All Chapters of Under the Blue Moon: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
115 Chapters
Meeting Heather
It had been about half an hour since we had arrived here and had researched the local supernatural populace. Seb had come with the required tea and biscuits and had left again just as quickly. Rem was in full work mode and I was happily helping him. That was when I heard the quick click-clack sound of heels on wooden flooring. Someone, a woman, was racing in our direction. I heard her before Rem was even aware she had entered the library. I looked up towards the open doorway of the hidden room and waited. “What’s wrong?” Rem asked though he didn’t take his eyes off of the notes he was going over. However, before I could say anything at all, the high-pitched squealing of a woman echoed out into the library. “Rath!” Rem flinched. I blinked as a tall woman in heels almost skidded around the corner and peered right at me. She had long blonde hair, which fell in natural twirls. Her eyes were that wonderful bright blue, which
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The Other Parent
By the time we had finished gathering as much data as we could, the click-clack of Heather’s shoes was heard once more, though this time they were accompanied by a heavier set of leather shoes tapping the ground. I could hear several voices, though they remained near the entrance of the library somewhere. I could smell them, Hunters. One, in particular, held my attention. The one following Heather. As the two turned the corner, his hard gaze fell on me. His eyes were more of a grey and his hair was a salt and pepper nature that was brushed back into a tidy bun. I could tell he was unhappy with me being here, but one glance from Rem, the man easily backed down from his nature to deal with a werewolf in his home. He remained unhappy, however. “Father,” Rem greeted the man with the same cold indifference as he gathered the notes and stood up from the table. He held out his hand towards me and I added my pile to his. He then
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We Meet Again
The drive further into the city was quiet. I had finally explained in full to Rem who I was going to talk with. At first, he hadn’t really comprehended that there was a large group of Ancient Ones camping out in St. Paul’s Cathedral, but the more I spoke of their looks and manner of speaking, the more aware he was that I was telling the truth. He was silently trying to figure out what family they belonged to, but I had stumped him. He knew of Rakesh and his sister, but that was it. Even I didn’t know who or what they were when I first ran into them, but after I had fully awakened, the memories had flooded back. Rem had no such luck in gaining any memories from the spirit that had been reborn inside of him. “I didn’t keep it from you for any poor reasons,” I said, trying to break the silence. I wanted him to know that I had really wanted to explain things sooner. The truth was, I just didn’t know how to go about it without him being furious with
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The Ancient Choice
I realised my request for aid had surprised the Ancient Ones, not because werewolves were fighting, they were used to that, but that I had mated with a Hunter and was now working together with one for peace. They seemed unsure, but I had somehow convinced them to at least meet Rem without fear for their safety. I may have been a spirit, something they respected, but they were not beholden to follow my orders. Sending out the word to Rem through the mindlink, I waited for him to arrive. He seemed as unsure and nervous as the group before him. I offered out my hand for him to take, giving him my support emotionally and physically. He took my hand sheepishly. He was nervous about showing affection openly in front of other supernatural beings but was more anxious about being in front of such a large group that could easily kill us both. For a moment, there was a deafening silence between him and the Ancient Ones. Finally, the elder spoke, “
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Calm Before the Storm
A full day had passed by the time the Hunters had returned with the information we needed to progress our search for those who were still living in or around the London area. A few werewolf families had moved to safer locations, but one or two remained, and I hoped we could convince them to join me. As for other supernatural beings, many of them remained in the city, as the Hunters had deemed them safe enough to remain. I was glad that the information would be more than enough to help the Ancient Ones find these beings and convince them to join our cause. I reached out with my mind and relayed the locations to them. With most of my memories returning and knowing that they had kept their minds open to me, it wasn’t a hard task. With how many of them helping us there were, I knew this would not take long at all. Rem and the Hunters of London had gone to do their own recruiting. However, convincing humans to help wasn’t always easy. Those who were
