All Chapters of The Player's Playmate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
56 Chapters
Saying Goodbye to a teacher
 “Did you guys hear about it?” Mason questioned in excitement. I frowned at him. Jason was by his side but he didn’t look half as excited as Mason. Xander and Damien, who were standing with me, shook their head at Mason’s question. “Hear about what?” I asked. Jason looked down at the floor as Mason’s grin grew bigger. I was a little scared to hear what Mason had to say. There weren't a whole lot of things that the twins ever had different opinions about. “Mrs Reyes, the art teacher, she is leaving town for good!” Mason exclaimed before he started doing his victory dance. People in the hallway stared at Mason as if he was crazy. I passed them a glare and they soon looked away. Mason might look like a monkey when he did his victory dance but as his friend, I don’t want people staring at him or making fun of him. That’s our job. “But why is Jason so gloomy about it? I thought that you both hated her.” Damien asked as he looked at Jason. It was true. The twins hated the ar
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Hide & seek and the Savior
 Mrs Reyes saw the twins laughing at her.“Mason! Jason! Detention!” Mrs Reyes yelled at the top of her lungs. I laughed as I ran away with Damien and Xander. We ran down the hallway like maniacs as we laughed at what we just witnessed. I guessed the twins wanted to get a last detention from Mrs Reyes before she left the town but that didn’t mean that I wanted to be stuck in detention again. We suddenly heard Mrs Krampe, the chemistry teacher’s voice yelling at us from behind us. “Stop! Why are you all running away like that? Turn around!” She called out. We froze in our place, still not facing her. “Turn around!” She said as her voice neared. Crap!If she caught us, she will soon realise that we witnessed the prank on Mrs Reyes. That will surely get us into trouble. Our friendship with the twins wasn’t really a secret so it won’t take them long to come to the conclusion that we helped the twins. I glanced at Damien and Xander with a panicked look on my face. Mrs Kra
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Payback and reputations
 “How did you two get out?” Damien asked me, making my cheeks warm up at the memory. “That is not important. The important thing is that we got out. So, what are they going to do?” I said, changing the topic. I was in the car with Xander, heading home after our escape. Damien had called me to inform me that he wasn’t able to get out. He was just about to get out of the school when Mrs Krampe caught him. Poor fellow…“They were going to take the three of us to the principal’s office but then Mrs Reyes stepped in and said that she doesn’t want that. Apparently, she was a little amused that the twins tried something to make her remember them forever.” Damien told us. “So, it’s just detention?” Xander asked. The phone was on speaker so that Xander could talk too while he drove us home. “Detention for a week for the twins and just today for me since I warned Mrs Reyes about the prank. My only crime according to them is running in the hallways.” Damien answered. “Well, that
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Drunk Xander and Reasons
 “Ellie, why do I love you?” Xander questioned as he started at the ceiling of my room while lying on my bed. I picked up my phone and lied down next to him on my bed. “Because I am awesome.” I shrugged. He turned his face and looked at me while I stared at my phone’s screen. I haven’t gotten any texts from Gavin and I didn’t even see him much in school after our date. It was like he was avoiding me. “Stop staring like a creep, Xan!” I snapped at him without turning to him as he continued to stare at me silently. “No, I don’t love you because you are awesome. That is Mason’s reason for loving you. What is my reason?” Xander replied. I turned my head to look at him. He was frowning at me. “Is it because I am pretty?” I guessed as I smirked at him. He scowled at that and shook his head. “That’s Damien’s reason.” he grumbled. I laughed as he pouted and glared at the ceiling in anger. Xander was drunk. And he was a cute drunk. It was Friday night, so the boys and I had gon
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Kara's Insecurities
 “Oh my god! I am dying! Ellie, save me!” Xander exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen where I was just putting the waffles on the plates. He looked really tired as he held his head in his hands as if it was just about to explode. This is usually what happens every time Xander wakes up after drinking more than he should. “No need to yell, drama queen. The pills are where they are supposed to be. Just take those and I have made waffles for breakfast. Freshen up fast or else I’ll eat them all.” I told him as I took the plates and placed them on the table. Xander took the pills and went to the washroom to freshen up when I heard the doorbell. I ran to the door to find the guys and Kara standing on the other side with huge grins on their faces. I welcomed them all inside. Mason sniffed the air like a dog before his eyes grew wide.“Did you make waffles for breakfast?” Mason yelled in excitement. I chuckled at him before nodding my head. “Ellie, I love you!” Mason said as he w
