Semua Bab TRIAL-END OF AN ERA: Bab 21 - Bab 30
135 Bab
They reached the gates of Sayyonee and the sight smitten them. The whole Sayyonee was in fire as a furnace. Even the gates were in fire and it was increasing wildly in addition with the rain, the situation was out of control. Their ears burdened with mass screams and cry for help. Amanya was like a mad man recklessly walking here and there trying to get inside but all her efforts were in vain. Alok stood there in shock as if he couldn't except the reality; the reality that the Sayyonee which he lived is in fire, is slowly turning into ashes. He stood without blinking his eyes and it was reflecting the raging fire. Amanya paused herself, closed her eyes and the commander is back to her soul which she locked inside her for days. She opened her eyes, her aura changed from a helpless lady to a daredevil within fraction of seconds. She looked around and saw Alok standing before the gate. Suddenly a man , his whole body burning in fire jumped outside through the gate and rolled towards Al
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Alok clutched her clothes tightly in his hand and repeated his words in a bleak voice 'no one one.. escaped..' He slowly raised his head, his eyes swollen red, filled with tears and his lips shivering; clinched her "Di.. no one escaped.." He burst into tears. "Father.. mother.. no one esc..." he couldn't speak any more. The man who treated him came forward with a bowl of medicine. Amanya took it and fed him after which Alok slowly felt unconscious and slept back. Amanya looked at the doctor for an explanation. "Commander, I added some sleeping pills in the medicine as I felt this boy was not in a state of accepting the present. Its a great blow for him that is beyond his control." She nodded at him and gestured them to leave. They bowed and went out. She gently covered him with blanket and caressed his cheeks affectionately. She took a deep breath and went to the next room where they were waiting for her. They bowed in respect "Give me an explanation." Sh
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Four cobras came inside all of a sudden and bowed before her; "Commander.." They raised their head and looked at Alok reluctantly. She got up and went near to Alok, grasped his hand "Say it, loudly. I want him to hear and face his life; all by himself." He was sweating and his heartbeats echoed on the walls of the hall. "Reporting my lord, After three hours we were able to extinguish the fire. Primary inference is that no one escaped the fire. The bodies were badly burned to the state that it can no longer be identified. Now waiting for your order, lord." That was a heavy blow for Alok. He fell on his feet and tears floated in his iris, at least let me see them for the last time, he whispered. Amanya was standing like a rock. Her eyes turned into fuming red, She pulled Alok by his hand "Stop crying." It echoed like an ultimatum in the room. A complete silence was followed and the only sound around was his short breathing. She grabbed his hand tightly, and shook him "
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Golden sun rays penetrated through the iron bars of windows and woke him up. Alok slowly sprawled up and rubbed his eyes. His eyes still puffed and looked closely. It was a completely different place from yesterday. He buckled in hurry and went down. It was an abandoned but isolated mansion, an entire opposite setting from yesterday. He walked around in obscurity. His eyes suddenly caught them. His di is sitting in a chair, at a distance and that men in black standing and listening to them. By now,  he was sure his di is not ordinary. They saw and waved at him. He went near and joined the conference. She pointed him to sit which he followed. " Alok, within an hour, I will give you an answer.""Di.. Who are you??". Alok was focused on his question. A moment of silence
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Report!! A python kneeled before Jatin. He handed him a roll of paper tied in blue ribbon with a white rose in it. He took it and rushed towards Jiva even though his majesty is the present head of serpents in absence of commander and should be informed first. On his way he asked guards to notify them as the white rose reminded him; it's related to her. Within minutes he gathered all of them leaving them in peak anxiety. He handed the scroll to Jiva, "Jiva, I didn't inform his majesty according to rules. They have sent a scroll instead of a message. So this is big." He gestured to him to open and read it. Jiva stood there holding the scroll and they circled him. They opened it and read it, their eyes moving to and fro giving different expressions."So now we have another little brother, Jiva" Dhruv had a sigh of relief."I was scared to bones seeing the rose." Aram still had his eyes bulged out in anxiety.Jiva smiled in pride, "As always, I am proud of her." He
