All Chapters of The Villain's Obsession: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Preparations (4)
The concierge recovered from his brief strangulation rather quickly. He escorted Edwina and Mrs. Mercy through the lobby of the hotel and up to the royal suite. He prattled on and on about the history of the hotel and how the King had personally ordered this suite for Edwina. How they had canceled several reservations just to accommodate her! He hoped Edwina would be a frequent visitor since she was the soon-to-be Duchess Claiborne. When he opened the door to the royal suite, Edwina struggled to contain her laughter. Ostentatious, gaudy, and garish, the room was filled with deep reds, golds, and purples. The molding on the walls had gold lame accents, the heavy red velvet drapes were tied back with strings of jewels and the four-poster bed was drowning in purple. Purple sheets, purple pillowcases, purple comforter. The room was intense. The concierge let himself out, but not before Edwina caught a glimpse of Mrs. Mercy slipping the man a hefty tip. “Is this r
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The Wedding (1)
Edwina fidgeted nervously as handmaids busied around her. She tried to stay as still as possible so the makeup artist could complete her work, but while her eyes were wide waiting for mascara, one maid was pulling her corset tight, while another was placing ornaments in her hair and yet another was attempting to tighten the strap of her shoe. One day I’m going to laugh about this, Edwina thought to herself. But according to Mrs. Mercy, there was no time for laughter this brisk morning. Everything was going wrong. Mrs. Mercy’s carriage wheel had broken on her way to Edwina’s hotel room that morning. Which meant Edwina slept in late, which meant Edwina was late to the venue, which meant that there just simply wasn’t enough time! The morning was so frantic that Edwina didn’t have time to breathe, let alone contemplate her impending marriage. She was pushed and pulled from place to place until finally, she was shoved behind a door and told she would walk down the aisle m
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The Wedding (2)
After the King left, Mrs. Mercy entered and guided Edwina to the entrance to the Cathedral. She went over the ceremony once more with Edwina, as they trotted along at a brisk pace. This day was probably more stressful for Mrs. Mercy than for her. Edwina silently wished Mrs. Mercy the best of luck, ignoring her own role in this sham performance. Mrs. Mercy left her outside the door to the Cathedral with a brusk hug. Alone outside of the large oak doors, Edwina felt extremely small and tiny. The high ceiling and tall doors seemed to swallow her whole. She felt adrift and alone. She was about to plunge into unknown waters. She had no frame of reference or any insight about what was to come. No idea how marriages should work. She was about to commit her life away. The doors opened blinding her with bright light. Edwina started her walk down the aisle. Although Mrs. Mercy and the King had warned her, Edwina was still unprepared for the size of the
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The Wedding (3)
Claiborne was furious. He started the day fresh as a primrose and smiling ear to ear. He was excited about the wedding and finally getting his hands on the one thing he had ever desired, Edwina Knight. He practically skipped to the chapel. Even the sycophantic nobles, waylaying him as he entered the cathedral could not ruin his mood. He had meticulously planned every detail of the wedding from the guest list to the types and colors of the flowers decorating the cathedral. He let Mrs. Mercy take a lot of the credit, to keep his reputation intact. There was no need for anyone other than his fiance to know how head over heels he was. His debtors and political adversaries needed to see him as the ruthless politician he was. The wedding was supposed to start early in the morning, but Mrs. Mercy informed him that the bride’s preparations were running behind. Claiborne tried to not let the delay ruin his mood. When the musicians needed more time because a violinist’
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The Wedding Night (1)
The reception was a short and tedious affair. It was small, but somehow nobles Edwina had never met before were able to crash the party. They surrounded her and introduced themselves, attempting to appeal to Edwina in any way they could. She was quickly overwhelmed by their attentions, and couldn’t find a way to get to her own mother. Claiborne seemed to have just as little patience as her, and after only thirty minutes he drug her away and stuffed her in a carriage. They rode in separate carriages. Once they had arrived at Claiborne’s estate, her new husband disappeared. He muttered something about last-minute business and left her alone with Mercy and her devilish companions. They wasted no time whisking Eddie off to another bath, where she was once again poked, tweezed and pruned. At this point, Eddie gave up on even trying to lift a finger. The maids would just get angrier and make everything hurt more. They placed a satin nightgown over her head and toss
