All Chapters of Without Knowledge : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
Same Trainer
Attempting to access some other assets he left behind of the company and talking to the lawyer, she found it needed much paperwork. Time before he could have it released in cash, liquid cash. The time that she didn’t have right now.Thinking about all the issues, she received a call. The payment for the house they bought was scheduled for tomorrow. The sellers will ask her to leave within seven days if she did not pay the minimum. She already used all the cash she had on her person, on the son’s treatment. She had little left to spend.     And excluding the both of them, others had already lost the battle of wits in this maze and were thrown out into the wild.Yushin ran through the wild jungle, smashing through the various shrubs that were coming in his path and panting. He was obviously out of breath and needed a serious rest. Yushin looked left and right amids
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Yushin found out after a few days that having this recent addition helped them a lot, not just psychologically, but in other practical ways too. It looked like he would know ahead of time that there would be birds in this area soon and birds discovered them less frequently than before. Due to which Yushin and the other could focus on their primary task with a renewed zeal again, and that was to research. They started working with some materials that they could get their hands on during their stay. A fancy term for saying that they could not take a bath for a long time. They tried to examine the broken nail pieces, torn furs and the saliva and the marks of the attacks of those left behind on their skin and soon on. Within a few days, they figured out there was some benefit, but they could not extract that out with their current ability and the tools available to them. In brief, they were too much used to the convenience offered by the AI an
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First Manpulation
They ate the beast meat once only. It was also only because the beast they trapped that time was one.Yushin understood the trainer was unwilling to harm the beasts seriously, if possible. Mule was over-excited, so he didn't care about other things. One time, he identified a small beast and tried to use a specially designed projectile weapon that the trainer gave them on it. Yushin looked at Mule in this state and had noticed something wrong, a couple of seconds before the trainer himself. But because of the motor skills of the trainer and his intuition from the over-roundedness, the trainer responded just in time. Yushin knew he wouldn’t be able to change anything going wrong, even if he could understand the problem at this rate. He thought of doing some exercises to increase his motor response to situations, a bit more with time. ‘500 steps a day would be a wonderful goal for me right now’The trainer, loo
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Directions of the ants were different when they detected this emergency. They were returning to their nest from here, as was clear from the number of increased ants with time. But, they were also going somewhere else, somewhere the trio probably didn’t want them to go. It was probably better for the trio to get out as fast as possible.After the 10th hour, Yushin left his place and told the trainer about his worries. The trainer didn’t want to let this piece of fat meat go by so easily. So he asked Yushin and Mule to go ahead and make some cave in the mountain place that they were on before and leave some markings on the way for him to follow.The trainer arrived, looking very thrilled.Yushin looked at Mule, who went running and stopped the trainer in his tracks asking about the meat.The trainer in his smile said that hopefully the situation will not develop to that stage, but that he brought some meat with him. The li
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The monkey was hiding in the trees with a bird. The bird was not liking the rain, but there was not much it could do now. It had already tried to warn the monkey of the season change a couple of hours ago. The monkey, however, did not want to retreat so fast, because of reasons that the both of them were aware of, but the bird had to listen to the monkey because of the same reasons.The money knew it was not good to force the bird because of its legit concern, so it tried to follow the direction of the cage trail. When it reached there, it found only a broken cage. In anger, it ran circles around but found nothing else. Hence, the only option was to go with the bird. Therefore, both of them were stuck together. The dog also could not pursue the enemy because of the rain having washed many traces.The rain went on for more than half a day. Sometimes, it would become a little less and sometimes it was quick. But it was a good thing that there was n
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Tyrannical Council
The other man among them heard the words of his mate. His mood worsened. He shouted, “Brother, your words are enough to scare someone. Calm the heck down!!...anyway, Allen Smith, you remember how you got here?” Allen just wanted to get out of this cell. He didn’t fuss about the extra Smith that the man added in his name.Allen said, “The thing is that I surrendered. There was a gun in my mind and a person on the ground, and-and police were surrounding me from every side? No, from three sides, one side was left open”The man said, “I knew that surrendering was the most likely. It was unlikely that the government could catch you so easily else-wise. If that was the case, they would have done this months ago. Their torture and other threats would not have worked, I know. But now, I would like to ask you why did you surrender, but you say you forgot most of the things. Anything that you remember right now?”The second man sa
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Need of Clarity
After what seemed like a few mins, he opened his eyes as a student, as a university student this time.Allen now thankfully had enough clues to figure out what game this domain wanted him to play. It was making him go from one education age to another, primary to secondary, making him face the wall of tests again and again. Then, it gave him some buffer time by sending him to a free time of the high school year. He admitted. He was getting side-tracked as time went by because the vision and goal that he wanted to accomplish had become blurry after several months. The drive behind everything that he did before was almost gone. The major problem was that the memories of his were not fully available and hence he could not get himself to do a lot, as he was losing his steam, his motivation.Now, with the clearest idea since the time he came into the domain, his purpose became a lot clear again. It boosted his drive. He wrote down the things that he n
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Small Ratio
Casually skimming through one, it took him a few hours to get to its last. Looking at the other two, he took a quick break by noting down some terms in his electric notepad. After a quick summary, he then read the second book, reading to its half, he left it there.He got a general idea for the day. This country had quite bad ties with another neighboring country of its. Both of the countries were split from a single country a few centuries ago, and they had feuds in between them based on their respective ideologies. The other country had, over the centuries, progressed more than them, because of their flexible ideology. The people of this country, although disliked it, could not or did not make a strong attempt enough to break this trend.Most of the things here were copies of the other country.                              &
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     He needed to launch “Video Streaming”, the domain’s version of Nettflix here to accomplish his task. The content was already quite a lot of content in the market. He hence had to provide them with new and better stuff, and he took this challenge. He looked at the prices of some directors, and they were way above his reach. Some other less known directors found his ideas not in the trend and hence they would not sponsor the project. What he did was he searched for the closet film production university that was accepting admissions and made his camp there. Allen waited for the exam to finish and, by looking at the faces of the people who came outside, he already guessed who was thinking what. He picked some of them, taking advantage of the fact that they were in an excited emotional state. He talked to multiple of them and got their numbers. After that wa
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Amazing Things
Allen turned around a corner and started to walk fast. There were people following him now and then. The last time he saw them, they were wearing formal black suits. The times they followed him most were when there were a lot fewer people around the area. That’s why Allen tried to keep himself in crowded areas throughout the day and for the night, he had taken a room in a crowded place also.As he came near the entrance, Allen took off the extra overcoat, the glasses, the hat, and the mustache and threw them away in a bag. He entered the building and went to his room hiding among a few other people. Looking from the window of his room, he saw a man wearing a black formal suit coming inside. Allen went downstairs and sat on a seat somewhere from where he could observe the man. The suited man asked the man at the counter something, the man at the counter replied in negative to whatever the man in a suit asked. And then the man went away without look
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