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The next dawn was a new beginning. It was early in the morning. Sweet chirping of birds filled the atmosphere. "Wake up.. Alok.. Wake up" Amanya called him from the kitchen. "di.. let me sleep for a while, just a minute.. please.." "No. You have to take these sweets to the market as early as possible. Get up." He sat up and slowly lowered his blanket with an innocent smile. He washed up and finished his breakfast, hugged her and marked the village. It was a long way for him as they lived in the outskirts of Dashur. He turned back and waved at his di who was standing in the doorstep bidding him farewell. All that happened in a few days felt like a dream for him, to be precise a nightmare; unreal. But he has decided to bury the
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Charan gripped his sword and slowly opened the door. A man was standing in cover wearing a black cloak. He slowly raised his head. Charan immediately paved the way for him and closed the door."Greetings prince." There was a wave of relief. Abhik stood and greeted him."Naman, what are you doing here and that too in this..?" He looked at him from top to bottom implying his cloak."An important message.""What happened?" Yuvan stepped in.Naman looked around and checked all the windows, rested on the chair "Lord, Sayyonee annihilated to ashes.""What?? How?"" As per official records it is due to lightning; but I don't believe it. On that day I was in Dashur. It is true that that day had a downpour with thunder but it was not strong enough to burn down an entire village.Actually since this is an important matter, his majesty asked me to arrive here earlier and check the situation precisely. After I arrived this happened. None e
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She was not prepared for his visit even though she knew he arrived. Her mind was blank all of a sudden. Charan raised his sword at her, "Who are you? " He asked in a tough note. "I.. I came to pay respect for the dead." "Pay respect?? You don't look like a girl from the Sayyonee tribe." "Sir, let's move to another place. After all, let their souls rest in peace." She asked him with an unhappy face. Abhik was really impressed with her guts and thought of it. He whispered to Charan and they moved to the front gate of Sayyonee, now just a pile of burnt rocks. Yuvan was silent and was simply looking at her with an inner smile which contradicted the actions of Charan. On the way she gestured to cobras in their sign language carefully ' not to meddle'. "Now tell us, why are you here??" his sword still pointed at her." They helped me once and sheltered me. So I came to pray for them." "Fine, now let me ask you, who are you?" S
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"I am from Hi.. Hiranga." That sentence startled them and Charan directly pointed his sword towards her. But she was not afraid and looked straight into his eyes as she was expecting his reaction. "Since I dare to believe you then I hope you will at least respect me to complete what I wished to say." Even though Charan was not satisfied with her identity he still dropped his sword back to sheath. "I am a dancer and I came to Amai due to my research about Amaian folk dance. I have heard a lot about the cursed pond so I decided to visit it before leaving. On my visit I got injured near the pond, so the people of Sayyonee rescued me and treated me. " "What injury?" Abhik was curious about her story. " I slipped and almost drowned." "When was it?" "Almost 3 or 4 weeks" She said it without much thought. "If you were cured then why did you stay back?" Charan acted fast. She smiled slightly at him, " Can you let me complete my words?
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The whole house was taken by shock. Everyone's eyes bulged out as they couldn't believe their ears. A wave of silence tinted with goosebumps followed except him, Yuvan. He was looking at her with twinkling eyes. "Ah! What did you say?" She looked at him in disbelief. "I said,' Will you be my wife." He went near to her by a step but was held by Abhik. "Bruddah,??" "Mister, I don't even know you. What do you mean?" Her voice was a little stumbled as her throat dried up suddenly. "I mean, he smiled a little and looked at Abhik, are you willing to put up an act with me" "Huh??" The word was echoed as the reaction of four other people present following his each sentence. He gestured to them to sit as his face expressed that what follows is a serious matter. "I can see you are a person with a good heart. So I will tell you. Actually, we are sent by his majesty to investigate this case undercover; We are from his imperial army
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