All Chapters of Living With CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 Chapters
It had all of a sudden become very awkward, and I was feeling extremely uncomfortable in the car with him after screaming that out to him. He had also become very quiet, and he looked away from me to see the road in front. His reaction made me feel as if I was sad about the fact that he hadn’t asked me out yet, which was not true at all. I was definitely not complaining about it, but I said it to give him the most logical reason for why I couldn’t give up working and continue staying in his house. So, I didn’t have a reason to feel bad about it anyway, I had many other reasons for that. Losing my job topping the list, being unable to go once again to check out the apartment being the second one, and now an argument with the man I had a crush on since the very beginning. Blaming it on my stars not shining right, I stayed mum for the rest of the ride. When we reached the museum, Charles asked me to get down with him. I was fe
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To lighten the mood, when things got a little peaceful in the car and his forehead furrows cleared, pulling the collar of my dress, I joked, “Isn’t it getting too hot out here?”The smirk on his face made me smile, and then I started to laugh as I said, “Where is the document that gives me 50 per cent stake in the museum? I want to sign it.” I was only having some fun to make him smile, but his expression was confusing me as he was lost watching me laugh. He wasn’t expressionless because he had a subtle smile on his very handsome face, but his eyes were fixed on mine. It appeared to me as if he was just going to say something to me from his heart and as if something was stopping him. Such an expression often protects oneself from being emotionally naked and laying our emotions bare in front of someone. In a relationship, people should not be able to only strip down clothes from their bodies, but the
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After a heartfelt conversation with Mr. Nathan Alberto, it is nice to know that things at the orphanage are all good, and the donation which Charles makes is being put to use. My husband is one gem of a person for choosing to make a generous donation to the orphanage every month after getting to know that I was raised there. He didn’t even tell me that he was planning to do that nor did he let me know when he was doing it for many months together. It was only after my warden’s call that soon after my marriage that I got to know that my husband had been the biggest donor and his money was being used for the kids’ education and healthcare facilities. Not only did I feel proud of being married to such an obliging man, but I also felt grateful to him for taking care of my home. I have called the orphanage my home ever since I learnt that every place that has contributed to your upbringing is your home as that’s what the a
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Staring at his luscious lips was making it very difficult for me to resist moving forward and devouring him. Even though he was right on top of me and his face was so close to mine that our noses were separating our lips. But despite the physical closeness, some resistance from his end stopped me from taking the lead. He was also looking at me with his eyes fixed on mine, and his body wasn’t moving at all. In the time that I was thinking about the way that I should react, not wanting to spoil anything between us, he straightened his body to fall down on the bed on his back. It gave me space to get up and get out of being that near to him because it would have been very risky, so that is what I did. I was thirsty, so I went to drink water which was in the refrigerator that was on the other side of the room, and by the time that I came back, Charles had already slept in bed lying the way that he was. Instead of putting his feet on the be
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More than the excitement, curiosity took over me regarding what he wanted to talk to me about because of what I had been thinking in my mind, I was expecting him to talk to me about what had been going on in his mind. The minute I sat down on the chair that was placed on the side of the couch that Charles was sitting on, the servant served me my favorite beer after Charles looked at him in a manner asking him to do that. After I took a sip of the beer, I looked at Charles who was anyway looking at me, and I asked, “Tell me, what do you need to talk to me about?” And to show him that I was eager to know whatever it was that he wanted to tell me about, I added, “I am all ears.” It took him a lot of time from then on to start talking to me about the matter. The long pause was scary because the talk could be about anything and not necessarily about what I wanted it to be about. Deep in my heart I was hoping that it should
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He smiled and looked away when I asked him that, which piqued my interest in wanting to get to the crux of the whole thing. It seemed to me as if Mr. Lozano was deeply in love with the way he was blushing when I asked him about the girl. The thing wasn’t supposedly anything serious, but just a matter of love, from the way it looked like. I hadn’t thought of Charles falling in love. The way we talked at the beginning showed his interest in me, but then it declined after I moved in with him. At least it felt like that to me, but it didn’t matter to me because I knew the difference between us very well, and I had accepted that he was never going to ask me out. Despite getting various chances, he didn’t care about taking our bond to a new level, and that was enough for me to control my wishes. A girl in Charles’s life felt like a big deal to me, and because I was his friend, I wanted to know more about the girl to m
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Charles and I had a moment between us when we were only staring at each other. It might have lasted a little longer because we were both drunk and didn’t realize when to stop. But whatever it may have looked like, to me, it was a moment that I would cherish all my life. Some kind of a different vibe that I had never felt with anyone else before which left me wanting more of him in our friendship and gave me a feeling of inner peace instead of giving me butterflies in my stomach was very confusing. Had he also felt the same way, then we would have taken our bond to a new level. But I had no idea of how he felt for me. Did he take me as a friend or was he interested in me in the same manner that I was into him was the question constantly running in my mind since the day that I moved in with him. My fantasies can definitely not interfere and disturb my real life, so I kept my distance from him as I understood that he deserved a much bette
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Looking at Charles with the hope that he would either support me in what I had planned to do or he would come with an even better way out of this weird situation that we were going to land in if I continued to stay here now that he was in love with someone else. In my mind I had this thing going on that how could a player like him fall in love. He had at least been a lover boy, and that was something which I had known from all the stories that the house manager, James, had told me. He wanted a new chick every day, and if he ever felt that he started to love a girl, then he would be with her for a week maximum before he realized it was all too much for him to put up with. It felt very special to me to be chosen by the richest guy in town to live with him and that too not to please him but in a completely platonic way. I had my doubts on why would someone let a stranger stay with them, but then if someone as settled as him asked me to live wit
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Remembering the time when I had first opened the diary that had fallen on me in the little room on the other side of the floor where I used to live earlier when I had just moved in this house, seeing my husband's name on the very first page, did get me excited and it piqued my curiosity to read what was written inside even more. So, I didn't wait any longer to turn to the next page and start reading what was written in that little book. The first sentence on the second page was that everything that was mentioned in it was the kind of girl that he wanted to have as his life partner. It felt very personal to me, but this could be one way of getting close to Charles, I thought, and I got more eager to read what was written inside it because it could make me aware of the things which Charles expects from a woman to consider making her a life partner. And just as these four, five lines of rules were over, something which seemed to be the one wish
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On coming to my room, I settled in the chair after locking the door as fast as I could. It was pretty obvious that my curiosity was ruling over me to know what pictures were there in the photo album which I got from there. It wasn’t going to be possible for me to go through all of the books, notebooks, diaries, and the albums that were kept in that storage, but I was going to see as much as I could from there without anyone getting to know it. Once I settled in, I took a long breath before I opened the album. From the inside, it looked relatively of the recent times. As I started seeing the pictures, I couldn’t believe any of the ones which I saw. I blinked a couple of times just to be sure if that was really him. The first few were of Mr. Lozano in bed with a new girl in every single picture. It was evident for Charles to have lived that kind of a lifestyle, but preserving all of his special moments in bed with so many different
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