All Chapters of Alpha Ezequiel's Fated Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
147 Chapters
She was in Noah’s office staring at the floor.“If you would keep staring there I am afraid your eyes would bore a hole in my office floor.”She heard his amused voice and looked up. He was smiling looking at her, waiting for her to speak.“You requested to meet me. I am sorry I could not get to you earlier because of my busy schedule.” He stated.I don’t know about my eyes, but your eyes would definitely bore a hole in my face. Hazel thought to herself.“There is some misunderstanding Prince Noah.” She stood from her seat and gave him her phone over the office desk.  He frowned while taking it, not understanding a thing. “I got this message from the bank. Somebody deposited this money in my account.” She sat again, “This doesn’t belong to me, Prince. I don’t know who this person is.”“This person is ME H
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She was sitting, facing the lake when she heard a familiar wheezing sound behind her back.She did not turn around though her heart did skip a beat.Finally! Finally, he was here.“You are mad at me?” she heard him saying. She did not understand why he stayed away from her. She did not turn towards him.“I know you are here Vanilla. I can feel you.” Her eyes brimmed with tears.But she kept sitting there stubbornly.“You want to punish me, Zella? Then do it. But please say something.” when he could not get a response he opened his breaks and stood with his shaking legs.His arms outstretched, he started taking small steps.“You need to speak Vanilla otherwise I might fall in the lake.” That got her attention.“ZEK!” She shouted. Within a second she was on her feet. Holding him she helped him to sit on the grassy floor.“Are you even in your senses?
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“Are you planning to leave tonight Sir?” Albik who was packing his bags asked him busily. “No Albik. I don’t want anyone to suspect that we are planning to escape.” That stopped Albik from doing his master’s packing. “But wasn’t your plan to do it …” Albik had to stop when he saw his master shaking his head. “No Albik. Not here. She might get into trouble because of me. Let them transfer us to the other city for the treatment then I will escape from there. Just make sure that we reach there before my birthday.” “Sure Sir.” He bowed his head and started packing the bags again. “Albik. Thank you.” Albik turned to him, his brows knitted questioningly. “For being there for me. For staying with me and not giving up on me.” Albik knew something was bothering his master. And that something was ‘the girl’. “Well I guess, I was not the only one who stayed beside you.” There was mischief in Albik’s voice which made him smile. “I
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Trigger Warning: Physical abuse but not too extreme. The school was going the same. Her life had become the same. Except for the excitement of Ivy’s pregnancy. She was craving strange things, on top of all that she was not allowing her to cook. “Seriously Ivy. You take a rest. I can take care of the kitchen.” It was her final trimester and she was baking cupcakes for herself.  “Hazel. Be a darling and help me with cleaning the house and doing dishes. I would manage our meals. Just trust me on that.” “Iv, I swear. I have learned to do better cooking. Especially ever since I returned from the palace.” “Oh yeah. The last time you did it, you almost mixed white chocolate shavings in pasta thinking it’s cheese.” Ivy was laughing heartily, teasing her. Rolling her eyes Hazel started doing the dishes when someone grabbed her wig and threw it on the floor, “Oh? The Royal servant is here! Your highness! Should I make you
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“The coach showed us the training map. Right? We just need to work on it guys!” They all were sitting in the palace game room.“Sam, You need to work on your dribbling. Just practice different moves to take on and attack defenders.” Noah said while picking his cocktail glass from the tray.“I don’t know what happens to me in the field. In practice sessions, I do fine but …” Sam was half sitting on the couch, his head rested against Tomah.“Practice Sam. Lots of practice. Be prepared for all the screaming and cheering. You lose your confidence around it.” Gavin tried to explain while sipping from his fruit punch.“Hey, Sam. Ask your siblings to cheer for you while you practice.”  A friend tried to quip and everybody started roaring with laughter but the boy whose name was Sam was all cool about it.He had eleven siblings and twelfth was on the way.“Spare him
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“So what’s the story of Prince Noah? He was calling you Apple pie that day. Huh.” This morning Ivy was teasing Hazel, “Is it the same butler from the palace who liked you a lot?”Ivy was dying to ask her about this but could not muster up enough courage. She had always been patient in her life but this one was something too much. A prince calling Hazel, Apple pie with affection, was something she found cute.“No! Stop it.” Hazel was happier and chirpier today. She was humming to herself while changing Christian’s diaper.“Hey there. Look at you, Chris. All neat and tidy now.” The baby was sucking his fist soundly and hungrily. “Someone is starving!” She handed over the baby to Ivy.“Feed him. I would bring you soup.” She laughed when Ivy started making faces.“Come on Iv. It’s not that bad. I am improving.” She ruffled Ivy’s hair before leavi
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Juggling between her school, her projects, and then the baby she used to try to keep herself busy without any success to forget him. What are you doing Zek? Are you getting the treatment? Do you miss me? Do you remember a girl who was almost invisible to people who were blessed with healthy eyes? Would you act the same way Zek? Once you would get back would you find a way to come back to me? Before you come back I would make sure to earn enough money for both of us. Of course, if you would be healthy enough to earn a living for us, Zek. But right now I need to find a way. I have to find a way to return the money to Prince Noah. But how? Even if I would get a pretty decent job I would never be able to pay back.  She stood up and opened the cupboard. Zek’s jacket was still hanging there, the one he gave her on their first meeting. She took it out and tried sniffing it. His faint fragrance was still lying there.  
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(Two years later:  Zeki) He was looking out the window. His men were training in the field while he chose to stay in his room today. They were not only practicing with swords and daggers but were also training to aim their targets with Beretta M9, Glock 18, and M16A1. He could hear the shooting sounds in his room. Ahava Moon pack was the most powerful pack in the world but the moment he became the Alpha of the pack he started working on it to make it stronger, more dominating, and more influential by merging the smaller packs in it. There was a slight knock at the door and then it got opened. There was only one person who never waited for his answer or permission to enter the room. “What is it, Kate?” Kate smiled and hugged him from behind. “I was missing you.” And when he did not reply to that she did not show any reaction, “I’ve heard you have called a pack meeting this evening. What is it about?” He til
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(Two Years later: Zella) She reached home and placed her bag on the couch. She knew Ivy must be busy packing the shampoo bottles so she tiptoed towards the kitchen only to find her in Tyler’s arms. They both were kissing each other passionately. With a chuckle, she cleared her throat. They both jumped up. Ivy started to put some distance while Tyler pulled her back to him. Ivy was blushing not meeting her eyes. Tyler and Ivy became friends one year ago when she needed bottles in bulk. He offered himself for not only bringing bottles but also all the supplies for the shampoo at the lowest prices possible. At first, they both did not want to trust him. But later not only trust but a friendship started building among them. He was a widow with no children and once helped Ivy to take Chris to the hospital when he got himself injured. Tyler stayed there with her and assisted in handling the bills and technicalities. Though Hazel had
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“Ezequiel! Brother!” Noah hugged him tightly, trying to believe if he was there. It was a very emotional reunion for all of them. King and Queen were still in tears.    “Would you stay in the White Palace?” The queen inquired hoping to God he would say no. White Palace was presented to him on his seventeenth birthday. It was a little outside the city with dense forests around. He had requested to prepare the palace for his friends. But he had no intention to stay there in near future. His job would be done much better if he stayed here. “No mother. I will stay here for few days.” He smiled hugging her again. When he was at last retiring for the night, Noah came to his room. His baby brother had surely got some height.  “You wanted to see me Eze!” He sat on a chair looking around. God! How he missed his brother. “Look at you. All grown up and handsome!” Ezequiel ruffled his hair before taking
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