All Chapters of Will Bear the Moon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
236 Chapters
Chapter 41 Costume
*Maddie* “Ana,” Maddie called again but quickly saw it wouldn’t work better than the first hundred times she tried. It seemed nothing could stir the girl. “Ah,” Maddie sighed as she squatted down to the floor. Ana was crouched just a short feet away from her under the vanity table. Maddie could see her back turned toward her as if to hide her face. “Ah,” Maddie let out another soft sigh. She felt frustrated. Ana wasn’t responding to anything. And she didn’t know what to do. Something must have happened out there. Maddie could gather that much. Maddie found that when the two returned, Ana was different. She seemed shaken, and her hair was a mess. It was sticking this way and that. And it wasn’t just her hair. Ana’s clothes look disheveled as if there was some fight. And her eyes were glossy from crying. She was certainly not the same girl that had left the palace. Maddie could agree. Something must have happened. And it must have been something terrible. Because she couldn’t
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Chapter 42 Tag It
*Ana* This shawl is magic! It’s the only way I can describe it. Otherwise, I don’t know. Could I say it’s witchcraft? That Maddie is a powerful witch in disguise this entire time? No, that would be too silly. I could never entertain such a childish notion. But I will say this. That there is something special about it. Behind the obvious flash of red and gold, there is something I can not see but can feel. Maddie's new shawl seems to harbor some power within it. Since putting it on, I have not had a single incident. I still get the customary stare, but it’s more to do with me suddenly wearing it. Otherwise, I’ve had no issues. No one has brought it up. Both the whispers and nasty looks have stopped. Dare I even say, when I catch them in a stare, it’s different. Almost as if they are disappointed. That or they have nothing to talk about anymore. Even Mykhol keeps quiet. It seems to have also created some effect on him. I pause from my reading to look up. It is now past
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Chapter 43 Lingering
*Ana* Am I the only one who thinks like this? That it’s just me, who wants to see each other? I can’t seem to shake off Mykhol’s words. They haunt me. But I can’t help it. I keep finding myself going back to them. What if it is true? The question shakes me. I don’t want it to be as I look up at the sun. For once, let things go my way. I plead to the sun. Because I want to see it; I want to see a circus. I’ve even read about them from the library. I know enough that I can already imagine it. There will be clowns with painted faces. I start as if I can see it right in front of me. They are smiling as they ride little bikes and jump over one another. It would be loud, right? Of course- What with the tigers roaring and as the tigers would elephants tooting before they stand on their hind legs like in the pictures. And the bears- “The bears…” I now think of Nicoli. But when I see him, he is back in his room. The tacky yellow and blue walls seem to lean and make the space feel
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Chapter 44 Surprise
*Ana* I don’t think we’ve had such a cold day like this before. If we did, I don’t remember. But it is. It’s cold, dark, and windy outside. It’s so windy that I can hear it howl against the window. It sounds angry and upset that we dare keep it outside. But of course we do. And Maddie is doing her best to keep it that way. Thanks to her, the room is toasty. She has made a good fire and has been diligently keeping it stocked. I do not have to fear the cold today since she works so hard. “Ah?” I look up from my book at the sudden sound. I see the fire has swallowed up another log. It cracks and snaps as the flames run through it, and I watch it momentarily. But soon enough, my eyes wander again. I found myself turning to find Mykhol. Mykhol is on his couch. He has another book in his hand, but he seems to be reading it this time. I look at the title. It’s a military book. I have to cringe a little at that. It’s one of the few subjects I am not so fond of reading. But outside of
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Chapter 45 Conference
*Mykhol* If anyone were to walk into the room right now, they would quickly learn something was wrong. There was a tense mood in the air. Each person expressed their anxiety in their way. Uncle sat at his desk, crossing his arms. His brow was down to make his already small eyes almost invisible. And Aunt Funda, meanwhile, paced the floor. Her heels clicked as she traversed the same circle around the desk. Mykhol was no exception. He, too, was anxious as much as they were. But he chose to handle it differently. Instead of panicking open, like them, Mykhol went to the window. He took one look at his parents before looking through the glass. “What are we going to do!?” Aunt Funda threw up her hands. Her voice was desperate enough to make Uncle break his silence. “This was not what I expected,” Uncle confessed. “I thought her last visit ended with disaster. That should have been the end of it.” Uncle mulled and touched his brows. “Why is the King still sending letters? Ev
