All Chapters of Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
Chapter 9
- Flashback-The sun shines brightly as the people inside the St. Benedict Cathedral prepares themselves. Every one of them wears a smile on their face. From the outside of the cathedral to the interior decoration, happiness and love can be seen everywhere.As the vast double doors opened, the sweet music of The Gift started to play. Eva slowly walked down the aisle, wearing an elegant, vintage Victorian wedding dress. She looked so beautiful with her natural makeup, showing off her unique beauty.At the end of the aisle, near the altar, Jack awaits for his soon-to-be bride. A tall, handsome man, wearing a matching embroidered Victorian suit. They are like a match made in heaven. A woman who always felt incomplete and a man who never thought that being complete is about being happy with someone.Eva's tears won't stop falling, but she doesn't care because they were tears of joy. Finally, realizing that she is one step closer to her dream of a complete and
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Chapter 10
Eva's pregnancy was a tough one. She experienced bleeding four times before her term. But Jack was caring and attentive which made everything easier. Giselle always visits Eva and takes care of her whenever she's not busy even in the midst of their wedding preparation. Both of them were sad that Giselle has to get marry without Eva because of her situation."Jack!" The whole house was disturbed by Eva's screams. Jack is downstairs preparing their dinner when he heard his wife calling for him. He ran as fast as he could to get to her."What happened?" Jack asked hurriedly."I think the baby's coming!" Eva screamed when she felt another jolting pain in her lower back."What!" Jack was rattled. He didn't know what to do. He was going to every corner of the house trying to find something."Jack! Take me to the hospital!" Eva yelled to get Jack's attention."Hospital bag. I got it." Jack finally focused and helped Eva to the stairs.Jack d
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Chapter 11
A mother's love for her child is incomparable. There is nothing they wouldn't their children. Eva learned that from her adopted mother. But instead of letting Jack go, Eva became a willing participant in an abusive relationship. Every day, Jack would do something to her that dehumanize or demoralize her. Or worst, hurt her, but all she would be is cry. Because she doesn't want her family to fall into ruin."Ms. Eva, are you alright?" An agent noticed that Eva could not walk straight."Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just having some girl problem." Eva lied."Oh! Oh, okay. If you need something just let us know." He said and Eva just nod.Lindon saw Eva and ran towards her. "Eva, you know that if you need help, Giselle and I are here for you, right?" He whispered as he helped Eva to walk into her office."If fine, Lindon, just having—""Yeah, some girl problems." Lindon finished her sentence for her. "I've had that excuse from you since forever. Do
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Chapter 12
"Giselle, how's your pregnancy? I'm at your house, and if you don't bring Eva and my daughter to me, I'm going to kill your mom and your son." Giselle's whole went cold. Like her heart suddenly stop. But it was actually beating so fast. She can see them talking to her, but they can't hear them."Giselle!" Eva slapped Giselle, snapping her out of reality. "Who was it?""It's—it's Jack, he—uhm—he's at our house, with my—with my mom and our son." Giselle slowly looked at Eva as her tears began to fall."Francine, get your things. We're going home." Eva didn't have to think twice. She's not going to let him hurt Giselle's family."What? No! You can't go back!" Still, Giselle's instinct is to protect her best friend."I have to, best friend. We don't have a choice. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to my godson." Eva said while she's smiling even though fear is written all over her face."Why don't we go to the poli
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Chapter 14
Eva woke up with a stinging feeling in her head. When she felt her head, there's a large lump near her temple. She still feels dizzy whenever she moves. Her body feels sore everywhere, and she can barely stand. She hasn't reported for work in a week because of what Jack did to her. She was sure that Giselle is so worried about her, but she can't contact her best friend because Jack confiscated her phone."Oh, good. You're awake. Go on, take a bath." Jack commanded.Eva obliged without saying a word. Because Jack made a promise that if she complains or disobeys him, he will turn his wrath to their daughter, this is her punishment for trying to leave him. And Eva won't give him a reason to touch their daughter.While in the bathroom, Eva looked at her naked reflection in the mirror. She has bruises everywhere. Some are almost healed, some are new. Her sides and hips are aching from the repetitive beating and rape. Eva can no longer remember how many times she wish
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Chapter 15
Giselle and her family have been worried since Eva came back to Jack. They haven't heard from him, and she has never reported for work since then. Giselle wanted to just burst into their home so many times, but Lindon stopped her. He always reminded her that it could only make the situation worst for Eva and Francine."Ms. Giselle, is there any news about Ma'am Eva? One of their agents asked as she passed by the operation floor."Hi! Yeah, uhm, Eva is in the middle of something significant, but she'll be back, don't worry." Giselle lied.When she got back to the safety of her office, Giselle sighed and leaned to her table. She hasn't heard from Eva since she left Lindon's ancestral house."God, Eva! What happened to you?" Giselle asked herself out loud.Her day went on with Eva in her mind. A decision was made that she will go and visit and best friend. And if she is not okay, Giselle made up her mind that she will do what needs to be done.
