Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
Chapter 31
  Olivia’s POV—Everything was happening so fast that I was feeling suffocated. Dr Erik had examined me and said clearly that an implant was necessary, in my leg. He himself would do the surgery. He said if the surgery is done, I will heal in two months, else it will take more than six months to heal completely and even so, I might not heal properly!I closed my eyes and remembered that day in the school when I fell from the swing and broke my hand. He was there that day too! He was a torment then and he is still a torment now!He wants me to have a surgery! I am scared even of needles, how will I face a surgery?? I heard voices around me but nothing went through me! They were mere voices without meaning. I was sweating profusely, scared of the operation. I was having a panic attack, I guess. Since when do I have panic attacks?? “Oli! Everything is set. We will fly to New York in an hour!” a
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Chapter 32
  Olivia’s POV—It was two weeks after I was discharged from the hospital and came back to the Bradley’s. It was comforting that Nanny Agatha stayed with me. My parents left for the time being, which was a relief.I woke to a warm and caring hand rubbing gently my head. I opened my eyes with a grin. This feeling always made me feel safe and happy.“Good Morning Olive! How are you feeling today?” The first thing I saw after opening my eyes were Nanny Agantha’s kind eyes.“Good Morning Nanny! I am feeling fine. Just that lying on the bed for weeks makes me feel really too sick!” I said sadly.Nanny chuckled and then brought me my toothbrush. “Here, get ready. We will go out in the garden. The early morning fresh air, will make you feel better.”I frowned. “But how am I going to go out?”Nanny Agatha smiled and went out of the room. She retu
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Chapter 33
  “Olive! Good that you are awake!” Olivia was reading a book lying on her bed. In a few hours it will be lunch time. Past couple of days, her schedule has been the same. She wakes up early morning and Nanny Agatha takes her out in the garden. Ryan joins her for breakfast outside after finishing his gardening. They have breakfast together, just the two of them. Rose arranges everything and leaves. Ryan has ensured that nobody disturbs them when they are having breakfast!This is the only time Olivia chats a little with Ryan to avoid the awkward silence and then he will be gone for the whole day. Amanda said that Ryan has been spending much of his time home, after Olivia’s accident, keeping an eye on her needs and health. But now he has started to go to his office and doesn’t return till late evening.Olivia stretches and smiles, “Nanny! It is time for bath already?”“Yes Olive! And
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Chapter 34
  “ baby! How are you feeling today?” Caroline kissed Olivia’s cheeks as Rose pushed the wheel chair to her place at the table.“Good.” That is all Olivia mumbled.“Hi Oli! My girl. You will get well in no time and will walk and run again!” Victor said softly from across the table where he sat.Caroline went and sat beside Victor. April had to return to Auckland for studies, so her chair to Olivia’s right was empty. Further to the right, at the middle sat Amanda and opposite to her, across the table is Ryan’s place, whenever he sits for dinner. The two places for heads of the family. That is what Olivia has seen in last few days. Before that she has always had her meals in their bedroom.     Food was served and Olivia started to eat silently, looking at only her plate and nowhere else!“So, how is your life going o
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Chapter 35
 He saved me from the humiliation and carried me to our bedroom. He was so angry that his jaws were tight and the veins on his neck were popping out. He was in pain too. I don’t know how but I could feel it. I looked up at him, while he was looking at the front while carrying me through the large hall to our bedroom.I shakily raised my right palm and touched his neck. He looked at me with shock. I traced the veins with my finger, staring at the beautiful blue lines and then looking at him, I said shyly, “Mister? Thank you for saving me!”He scoffed and put me on the sofa and then placed a cushion at my back. He bent and cupped my face for the first time and brought his face near to me. His breathe was hot and sprayed over my face as his chest heaved up and down. He looked at the details of my face and my lips. My heart was racing and I gulped.Is he going to kiss me? If so, why am I not pushing him back with disgust? Why is a litt