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Chapter 46 Venture
*Ana* I have to remember to breathe. I need to calm myself otherwise, I won't make the trip. It’s a week’s ride until we get to Dawny. I should conserve myself. I know better. But I can’t seem to manage it. I am too emotional: nervous yet excited. Even now, I am having trouble sitting still. But I will try. If not for my sake, for everyone else. I can’t believe this is happening! I only manage a moment before I find myself moving again. I kicked up my legs with a burst of energy. They flop back on the bench with a loud slap before I do it again. So much for sitting still. I can’t help but feel a little foolish. I know I should be behaving better. But it’s so damn challenging. I feel so happy. I could dance right now, even with everyone here. I give another kick to hear them slap the bench. But without the slap, no one would know I was kicking. My legs disappear underneath the many layers of my new dress. I’ve never worn something so thick and heavy before. It’s made of w
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Chapter 47 Welcome
*Ana* "Will you look at that!?" It’s Maddie’s sudden voice that breaks my thoughts. I see her sitting up and leaning into the window. Her face suddenly lights up, and she turns to me, breathless. “Oh, Ana!” She starts, and I can feel her joy. “Look out the window- Look how many came to see you, your Empress!” Maddie takes my hand and gives it a shake of excitement. I haven’t seen her this excited since getting the invite. She is overjoyed. “What is it?” I venture to appease her. I lean in, and Maddie scoots over to allow my hoop skirt room. I nearly fell back at the sight. “So many.” I blink, honestly confused. “Why are there so many?” “They’re all here for you.” Maddie chirps. Her smile widens. “Everyone is excited to see you, your Empress!” “To gawk at the spectacle, you mean,” Mykhol looks out the window, but his face is flat. Even seeing all the people lined up, he does not look impressed. “Now.” Maddie huffs and narrows her eyes at him. Her smile waned a little as
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Chapter 48 Meet Up
*Nicoli* “Oh, my?” Nicoli could hear his mother whisper. “That’s not good.” “No, it's not.” Nicoli could feel his Father stiffening. The man seemed stunned as the crowd began to start up again. Nicoli could see them shift with worry. But no one was doing anything save to stare or whisper. What are they doing!? Nicoli shot a look up to his Father. “Ana is hurt.” “Nicoli, I-” But Nicoli didn't hear him as he was already moving. “She needs help.” Nicoli could see Ana sit up and hold her hands. She was looking at the crowd. Why wasn’t anyone helping her? Nicoli was shocked. Why was everyone standing by? He couldn't understand. It frustrated him, and he couldn't stay a moment longer. “Ana!” Nicoli cried and forgot everything around him. No crowd was around them, his parents or even the guards. The only thing that existed was Ana. She’s hurt! Nicoli thought again with a rush of blood to his ears. Without considering himself, Nicoli let go of his Father’s hand and was awa
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Chapter 49 Tour Guide
*Ana* Once inside, I can see the grand crystal chandelier hanging over us. The light hits the crystals, splits into a thousand mini rainbows, and colors the ceiling. While I find the sight beautiful, I can’t help the sensation of old dread come back. My body flinches as I’m carried directly under it. “Still afraid of the chandelier, I see.” King Alexander laughs softly with a knowing look up. “You know I-? How did you know?”I blinked with astonishment that he knew. But Father seems unsurprised. “Even as a baby, you never seemed to like it.” King Alexander continued to watch the chandelier as we passed. His eyes softened while he went on. “You’d cling to the walls because you didn’t want to go under it. And you’d cry for me to help.” “Did I?” Ana spoke, still trying to picture it. How old was I then? I follow his gaze. “I don’t remember that.” “I do.” King Alexander nudges me a little closer. “I remember everything.” Everything? I look back to see him give me a strange smi
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Chapter 50 Collabaration
*Queen Belinda* Queen Belinda stared into the pair of red eyes. Even though Mykhol was exceptionally handsome, the hue of red warned Belinda to be wary. Even Lucifer was said to be beautiful. Thus, Queen Belinda was simultaneously intrigued and sickened by him. It could be worse. Queen Belinda relented with a sip of tea. She could withstand a thousand of these blood-red eyes if it meant a minute less of staring into her eyes. Half-blooded bastard of a child. Queen Belinda hid a sneer as she drank. Why must I endure this all over again? It was a shame and a waste in her eyes. Belinda had thought she had gotten the point across last time. But apparently, she didn’t account for Anastasia’s optimism. Again, Belinda made a face as she drank. It would have been God's mercy if she’d just died alongside her mother. How sweet would life be? Belinda mused. But alas, he must not have been listening that day. What a pity. Speaking of pity, Queen Belinda finally acknowledged the teen with a
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