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The Wedding Night (2)
“Yes, our honeymoon. Unfortunately, we won’t be going anywhere. We’ll just be staying here on the estate. I only have three days but I negotiated with His Majesty and got you a whole month off.”“A month! Talked to his Majesty? I can’t take a month off work!”“Are you sure? The king said you were ahead of schedule? He told me you had been working frantically up until the wedding.”“Well - I, I have been working a lot but I can’t be away from my work that long!”“Give it a week at least Eddie? If you want to go back to work after that I won’t stop you.”A week trapped in the Claiborne estate, away from all of her friends and her work. It sounded like torture. But maybe she could turn this into an opportunity. She could spend her time digging into Alex’s dirty little secrets, and when she returned from her honeymoon, maybe she would have enough evidence to
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The Wedding Night (3)
And then his lips were on hers, ferocious and possessive. The early kisses had been chaste pecks compared to this. He braced her and let her fall gently with her back on the bed. They came up for breath again. His ice-blue eyes were burning with passion and for a moment she was lost. No one had ever looked at her like that before. Like she was sexy and desirable. His burning gaze moved to look over her body and she couldn’t contain the full-body shiver that followed. She wondered how anyone had ever called him the Duke of Ice. There wasn’t a single part of him that was cold. His lips, his hands, his eyes were all burning, raising her temperature until she felt she was boiling. She panted attempting to regain her breath as his hands ran up and down her sides. He started to kiss her neck and trained kisses upward until he chuckled softly in her ear. She shivered. “Have you ever come, Eddie?” he whispered. A blush lit her cheeks and she swallowed hard. S
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The Wedding Night (4)
Alexander waited with bated breath, knowing this vixen could send him to heaven or hell. He had never realized he had this much passion inside of him. That day when he made the bargain, he knew beforehand that he wanted her as his wife, he didn’t know what emotions he would awaken with that decision. Alexander had spent the past few nights contemplating his feelings, analyzing them until he was sure he understood them completely. He was attracted to Edwina Knight, to her character and to her appearance. So he could say that he liked her. He liked his clothes a certain way. He liked his high end whiskey. He liked fine pieces of art. Whatever he liked, he made sure to possess. Anything that caught his fancy was guaranteed to become a part of his collection. Edwina was just another bauble. She was slightly different from a beautiful piece of jewelry or sculpture, though. She was a living breathing person, and thus obtaining her would be trickier
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Day One (1)
Eddie didn’t wake up the next day until after the sun had risen. She was alone in the bed. For a moment she wondered if it was all a dream. If she had fallen asleep alone on the night of her wedding and dreamed of a caring and passionate Alex. It had to have been a dream. There was no way the Duke of Ice could be so caring and warm. No way the man stopped when she asked. Men only cared about their own pleasure. Pure fantasy, that’s what she dreamed. And what was wrong with her for dreaming something like that? Was she frustrated? How could she be sexually attracted to a corrupt monster like Claiborne? Annoyed with herself, Eddie thrust the sheets off her and tried to get up. She swung the bed covers to the side and attempted to stand, except her legs felt like jello. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at herself. Small love bites covered decorated her body and her private parts sticky. Her cheeks filled with heat. She hadn’t imagined last
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Day One (2)
After all the decadence she had experienced so far, the size of the closet shouldn’t have surprised Eddie, but it succeeded in taking the air from her lungs.The “closet” was double the size of her office in the palace. The room was stuffed to the brim with all different sorts of clothes, from evening gowns to riding wear, in an extensive array of different colors. Luckily, the closet was arranged by type of wear, otherwise, it would have taken her hours to get ready just to find something proper to wear.When she emerged from the closet dressed in a green dress with beautifully embroidered accents, Alex only smiled and gestured toward the door. Eddie walked swiftly past him chin held high.Alex placed his hand right in the curve of her back, her nerves reacted to his touch. She refused to look at him. He continued chuckling and opened their bedroom door to lead her to the rest of the estate.He guided her through his estate from the kit
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