All Chapters of My Unofficial Rejection : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
43 Chapters
Adam's POV
I was so shocked when my mother came to my room that night. I thought I’d lost it and was seeing this. Then she explained everything that happened, I immediately cut ties with my pack, how could Zach’s dad do that to my parents? Now my dad is dead and my mum has lost it all in the hope to help Raven. But if she wants my help, then I will do anything, I failed her as a son and a brother to Raven. But I wouldn’t fail her now.She let me know the plan to move Raven and Zach to her home left to her by her parents before their pack was wiped out. It is on no mans land now and she houses rogues loyal to her there.She needed to get them out without the hunters knowing, we planned with a few other wolves including Jace the traitor to sneak out and leave them here to deal with the two angry packs closing in.It went without a hitch, except the fact Raven somehow woke up twice during the journey. She should have been knocked out like Zach for the entire
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Raven's POV
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO.” I screamed and leapt of the bed, but I was too slow. BANG. All I could do was catch his body as he fell. Shot in the head with a silver bullet, at least it was fast. I cried as I rocked him back and forth in my lap. “Adam I’m so sorry.” I whispered into his hair.“Why on earth would you be sorry you stupid pup? He hurt you and I got you justice! YOU SHOULD BE APOLOGISING TO ME!”I growled, as I laid his head on the floor and stood to face the bitch in front of me. “You don’t deserve a thing from me, you are not my mother, you are the bitch who took me from my family and killed my brother. He wasn’t perfect but at least he didn’t disappear on me like you and dad. He suffered because you ‘died’, I don’t blame him for what he did in his grief. You left us, this was your fault and you killed him for your mistakes?!?! You really aren’t the woman I respected and loved.&
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Warrior Morgan's POV (Raven's Mother)
Perhaps doing that in front of her wasn’t a good idea. I thought she would be grateful that I took him out of her life… I didn’t mean to devastate her. My sweet girl, only she could feel hurt by the death of her tormentor. Goddess knows what she will be like when I kill her destined. She had marked me. Her own mother. She marked me with her hatred, such a mark will heal but it will scar. I will forgive her for that though, after all I’ve put her through, I’m sure I deserve to carry a reminder of the hurt I’ve caused.“Doctor, do you have it?” The doctor I found while travelling had created potions that could put back symptoms of heat, very handy when you’re travelling. I commissioned him to try to find a way to bring heat on. He completed it of course, now I just needed to give it to Raven.“Yes, I have it here, but remember it hasn’t finished trials yet. It brings heat on but we aren’t sure if th
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Zach's POV
*BANG*The door to the room flew open and I rushed forward to catch Ravens limp body before she hit the floor as the wolf carrying her dropped her into the room without so much as a word as he locked the door behind him, a trolley left in his place.I carried her to the bed and laid her down before examining the trolley. It looked like a weeks’ worth of food, water and other thing that are unmentionable considering the company I’m in. There would be no use for such items with Raven, no matter how much I wish that was different.It was then that her scent hit me, like when you open the oven to a delicious pie freshly baked. Her scent enveloped me and suddenly it clicked. Somehow, they had triggered her heat, as if she were still an unmated female meeting her mate for the first time.Goddess what do I do? I could feel my wolf stir at the scent. Looking at her passed out on the bed made it worse, what if I couldn’t control my wolf and I hurt her or marked her against her will while she w
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Dylan’s POV
All that effort for nothing, no sign of my sweet Raven. The boys missed her, even though Oliver didn’t have her in his life for long I could see he missed her dearly. She was his saving grace, Price was just a pup but Oliver was more aware of what was happening. Here I am, sat with the young wolf listening to another dream he’s had about his mummy, my Raven. “And before it went dark, mummy was put in a freezing cold bath but was still so hot it burnt me to touch her. Daddy? Daddy are you listening to me?”“It’s ok Oliver, don’t worry about these things you dream ok? I’m sure nothing like that is going on, you’re just missing mummy that’s all.”“But daddy it felt so real, she was there, right there with me!!” “Oliver, dreams always seem real. That’s what makes them so exciting when you have a good one and so worrying when you have a bad one. I promise you it’s just a bad dream, ok? Now let’s go have some breakfast and get little Prince up.” He’d been having these dreams since Raven f
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Raven's POV
