Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 51 - Chapitre 60
Chapter 51
  “I said I will not eat! Please take the food away!”Olivia felt irritated! For one she was stuck within the four walls and secondly after the struggle with Ryan she had to spend few weeks again, on bed! Now she was feeling sad for her own miserable life!“Olive! Don’t be a kid! You have grown up and you have to understand that Master Ryan didn’t hurt you purposely!“Nanny! Please. I am not hungry, that’s all! I am not saying that I won’t eat. I am saying that I don’t want to eat just yet! Maybe later. Please, I just want to enjoy watching my favourite web series!” Olivia sighed.Olivia was lying on her bed and watching her favourite romantic web series! She didn’t have the mood to eat her lunch and now it was already evening and still she wasn’t feeling like eating anything! It was already beginning of May and in another month they will be travelling back t
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Chapter 52
  “Madam, shouldn’t you call Master Ryan and Olivia for dinner?”Amanda sat for having dinner alone! It was 9.30 pm and Ryan and Olivia didn’t come for dinner! So Agatha was worried and also felt uncomfortable seeing Amanda eat alone!“Why don’t you join me instead Agatha? I am sure my son doesn’t want to be disturbed today! Well, he has become a bit more unpredictable nowadays!” Amanda replied and Agatha frowned.Amanda chuckled, ‘Don’t worry Agatha, I mean this unpredictability is good! Let the husband wife take their time today! I don’t want to drop in again like last time!”---Inside his bedroom Ryan and Olivia lied together snuggling with each other. Olivia felt sleepy and buried her face inside Ryan’s chest comfortably! The web series has just ended. It was a very passionate and sensual one! The whole time Ryan has been brushing her skin w
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Chapter 53
  Olivia’s POV---“Please Ryan! Not in this dress! It feels like you are going for a business meeting!” I said removing his coat.We were in Greenland and it was an awesome place! We decided to spend rest of the day indoors, after reaching our hotel and next day morning we were getting ready to go out! I wore a brown trouser and a white top over a warm camisole and a brown leather jacket on top of that!But Ryan was as usual in his business suit! Looking extremely handsome and dapper but still very formal!“Please wife! I didn’t bring casuals! And what’s wrong in this? All my colleagues say that I look good in business suits!” Ryan reasoned.I rolled my eyes and said, “I am not your colleague! I am your wife! And I want to see you in casuals during vacation, hubby! I am sure you will look as handsome as you look in business suits if not more!”Ryan suddenly stopp
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Chapter 54
  Olivia’s POV--- “Sirrrrrr!” I purred just like the girls did! “W-what about this one?” I came out and stood with my hands on my hips and my body weight on my right leg that made my left hip curve outwards!It was embarrassing and I was shied and red from inside but still I didn’t want anyone other than me to seduce Ryan!Ryan snapped his head up and took me in from head to toe and then without uttering a word he turned around and walked away!I cursed myself for being such a child! Tears welled up in my eyes and I felt so ashamed for doing it!I immediately got inside the changing room. Tears that were threatening to fall were now rolling freely down my cheeks!I wiped them and started opening my dress. “You are such a fool Olivia, to think that you even know the art of seduction!!”I opened the baby doll and threw it on the small cushioned stool
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Chapter 55
  Ryan’s POV---Her smell remained in my heart and her happy smile was engraved in my mind! My wife is the most beautiful woman I have seen! Today the moments we shared in the changing room were so very sensual that I was having a hard time stopping myself from touching her! I don’t know, if it was because she was eight years younger than me or that she was someone who was a bit fierce and yet, bit scared of me that made her more attractive!I felt deeply attracted to her and she was the only one I wanted to have in my arms always! But the worst was the other desires I was having in my mind! I wanted to see her completely naked and taste every bit of her! I wanted to have all of her firsts! I felt a spasm of jealousy clutching the muscles of my heart at the very thought that I can’t have her virginity and though her first kiss was with me, first romantic vacation is with me, her virginity has been kept intact for someone else
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Chapter 56
  Olivia’s POV---I bit my lower lips as his hot breath fell on my neck and my left earlobe. The familiar smell of his musk cologne and our closeness inside the small lift brought back the same feelings of arousal that I felt an hour ago in the changing room of the shop! The flashes of us together in the small changing room that felt very similar to being in the small lift together, his soft and warm touch on my skin and his smell all around me in the air made my heart race faster and faster!I am sure if I could look at myself in the mirror, I bet I would have been faced by a blushing and panting reflection of myself.“You shouldn’t have asked me to come back to the hotel wife! You are tempting me!” His hoarse and seductive voice rang in my ears like the bell of the church and his touches made me shiver and blush more if it was even possible! I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, as he whispered in my ears
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Chapter 57
  Ryan’s POV--- “Help me to!” my answer was prompt and a smile appeared on her face which I knew the meaning of! Ding! Dong!She jerked at the doorbell because of the sudden loud sound almost near our ears!“F**k!” I cursed in my mind sighing and brushed my hairs backward with my fingers frustrated! A little irritated I opened the lock and then the door glaring straight at the person before I even knew who it was! “What is it?” I snapped as I opened the door.A bit startled by my reaction the man in front stuttered a bit, “S-Sir!”It was our driver and only then I realised he was here with our bags. I took them from him and the moment the bags left his grip, he almost scurried away!I closed the door and turned to see that Olivia was not in the room. By the sound of water I assumed she was freshening up in t
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Chapter 58
 Ryan’s POV---I looked at her with open mouth and blinked my eyes in disbelief! Something is seriously wrong with my wife or she is rightly falling in love with me just as much as I have fallen in love with her and it was just perfect!“What?” She asked.“What was that? Come again!” I extended my ears towards her as if to hear more clearly.“You heard already……” she playfully slapped my arm and blushed.I shook my head innocently looking at her and said, “I didn’t hear properly!”“Mister!” She blushed and walked towards the bike taking the key and helmets from a representative of the hotel. I followed her like a loyal lover.“Here. Take this!” She handed over the key and a helmet to me.I sighed hiding a chuckle and wore the full cover helmet and swiftly swung my leg across the bike holding the handles.“
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Chapter 59
  Ryan’s POV--- It was one summer when I was in high school a year or two before I went to London. Mom bought me a bike on my birthday! It was the first time I was going on a date with Lisa, a girl from high school who happened to stay in the house just opposite to the Brown’s! I was not so keen on going with Lisa but I had to because it was a kind of dare that I accepted as a challenge with my friends!That day, even just half an hour before I left with my bike, I was in my room thinking about Olivia and her silly games! But then I got a call from my school friend Sam who mocked me and said that he was sure that I won’t be able to handle a girl! So I got ready really quick and left with my bike! Just as I was crossing the Brown house, my eyes as usual travelled to the left at the garden where I saw Olivia in a yellow top and a very short blue pants standing with her mouth wide open staring back right at me! She looked
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Chapter 60
  Ryan’s POV--- It took me almost an hour to reach a point from where I could see a few houses and streetlights though at a distance! With Olivia sitting at the front and shivering with cold, I couldn’t ride as fast as I rode while coming this way! It was past seven and the temperature was running at minus!“Hold on a little wife, we will stay the night in the nearest hotel, ok?” I said but she was not in a position to reply. I touched the back of her body at her waist and it felt hot! I was more worried now! She has caught fever probably!I concentrated on the road and rode a little faster. We rode for just fifteen minutes more when suddenly something struck my mind! How she said she took a bottle of water! But there wasn’t any water bottle in the room because I thought I would have to ask for some while leaving the hotel in the morning! And then I realised that it could be probably the bottl
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