All Chapters of A Crown of Halos (book 1 of the Angel series): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
21) minx
The elevator ride is filled with awkward silence. I hadn’t told Matteo or Jace my exact job description before we arrived. So their surprise and anger at HR was at least contained, for now. I don’t think it helped much when I asked them not to give the specifics of my job description to Reece. Whether or not the request will be respected and upheld is yet to be seen. I can tell Matteo is upset. Whenever I glance over at him, he still has on his scowl. He also hasn’t spoken to me since the meeting with HR. I lean over and whisper so only he can hear, “please don’t be mad at me forever.” He glances with me and I swear the scowl fades for a slit second when he rolls his eyes at me. Okay, one relationship not completely broken. I don’t know about Jace. We aren’t really that close, nothing like Matteo and I have but I also don’t want him to hate me. He’s had on a neutral mask s
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22) no dogs allowed
“Minx.” Roy says through the intercom on my desk. “Can you come in here for a minute please.” “On my way.” I say back. Standing, I grab my diary and note book incase Roy needs something I have to write down. “Sit back down.” I instruct to Matteo and Jace as they attempt to leave with me. “I’m just going to my bosses office.” I throw over my shoulder as the click clack of heels fills the hall. I walk straight through the open door into Roy’s office, close it behind me and sit in the chair across his desk. Placing the books neatly on his desk and my right leg over the left, I wait to hear what he has to say. “We need to talk about your lap dogs.” Roy scowls as Matteo conveniently walks past the office to make coffee. “They can’t be here any more.” I don’t quite know what to say. I’m now stu
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23) dinner
CRASH “Reece…” CRASH “It’s not…”CRASH “REECE!” I shout over his rage. He pauses his shattering of the room around him to stare straight at me with deathly black eyes. The emotions swirling in them is so raw it hurts my soul. I have to fight the urge to touch is arm, cup his face, make it all go away. But time stops, emotions fade, everything falls out of focus as I stare back into those swirling black orbs. So in contrast to the crystal blue ones I stare into every morning. The ones that shimmer in the dark every evening. These eyes are not Reece’s. They are not loving. Not sweet and caring and filled with life. These are dangerous. Possessive in their own right. The eyes that promise death. These eyes belong to the legends of the ruthless, blood lustful Prince. The Princes Beast. I’ve never met Reece’s wolf for
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24) Milo
“NO!” He shouts from the front seat. “Matteo it is not that big a deal.” I try arguing. It’s difficult to argue with someone driving and not looking at you. I hate that he makes me sit in the backseat like I’m a child. “No, Princess. I am not leaving you alone with him.” He growls at me. “What do you think is going to happen, Matteo?” I’m irritated now. I am a grown ass woman. I don’t need a babysitter while I sit at my desk the whole day. “Nothing. But I’m there incase something does happen. Incase I need to protect you!”“You just said nothing is going to happen. That means you don’t need to be with me the whole day.”“But something could happen.” He glares at me in the rear view mirror. “Like what, Matteo? What do you think is going to happen? Worse case scenario?”
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24) like a true vamp
We pull up to an abandoned parking lot with high rise buildings on either side. There is no one else here. “Not shadey, right.” I slam the door as we get out the car and walk to the middle of the lot. A woman with auburn hair leads a group of men and woman out from the parking garage entrance. “Milo.” She greets. “What have you brought tonight?”“Smells good.” The man to her right chips in. “Leroy’s new assistant. She’s here to sign for the order.” Milo says to the woman, female. She’s female. A Vamp. All of them are. “This,” she gestures to me, “Is the his new assistant? I don’t recall Leroy having lap dogs, especially not bitches. I think you’re here to steal from me, Milo.” “This can speak.” I snarl at her. “Now hand over the order before there’s a problem. Ler
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25) always in trouble
“You’re in trouble.” “When am I not?” I say over the phone to Matteo as I pull into the garage. “He wants to see you in his office.”“Tell him he needs to be more creative with the places he shouts at me. A good hall scene might be nice once in a while. Let the omega’s listen around the corner. Some good old castle drama.” “Do you think they don’t press their ears to the study door?” “I’m surprised their ballsy enough to do that.”“As long as they’ve never been caught, they do as they please.”“I need to clean up before he sees me.” “I’m not playing messenger anymore. Talk to your own mate.” “Fine.” I hang up the phone. As I step foot in the castle, Matteo and Jace sprint around the corner. “Wha
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26) you be Tinker Bell and I’ll be Peter Pan
“Kim darling what a nice surprise.” The Queens coos as I walk into the royals dining room. “Will someone please fix the Princess a seat.” She says to one of the omega’s. “Good Morning.” I greet to the whole table before taking my seat next to Reece. He looks at me dumbfound. “This is a lovely.” The Queen turns her attention back to me. “To what do we owe this welcome surprise?”“It was actually Reece’s idea that I spend more time with the family.” I smile and lay my napkin on my lap. “I hope to make it a regular occurrence rather than a surprise every now and then.” “That would be wonderful.” She smiles back. Everyone falls into idle chitchat as Reece leans over to me. “You look gorgeous this morning.” “Thank you.” I say sweetly, allowing a blush to stain my cheek
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27) pink lines
My mind hasn’t stopped spewing thoughts since breakfast this morning. I honestly don’t know what happened. After I stuffed myself into my once perfect bra and top, I was walking down the hall with my arm laced through Reece’s, we were talking about going away to a Northern Europe Country in the winter. Next minute, the smell of bacon was suffocating me. The nausea gripped me so hard I actually doubled over and began dry heaving. Maybe…“Would you mind doing me a favour, Matteo?” I ask him from the backseat of the car. “It depends on the favour, Princess.” He looks in the rear view mirror at me. “You’ll enjoy doing this one.” A soft smile tugs my lips. “Okay.” “Would you mind going to a pharmacy after you drop me at work and getting 4 pregnancy tests. All different brands. Please.” My voice is slightly shakey but Matteo’s broad sm
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28) Calypso POV
CalypsoWe’re all sitting at breakfast. I absentmindedly pick at my food, letting my mind run. All I can think of is the battlefield. All I ever think of is the battlefield. The sweet tang of blood in the air. The iron mixed with dirt. The beating sun. Everything about it was bliss. After the battle I was so drained and my mind reeled but looking back it was like my body, my blood, deep within my cells, craved the battle and bloodshed. Craved the power death holds. Kim wasn’t entirely with it during the fight but I felt more alive then even before. I commanded teams and brought my own sword upon enemies. I am a warrior. The Army General said he was proud of me and how I handled myself out there. He said once I’m old enough I’ll be in charge of my own team. But since that day… all I can think about is blood and death. I can feel it’s stickyness dripping from my fi
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29) ball part 1
PullPluck Pinch Stick Spray More here Less there Fluff this Flatten that There is a swarm of females in my room getting me ready for the ball. The ball. The baby’s ball. The little tot isn’t even a semblance of a person and it’s being thrown a whole ball. I didn’t realise just how much I wanted a baby until I found out I was pregnant. Now my whole life seems to revolve around it. Planning and decorating and baby proofing. I mean I even read out loud to my belly. Which is all so ridiculous seeing as the little thing is barely a month old. But I’m allowed to be excited, right? Everyone else certainly is. Fussing over me and the baby even though the baby isn’t really a baby yet. The only person who’s unhappy about it is Roy. He tries to hide his disdain but I know, I know he’s unh
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