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Chapter 36
 Victor and Caroline, said their goodbyes to Amanda. Despite Amanda’s son’s rude behaviour, they had to be nice to Amanda, because she was always nice and polite to everyone. Also, the Bradley’s are very powerful. Ryan Bradley at a very young age has achieved the impossible and the Browns knew, when they have annoyed Ryan, they need to maintain their good relation with Amanda.Amanda was the only one who could tame Ryan and stand in front of him without fear.Caroline didn’t understand why Ryan was angry and behaved the way he did before. Olivia doesn’t even consider him as her husband. She has still not given him the rights of a husband. Still, Ryan defended her. Why?But she didn’t fail to notice the unsaid emotions between them and the growing attraction which they themselves might not know even!Agatha stood at the door quietly waiting, while Caroline and Amanda spoke. She wished she could spend some mo
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Chapter 37
  We had lunch together and this time Nanny didn’t have to feed me herself. In fact, after hugging me and kissing my forehead, she left me with Ryan till we finished our lunch. After I finished lunch, Ryan poured me water and brought my medicine from the drawer.“Have it.” He said handing me the pills. I took and swallowed it with water.“Rose could have given me the medicine…. I mean, usually she does.” I rambled. My words acted like a sword piercing right through his heart. I only came to know when he said squinting his eyes, “If you don’t want me to then I will not!”“No! I didn’t mean that, Mister! I am sorry.” I mumbled guiltily.He didn’t answer, just scoffed and lifted me in his arms to put me on bed. He pulled the duvet covering my body till my waist.I held his palm and whispered, “I really didn’t mean what you understood.&r
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Chapter 38
  Ryan’s POV—I was calmly tolerating their accusations and insults. I couldn’t let them know that Olivia tried to escape. Even though they were her parents but it was clear that they won’t spare her if they knew she tried to escape! And my mom who loves her so much, won’t be happy to know this.She needed saving and I was her saviour, as always!I didn’t care about their rude words. I was quietly eating my food.After Caroline, now Victor roared, “Ryan Bradley! How dare you punish our daughter! You sick bastard!”I was expecting this kind of reaction so I didn’t bother at all. When they lodge a legal complain then will see. I mean I knew that they could do nothing to me! So I was calm. But I was stunned and dumbfounded with what happened next!Olivia suddenly stood up, throwing her fork and spoon on the plate, ignoring her operated leg and yelled on top of her v
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Chapter 39
  Ryan’s POV—I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her red lips so badly! I wanted to love her so much that she would forget the world! But not when she has love for someone else! Her prince, her Santa!Many believe that it is her fantasy and laugh it off on her face, but how could I do that? In my mind I know that it is true! There may not be a real Santa but her Santa was real. I know this because I came to know it years back in a very hard way!I wish I could tell her to forget her Santa! She has me and that is important and not the man she has never even met or seen! But, then she will know that there is a Santa and I know who it is.I have been wondering quietly while I carried her back to bed. I started to wipe her gently, when I heard her voice, soft and smooth like a bird humming….“I am sorry Mister. I really don’t want to hurt you anymore. You are nice and kind to me. I feel saf
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Chapter 40
  Olivia’s POV—Nanny Agatha and Rose held me before I could fall but still because I stood up on my feet, actually jumped on my feet, the pain was excruciating. But it was no time for the pain. I had to see my husband. I needed to see how much he was hurt and how was he?“Careful Madam!” Rose gasped.“Olive! Are you alright?” Nanny cried.I sat back on the sofa, holding Nanny. My legs trembled and my knees felt like jelly. “I am ok. I am ok. Please take me to him”“But Olive, you are hurt.” Nanny frowned.“No! No! I am not! Will you take me or not! I need to see him! Why don’t you people understand? I need to see him. I need to see him now!” I screamed on top of my voice. I was restless and was losing my mind.“What was he thinking? Why would he drink so much and then drive? If I hurt him, he could have yelled and punished me
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