I woke up groggy, I lifted my hand to my face and realised it was wet. Peeling my heavy eyelids open i looked down and realised i was in a cold bath. How had i gotten here? then the pain hit, the unbareable heat washing over me in waves and i found myself wishing the bath was colder or filled with ice. "ZACH!" I called out hoping he could fill in my blank mind and help me with the pain. I looked around and realised the door was closed with the key on the floor. How odd, had i locked myself in here? why? "Raven, its ok. But i can't come in, you're in heat." Zach's mufled voice broke through the pain. "How did this happen? Why am i in here?" My fuzzy brain couldn't put anything together through the pain. Nothing made sense to me at the moment."I had to cool you down and lock my wolf away from you. You were brought back to the room passed out and in heat. I think they were hoping i'd be unable to resist and mark you. But i couldn't do that to you so i had to serperate us and i knew i
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3rd Persons POV
It was at the moment his adoptive mother marked her fated that little Oliver passed out in the passenger seat of his adoptive dads truck as their convoy made their way to the Red Wood pack he originally came from, the same as his mother."Oliver!" Dylan was panicked but couldn't stop the car, he knew he had to get to the other pack as soon as he could.Back with Raven and Zach, he paced the room, a passed out mate on the bed. As soon as she was marked she fell to the floor with eyes wide open and glowing silver. He had placed her on the bed to ensure she wasn't hurt but all he could feel through the bond was an all consuming peace so he knew subconsciously that she was ok but looking at her in this way still worried him.Deep in the depths of her mind Raven was at peace and yet couldn't bring herself back to the present. She was enveloped in a buzzing sense of self, she realised her mother wasn't lying. As soon as she was marked by her fated mate she was engulfed by memories of her anc
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Dylan's POV
"It's been three hours!" I roared, impatience knawing at every cell of my being. I wanted answers, i wanted to know what was going on with my little Oliver. He passed out on the drive and as i pulled up he started convulsing. What the hell could be wrong? He was regularly checked up at the hospital, we even checked his blood for any markers for illness's that could run in his birth family and nothing jumped out.Surely it can't just be a coincidence that he starts having dreams to do with a gift we didn't know he had and then this happens to him? Mybe he's stuck in one of those dreams? This thought setting my mind alight i rushed through the waiting doors to inform the doctor of my suspicions. "Sir, you can't..." i didn't let the nurse finish as i pushed him out of my way. I'm an alpha, nobody will tell me to stay away from my son when i think i may know whats wrong.Maybe this was a mistake, seeing the doctor and a nurse rush around Oliver who is hooked up to a million machines beepi
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Raven's POV
"Are you ok?" Zach's voice was filled with worry and i couldn't imagine what i'd just put him through. You mark someone and she just collapses, talk about a panic."Yes i'm, i'm ok... my mum was right." Stupidity seemed to plague my mind as i tried to process what happened."She was right? How do you know?""I felt it, and i saw it... the memories of all the past healers filled my head when we marked each other, i couldn't get away from it, it just happened." I still felt completely shocked by everything i was shown. "She was telling the truth, i would have died if we hadn't done this. And as the memories showed it would have been well before my time and just an awful way to die.""Well as much as i wished this wouldn't be the way or the reason we marked each other i am glad you'll be ok." His voice was so sad, the bond wanted me to take the pain away, tell him we could work and move on together but my love for Dylan stayed present and i knew i couldn't promise that."I'm sorry we had
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Ravens POV
Zach's grip tightened around the rogue’s lifeless body before he let it slump to the floor. His eyes met mine, filled with a blend of determination and sorrow. This was it—our only chance to escape."Stay close," Zach whispered, his voice low and urgent. "We move quickly and quietly. We don't know how many more there are."I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. The memory of the searing pain from the mark still lingered, but the rush of adrenaline now coursing through my veins was stronger. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from getting back to my boys and Dylan.We crept through the dimly lit corridor, every step calculated to avoid making any noise. The building was eerily silent, the only sound the distant hum of machinery and the occasional drip of water from leaky pipes. It felt like we were in a maze, each turn leading us deeper into the unknown.Zach paused at a corner, peering around it before motioning for me to follow. I couldn’t help but marvel at his transformation.
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