilfred Bonavich. They know each other since their youthful years. Um… So… Fast forward… He knew about my struggle with my financial problems. He offered me to work as one of the servers there too, just like him…”




“I agreed from the very first offer. There is no better feeling than getting a job when you were at your lowest point of life. Being broke and all that. Right?”


“Oh. I know that feeling from right of the bottom of my heart.”


“Yeah. So I went and work there. I was eighteen, or maybe seventeen at that time. My Uncle proposed the idea to Mr Wilfred himself. He spontaneously agreed.”


“That’s great!”


“It certainly is! The best thing was… Mr Wilfred offered to pay for my tuition and educational fees too. I didn’t have to apply for student loans or anything like that. He gave me the promised salary, too. It was kind of like being paid double, like, it was twice or maybe thrice the amount that I was promised first.”


“Woah… That’s crazy… Mr Wilfred is such a generous person…”


“He truly is! He mentioned to me once that no child should be limited from further education. I think I kind of agree with him.”


“That’s totally right. By the way, what did you study in college though?”


“Oh, I majored in Films and Movies. I have a bachelor in Fine Arts, heheh. There we studied how to direct movies, right from screenwriting to all the camera works. I learned a lot there. It opened my eyes upon the film industry, but sadly I haven’t had the chance to make my own movie. I still have to pay for rent and food so I asked Mr Wilfred to employ me in one of his formal businesses. Being a server didn’t give me the chance to have flexible work hours. We were always on standby. So I told him that I needed a formal job, so I could focus on other things outside of work hours.”


“Ah… So that’s how you ended up here…”


“Yeah. Technically speaking, Mr Wilfred saved my life. It’s not an exaggeration to say so, I hope.”


“It’s not. This world needs much more generous people like him. People like Mr Wilfred could save this world from poverty.”


“I believe he could bring balance to this world.”


“I guess he could… Well… Great trees produce great fruits and seeds too, right? They usually do.”


“For his good deeds, I could say so. If you are talking about his children, though, man, they’re spoiled as heck.”


“They are?”


“Yeah… But hey, that’s a story for another day… I am just grateful that Mr Wilfred could give me a place here is this restaurant. A place here in this world.”


I looked at Noah intently. He looked very content and grateful, I could see it from the way he talked. His feelings could also be seen, shining right through his fluorescent eyes. He noticed that I was looking at him, so he looked back at me. The moment when we just locked eyes, Phoebe suddenly joins in our conversation. Her eyes looked very exhausted and worn out. She yawned widely while staring into the distance. She said something without looking at the both of us first.


“I can’t wait for the clock to strike eleven PM. I’m more than ready to clock out.”


“So do I,” Noah continued, “All I want right now is to get off of this uniform, take off my shoes, and throw myself onto the cheap mattress I have in my apartment.”


I laughed at Noah’s weird statement as Phoebe shook her head while grinning.


“It is always the same routine everyday. Waking up early in the morning. Struggling to get to work riding those public transportations. Grinding at work up until the nights. It’s like the government is trying to milk us all out until we’re all drained and dead. Then, imagine having to pay tax again, the money flowed right into the pockets of the government officials and the high capitalists of this town.” Noah complained wholeheartedly. To be honest though, I would agree with him to death. It’s always the same way.


“Feels like living like a puppet.” I added to his statement shortly.


“Yeah, but life would truly be different if you were born as the children of those conglomerates.” Phoebe laughed while giving a final jab to the whole criticizing conversation.


“They were born launched, full throttle, headfirst into a huge amount of riches. I bet when they were babies, they slept above mountains of money and gold bars.” I tried to give a little pinch of humor to make the conversation lighter.


“Well, that wouldn’t be a very comfortable rest, then. Money and gold bars are not even soft at all. I think…” Noah attempted to explain logically.


Phoebe was grinning the whole time while shaking her head.

“Noah, you did mention something about the owner of the restaurant, didn’t you?” Phoebe tried to ask about it probably because she was curious about that.


“Oh, yeah, I thought you weren’t so interested in talking about it. They are one of the tycoons dominating the economy and business in this town. They are considered one of the old moneys.”


“Business in this town is dominated by certain families?”


“Yeah! They have been for the longest time, that much I know.” Noah chimed in with such enthusiasm.


Considering the fact that I just moved here five months ago, I didn’t know that much about this little town called Langton-Riverbridge, as well.


“There are a few names of the tycoon families in Langton-Riverbridge, such as the Marlos, the Brixtons, the Langés. Eh, there are plenty, too many to say out one by one.” Noah started explaining, “but the owners of this restaurant is the richest family of them all. The Bonavichs. Almost everyone in this town respects or fears them.”