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Chapter 16
Just like what Marcus planned, the cameras he set up all over the house gave the court enough evidence to prosecute Jack. Even his mother's money was not enough to keep him from prison. Francine, Giselle and her husband, and Marcus were there to support her through the trials.Jack was furious when he saw Marcus on the side of the prosecution. He was Jack's friends from college, one of the people he can trust. Seeing him on the other side of the court made him felt betrayed. When the jury's verdict was passed down, he almost jumped just to get to Marcus. The anger in his eyes made him look like a maniac ready to kill."Eva, you okay?" Giselle asked. Eva and Francine moved out of their house after Jack got incarcerated. The house was given to them by Jack's mother after their wedding. A woman who never liked Eva ever since. Giselle found her at the back of the house sitting under a huge tree."Hey, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking." Eva responded."Thinki
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Chapter 17
Just like she planned, Eva canvassed for the best location for the restaurant she was planning to open. With Giselle's help, they both find the best spot, and started the whole thing. Within three months, Eva's restaurant had its ribbon cutting.Eva and Giselle became business partners. They named their restaurant 'Best Friends', and all the food they offered local food, but with different twist. Eva started to be the head chef, until she found someone that she can trust with the kitchen. She doesn't want to give up her job as an operation manager just yet. So, she went back to her company to continue her job."Welcome back, Boss." The agent on the business account she used to handle greeted her happily. They welcomed her back with open arms. The best operation manager they ever had."They're so happy to see you recovering well. They were all so worried about you." Giselle said. Eva was back to her old workspace, and Giselle was helping her settle back in.
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Chapter 18
They say love is sweeter than the second time around, especially when you already felt the pain of a broken heart. After the pain, once you learn to trust again, once you learn to let people in again, loving someone will feel greater than the first time. All you have to do is be brave, to not be afraid of loving again.It's not that easy for Eva. The fear is just to great for her to love again. She may be able to let herself love someone again, but it was just too early for her. Every night, she's still having nightmares about Jack hurting her. Some night, she would even dream about Jack chasing her, sometimes Francine. His eyes were devoid of emotion, like black holes into nothingness."Hey, Eva. You're spacing out. What's wrong?" Giselle found Eva at the pantry, sitting at one of the vacant tables near the glass window. Her food is sitting on the table, still untouched."What?" Eva asked in a confused tone. It's as if she she just woke from a deep sleep.
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Chapter 19
Francine is trying to start having a normal youth. When they were still living with her father, Francine always avoided having friends. Because friends would mean inviting people to their house. Which means people will know what her life truly looks like.No matter how badly she wanted to be like those other students who eat at the cafeteria with their friends, or doing sleepovers. All she had was acquaintances. She's not considered as a freak, but she might as well be. During school parties, she's always a wallflower."Francine, everyone's invited on Pearl's birthday. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Cyd, one of her classmates asked."Yeah, I need to go to our restaurant. There's a tv network that will feature our restaurant on their show. I have to be there to help." Francine responded."That is so cool." Cyd exclaimed.Even though Francine wanted to come to the party, she's afraid of what people would say about her if they ever know the tru
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