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Essential Shopping
It is amazing what asking a group of Ancient Ones to help can do for a person in just one day. I had stuck around with Rem in London despite the rest of the Hunters journeying to Cardiff in the morning. I had wanted to make sure they did not need me to meet with some groups that we had confirmation on. Thankfully, a majority of the groups had expressed a willingness to come back with us, if it meant the Hunters would relax on their rules so much. I knew asking the Ancient Ones to help was the right idea. Everyone respected them, as they were almost like gods to other supernatural beings. Sure, I was the Star, but not everyone knew of that legend or understood the importance of spirits and their effect on the world. Many didn’t even know they existed to begin with, so I decided it was far better to send the group that they revered more than me. I didn’t mind not getting all the attention, anyway. “So,” Rem said as he slipped up beside me as we m
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Werewolf Weapon
It took a solid moment for Dave to stop freaking out about Rem having a werewolf boyfriend. I wasn’t sure if he would ever stop trying to lecture Rem about it all. Luckily, the shop was rather quiet, so no one could hear him ranting and raving about werewolves and their annoying attempts at trying to force their will on others. Rem rolled his eyes as Dave tried to re-start the argument all over and moved to grab the shop floor keys from behind the desk. He seemed to make himself right at home in Dave’s shop. He locked the door and then tossed the key back over to Dave, who caught it with no issue. “Are you even listening to my complaints here, Rath!?” Dave called over to Rem as I just stood there like an idiot as I watched my lover and this short, stocky little man with fiery red hair and a bushy beard argue back and forth. “Not even a little,” Rem replied with an indifferent tone of voice. He then moved over to my side and pointed towa
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Home Invasions
We arrived back at the large mansion with a few more boxes of silver bullets and the weapon I was to wear. Rem had decided it was a good idea to equip himself with a Hunter’s gun, one that would be much quieter to shoot than any normal gun. He hoped he wouldn’t need to use it or the silver bullets, but he erred on the side of caution.I was once more checking my phone for any updates from my mother, though there was still not a peep from her. Rem’s own parents were still here, though the other Hunters had gone now. We would meet back up with them tomorrow as soon as I had word back that everything with my mother was alright.Meanwhile, Rem’s mother had baked us some cookies and had decided to stay another night so that she could get to know me better without all the cautious glances from the other Hunters. Since I had to wait for the Ancient One to get back to me, I didn’t mind the offer, even though I was anxious.
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Gathering Forces
We arrived back in Cardiff a little over midday. Rem’s parents travelled with us to keep us all together rather than splitting us up. By the time we arrived, Mrs Emerson was outside, waiting with an impatient look. On seeing us exiting the car, she nodded once to Rem’s parents and then looked back at Rem and said, “why did you not come back with the others? We have information on that clan of werewolves.”“We had to confirm some information on our side,” Rem said as he glanced at me briefly. He then adds, “and my mother was resolved to keep us another night to get to know Zach better.” He motioned for us all to head inside. “Let’s talk inside though, and we, uh, will have a large group of guests coming here tonight,” he said, seeming uneasy, which his grandmother picked up on easily.“Who have you both convinced to join us?” Mrs Emerson questioned
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Dawn of War
I hated being right. In all honesty, I was only surprised that the war hadn’t come sooner. They had probably still been gathering their own forces to combat our attempts, but now that we had numbers gathered together, they had struck at first light. I had the first sense that something was wrong when I picked up the scent of a strange wolf.I woke Rem and quickly put on the weapon he had gone to the trouble of getting for me. I had very little time to train with it, for which I was sure I would regret, but there was nothing I could have done differently.Rem gathered his Hunter gear and weapons and left for the front gates to join the others, leaving me to sound the alarm. I transformed swiftly and leaned my head back, letting out a long and loud warning howl which swiftly woke up every Hunter that wasn’t already awake and on patrol.I was sure my howl would alert my pack too, but as an extra precaution, I sent word through the
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