Phoebe added with a tone that sounded somewhere between being amazed and disbelief.

“The… Bonavichs? I think I saw that name somewhere near my apartment block. I believe it was a boutique.” I tried to remember as much as I could.


“Is your apartment along the Lawford Street? If yes, then it must be one of Elena's boutique. Elena is one of their daughters. They have two daughters and a son.” Noah tried to clear up the confusion.


“Yeah, it must be it. Their daughters have boutiques on their own? How old are they?”


“Elena is 29, I believe. Well, Wilfred Bonavich encouraged his daughters to start up businesses on their own and gave them money for a head start.” Noah explained a whole lot of stuff. He sure knew a lot about this particularly wealthy family.


“How lucky. How about the son? He has a business too?” I asked again. It seemed like my questions were never-ending.


“It has become a tradition for the rich families in which their sons will inherit the family’s business. That is why Mr Wilfred and Clementine encourage their daughters to have businesses, so that they won’t feel jealous.”


Phoebe, who was listening to Noah, just nodded her head in curiosity. She hesitated for a second, before opening her mouth to ask a question to Noah.


“Do you personally know their youngest son, then?”


“I guess you can say it that way. Listen, before I worked here in Scalavatia Fine Dining, I worked in their house as a personal butler. I tended to their needs, especially food and all that stuff. Hehe.” Noah gave a little laugh and scratched the back of his head.


“Damn! No wonder you know so much about them!” Phoebe exclaimed with her eyes wide opened.


I was rather curious about the Bonavichs' youngest child, so I tried asking Noah more about him.


“How old is their son? Is he really eligible to run a huge family business? I’m guessing their business doesn’t only revolve around this restaurant.”


“Eh, he’s only 18 years old. He is still learning the basics and all. He will eventually get used to it, I suppose. They do have a lot of business, from mining, forestry, fashion retail store, artisan bakery, you name it.”


“Wow. I can’t imagine the money flowing everyday into their bank accounts.” Phoebe took the words right out of my mouth, because I was just thinking the same thing.


“That’s one thing you cannot imagine. Do you believe how spoiled the youngest son is? Harrison, or Harry, is a quite difficult child.”


“Really?” Phoebe and I asked in union.


“Yes. Everything he wants, he must get. You can believe me, because I was his personal server after all, mainly because our age difference was not that far too.”


“It must be hard doing all the work just for Harry.”


“You bet. If he would ask for anyone’s head on a silver plate laced with caviar, then it would be the job of the butlers to make his wish happen.”


“That’s utterly crazy, Noah.” Phoebe said in a serious tone.


“It sure is! But as the son of a rich family, it’s pretty believable sometimes,” I said.


The richest people tend to do the most unbelievable and ridiculous things. I knew that from the stories I heard back then.


We were enjoying our chit-chat so much that it was suddenly time for us to clock out and head home. While I was waiting for the bus, I couldn’t stop wondering about the Bonavich’s youngest son.


‘What does he look like? My curiosity was killing me. I hoped that I could meet him sometime,' I thought to myself while waiting for the bus that will take me home. He must be living such a wonderful life being the sole heir of his parents' businesses. Moreover, he is the only son, his mother must have loved him so much since he was a baby. I wanted to live like them so much. If I could have that much money, Amy would be the happiest kid in the world. I will try to give everything to her. Literally everything.


Just when I was daydreaming, the bus came to take me back home. I hopped in and took the window seat. I couldn’t wait to go home and meet my precious 3 year old daughter, Amy, and snuggle her to sleep. Smelling her sweet scent of a baby, and showering her with kisses could heal my tired body and mind. Truly, the only thing that's keeping me alive up until now is Amy.


The reason is not solely because I have nobody else but her, but I really care for her. I sometimes wish I could be showered with lots of money so that I do not have to work and be up until so late in the night. During the days, I always feel the longing to accompany her at home. But I couldn't because I was the sole bread winner in this family. I am glad that my friend, also my neighbor, wanted to take care of Amy for me whenever I was working. Her name is Kanika, and she is an absolute angel. I believe that she is a godsend. Amy never complained about her too, meaning that Kanika truly loved and cared for Amy.


Ah. But still, no other hugs is warmer than the hug of our own mothers. I can't wait to go home now! I want to hug my baby!




What a long, long, long, long, tiring day today is! Uh! Phew! I will try my best to earn money so I could make more than enough and make Amy to be the happiest kid in the world!


On the way back to the bus stop near my apartment, I nearly fell asleep because I was so tired. I tried pinching my hands, so I would not fall asleep, afraid that I would miss the bus stop. I still feel sleepy though, so I tried to do some face exercises and threw my head back so I could gather my own conciousness. The joys of working. Huhhhh.

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