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Truth revealed
 “Hey, Gavin.” I greeted him as I took a seat next to him at the bleachers. The boys had their football practice and since I had nothing better to do, I decided to go to the library to wait for their practice to end. The librarian was leaving early and so she had to lock the doors and she asked me to leave. That is why I was here at the fields watching the guys as they practiced.When I saw Gavin asking the coach for a break and coming towards the bleachers, I decided that I should go and talk to him. I wanted to ask him what happened after our date, almost a week ago. I was still hoping that he would call me or text me but he didn't do so during the weekends. I believed that I deserved an explanation for all that.“Hey, Ellie. What are you doing here?” he said as he turned to me. He looked a bit scared as if I was about to punch him in the face. “I am waiting for the guys to finish their practice. Xander is my ride home.” I replied with a shrug. Gavin nodded his head as h
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Chapter 17: Don't date or you'll leave
“Ellie, why don’t you understand? I really like this girl. I’ve had a crush on her since… forever!” Xander said, making the others in the room chuckle. We had decided to meet up at my house after school since my parents were still not home. And right now as we all were arguing about what we should do, Xander asked me to help him win over another girl.“That’s what you said about Leah and the girl before her and the girl before her and…. Well every other girl that you have dated.” Jason snickered. “Well, I really like this one. For real.” Xander argued. “Really, when did you guys meet first?” Liam asked him as he smirked at Xander. “I don’t know that. All I know is that I like her now! Besides, I have gone without a girlfriend for too long now!” Xander grumbled. I chuckled at that, making him turn to me. “Why can’t you help me?” He asked. “Maybe because she is tired of it all?” Damien shrugged as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Well, when you are tired, you should t
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Seeking Forgiveness
 “Good morning, Ellie.” Jason said as he smiled at me. He sat down in the seat next to me. I frowned at him. “What happened? Are you not talking to me either? I am Jason, just so you know.” He said when I didn’t reply. Yesterday, after I stormed off to my room, Xander and Mason came after me but I locked my door. They tried to make me leave my room for about two hours before they left. I was upset and angry. I didn’t want to talk to them. Those idiots even tried to bribe me with Pizza!In the morning, I called Damien and asked him to pick me up for school. I usually went to school with Xander but after what happened the day before, I didn’t want to go anywhere near him. I saw the hurt on Xander’s face when he saw me get in Damien’s car. But I just ignored it.I knew that I was being a little too harsh on my bestfriend but I couldn’t just let them do whatever they wanted. Xander and Mason needed to know that my freedom is important.“I know who you are, Jace. It’s just tha
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Mr and Mrs A
 “So, your parents are finally back home?” Jason asked in a cautious voice.My mood wasn't the best today. My mom and dad came back home yesterday and we only had one peaceful meal before they told me that they were leaving again for work. I didn't know why that bothered me but my parents not being around anymore was starting to make me angry.When I was a kid, my parents did everything in their power to keep their business related trips to a minimum. And even when they had to go, they used to take me with them. But ever since I entered highschool, it felt as if they were trying to stay as far away from me as possible.“Only for a couple of days.” I answered Jason's question. “What? I thought they only came back after weeks of staying away!” Kara gasped. I huffed. “Ellie! Don't feel bad about it. You parents are only going because it must have been necessary.” Damien said. “Oh no! They are going because they can't bear to be around me. They hate me!” I said as I covered
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Xander gone AWOL
 “Where is Xander?” I questioned as I looked at everyone at our table.It was our lunch break and Xander was nowhere to be seen. I haven’t seen that doofus since yesterday. This morning, he just texted me to tell me that he had asked the twins to pick me up for school.“Since you and him are back to normal, Xander is with that girl he said that he has a crush on now.” Liam told me.Well, that was… unexpected...“Liam, who was that girl?” I asked him as I narrowed my eyes at Liam. Liam looked at the others on the table for help. “That blonde girl. I don’t know her name.” Liam answered hesitatingly when no one helped him.“First, she is not a blonde. She has light brown hair. And second, why the hell are you lying to me? Why is he avoiding me?” I said, getting angry. Everyone was silent for a minute. “Ellie, how would we know where Xander is?” Mason asked as he tried to act nonchalant. “If none of you told me where that doofus is, you all will feel my wrath!” I warned
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