All Chapters of Alpha Raven : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
155 Chapters
CHAPTER 31 | Ayleen
…………………………… Oh, Darling,Don’t be sadDon’t frown and don’t be madHe stays away from youNot because he wants toBut he’s afraidHe’ll lose his heart tooWhen he has already lostHis soul to you! ……………………………..  Feeling fresh and energetic after her shower, Charlotte quickly went into the kitchen and started making breakfast for herself. She unconsciously started humming a song…. a song that she wasn’t sure even existed. Her mind automatically went to Azraiel again. Today, their skin made contact several times while they were training and it did things to her. Things that invoked feelings…feelings she didn’t want to acknowledg
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CHAPTER 32 | The First Wolves
…………………………“How do you love me after seeing the darkest parts of my soul?”“It wouldn’t be love if I didn’t love you as whole.”………………………… Charlotte leaned back in the sofa and sighed. It was a happy sigh. Although she first had her reservations about Ayleen, she managed to get Charlotte loosen up in a very short time. She really did like her. After telling her everything she could within such a short time, Ayleen promised to give her company after her sessions and left. Charlotte was just waiting for Matt now. He should be here soon, she thought. She lifted herself up and fixed her clothes and hair. She was in high spirits and eager to train more. She was slowly realizing that this wou
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CHAPTER 33 | Senses
…………………………………...............“Do you think we met by chance?”“No, Darling…I know I manifested you.”…………………………………...............Theo was already waiting for Charlotte when she opened the door of her cottage. A smile came on her lips as soon as she saw him.After her session with Matt, Charlotte had prepared lunch for herself and quietly ate it. All the while, she replayed whatever has happened since morning in her head.After she was done with the lunch, she grabbed her diary and started writing whatever she was feeling. She wrote about the voice in her head, about Ayleen, and about whatever Matt had taught her. He taught her a few breathing techniques to calm herself down and be grounded. She was also instructed to practice medit
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CHAPTER 34 | A Small Test
Completely unaware of the thoughts running in Charlotte’s head, Theo gazed at her with an emotion unknown to him.It was actually a mix of emotions…. Respect…Admiration….and something he didn’t want to name yet….or ever….He shifted his attention when he saw her turning towards him.“You have seen the path we took to reach here. Now, it’s time for a small test.” Theo said walking a step ahead of her and pulling something out of his pocket.“Test?” Charlotte asked with a frown.“Mhm..Don’t worry. This is just so that I can understand how in-tune you are with your senses. Unless I know from where I have to start teaching, I won’t be able to proceed.” Seeing as she nodded at him quietly, Theo started explaining.“From here, we’ll turn around and walk back…but, I’ll tie this blindfold on your eyes. When we can’t see
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CHAPTER 35 | What the hell is happening?
………………………………………….. Sometimes, I hear your voice And then I look around But you are not here Sometimes, I can feel your touch But I can’t see you around…. Tell me the truth, darling… Do you have me Under your spell… Or am I just In love with you? …………………………………………..   Charlotte closed the door and plopped on the sofa dramatically. She sighed audibly and leaned back while closing her eyes. Her mind wandered to a few minutes ago when she asked Theo if there was anyone else present there. She really believed there was someone else there. Hell…she was about to take a name had Theo not declined anyone’s presence there. Even with a blindfold, she could have sworn that Azraiel was somewhere there. But…Theo wouldn’t lie, right? Of course, he wouldn’t. What would he gain by lying? Opening her eyes, Charlotte sighed again and this time quietly noticed how much she has bee
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CHAPTER 36 | Theories...
“I don’t know about Matt….but I think my wolf recognizes her as my Alpha.” Theo replied with a sober look on his face.It took Azraiel a few seconds to realize that Theo said Alpha and not Luna, which means there is much more to the story.“Now…I am not sure about this because my wolf hasn’t communicated it clearly…but the way he behaves around her…it’s…it’s so different than he behaves around you. I know that Luna holds just as much power and authority as an Alpha if not more but…this feels different, Azraiel. My wolf knows you are his Alpha, he respects you more than anyone else in this world and still his willingness to submit to Charlotte is far more than to submit to you.” Azraiel was listening to his Gamma patiently…well it looked like it. However, his wolf was starting to wake up at the mention of his mate and her power.“The most terrifying thing is&hel
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CHAPTER 37 | Could she be a Hybrid?
Azraiel’s office was silent as Theo paused and gave his friend some time to wrap his head around his first theory. Of course. They were just that…theories.. But…but what if…what if any part of them is connected to Charlotte and her previous life? What if their theory is not that far off from the truth? “What is your second theory?” Theo turned in time to see Azraiel pour a drink and slide one glass towards him. Theo quietly picked up the glass and gulped it down in one go. “Do you remember Fae Dawson?” Theo asked his friend even though he was sure that he did remember her. Azraiel nodded and looked at Theo with recognition evident in his eyes. He definitely knew what Theo was going to say…Hell….Theo was sure Azraiel had already considered this possibility. “What if….What if just like Fae, Charlotte too is a supernatural other than a wolf, but her identity is hidden by a spell or magic?” Azraiel squeezed his eyes
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CHAPTER 38 | Richard and the records..!
……………………………………….You are hiding something from meI can see it in your eyesAnd yet you look so innocentAnd swear by your lies…Every time you ask me‘you believe me, right?’And even though I nod my headMy mind screams LIES….……………………………………….Charlotte smiled slightly while inserting her earphones in her ears. Yesterday, she had asked Ayleen if she had any spare ones and she did.It has been three days since she started training with Azraiel. Matt and Theo and even though they were nowhere near done with her, she felt like she accomplished something at the end of each session. She wasn’t just sitting around in her room, scared of the world and held by her own fear. N
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CHAPTER 39 | Grishams on the run?
Azraiel gazed out of the window blankly. He was currently sitting in his office but he wasn’t actually there. The papers in front of him long forgotten, his mind wandered far away from the boring reports to the much more desirable subject. His thoughts were filled with only one person. Charlotte…. It has been a week since she started her training and so far she has surpassed his expectation. Not only was she able to endure the first week without any major setback, she has also started to open up more. He could see it in the way she walks these days….less reserved and cautious….and all the credit for this progress goes to his sister Ayleen. They have become friends now, meeting up everyday and going on small walks around the pack.  Ayleen has been showing Charlotte around the pack so she could feel at home…and less threatened…and it’s working…. With the way things are going right now, Azraiel’s hope of being with his mate is strengthening day by d
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CHAPTER 40 | Her thoughts, reality and crush?
Charlotte turned in her bed again and released a frustrated sigh. She was tired alright, and yet for some fucked up reason sleep was nowhere near her today. Usually, she just falls asleep within minutes of lying down on her bed. But today…na..uhh… She rolled to the side and checked her phone, it was 1 a.m. already. She has to be up in 4 hours and now she has no idea how she’ll endure the whole day of training without proper sleep. Feeling the restlessness increase, she decided to get up from bed. Quietly, she turned on the lamp and walked towards the sliding door. Wrapping herself in the robe, she twisted the knob and stepped outside. The cool air sent a shiver down her spine….and she welcomed it with open arms. Yeah…Maybe this will help calm down her mind and the thoughts racing in there. She closed the glass door behind her and took a seat on the steps. Breathing i
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