Semua Bab Trapped: Bab 11 - Bab 20
79 Bab
Chapter 11 - Getting a kiss
"Would you like to dance, Miss Rosbak?" Aiden inquired, oblivious to the girl standing next to her. Her expression was priceless, and she was breathtakingly lovely up close. Her clothing matched her green eyes. It's all the more tempting because of that. Her dress, which appeared modest from the front, but it didn't have a back and ended in a deep V at her waist. Her soft, gorgeous skin was on show, beckoning him to touch it. Why is God so cruel? He sighed. He had put his hand on her delicate waist and steered her to the dance floor before she could say anything. Her eyes had narrowed into slits by this time, and she was furious. She gave him a panicked expression. He chuckled to himself, 'Still feisty.' "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I have the same question, but to be honest, I don't give a damn. Isn't it wonderful to see each other again?" He grinned. She froze and frowned at him the instant he smiled down at her. "Are you stalking me?" she inquired. "Stop thinking so
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Chapter 12 - The challenge
Sydney I was still smiling as I moved towards the bar. A hand stopped me, and I whipped around to face Mike. "Gosh, you scared me!" I spoke. He inquired, "Where were you?" I explained, "I was just out for some fresh air." "What happened earlier? That man. You know who he was?" Mike asked. I nodded, "Aiden Rainer, the CEO of the Reiner group." "How do you know him?" "He took my interview, and I refused the offer," I sighed. Mike's eyes swelled to the size of saucers. "Why?" "Because he is an arrogant man who believes he can have any damn woman because of his looks and his absurd bank balance. He has a lot of delusions about himself. He believes he is charming and that ladies will fall at his feet begging him to take them, but he is mistaken. The only ladies he can ever hope to attract are those feather-headed, goose-brained, clingy knuckleheads. I don't want to see him again because he is a shallow man." "Ah, I see." "Thank God, you see," I murmured, and then it dawned on me
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Chapter 13 - First day at work
Sydney To spend time on Monday morning, I awoke early and worked on some of my projects. My internship, which I would be undertaking at the Reiners, was my last semester of art school. Except for submitting my report, I didn't need to return to school. On the other side of the flat, I heard Leah's door open. "Coffee?" I inquired happily as I peered out of my room. Leah pouted and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She despised getting out of bed in the morning. She offered a half-hearted nod and walked inside the bathroom. I grinned and began preparing breakfast for the two of us. Leah reappeared half an hour later, happily sniffing the warm aroma of fried bacon and coffee. "You really do seem cheery," she commented as she sat down at the dining table. "Smells fantastic." "It's the beginning of a new life, so of course I'm glad and joyful," I said with a smile. "Sure," Leah responded, a mysterious smile on her face. I made a funny face at her and returned to my coffee. "Mike isn't going
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Chapter 14 - Complications
With a thunderous bang, he shut the door and turned to face her. She was sprawled on a massive king-sized bed, staring at him down from across the room. Her eyes were ablaze with terror and rage. When he saw her spread out on the bed, his heart raced. Without saying anything, her eyes told him everything he needed to know. The terrified, apprehensive girl trembled as she imagined what was to come, yet her arrogance remained engraved on her face. In a raspy voice, she snarled, "Stay away from me." It was dripping in venom. How could someone be so dangerous while also being so vulnerable? Her pearly flawless skin drew his gaze. Her noble Grecian nose was held high even as she lay like a victim, her silken tresses, the dreamy almond eyes that gazed at him. As she struggled to move, her neck arched. Instead, it highlighted the seductive small mole on her olive-toned skin. Her muscular legs wrenched away from him. It was almost as if she were the predator and he were the prey. He walked
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Chapter 15 - Not giving up so easily
Sydney – Marilyn did land in Reiner towers the next day, as Mike predicted. However, things did not transpire in the manner in which I had anticipated. I was late for work, horribly late actually. My knees were already starting to knock involuntarily in anticipation of the chewing out that was going to happen. What would Larry think? I ran inside the lift after pressing the elevator button to the thirty-first floor."You're in deep shit," said my team member Harriet."Why what happened?"I asked. Putting down my bag."Me. Reiner was looking for you." She whispered."Me? Why?"She shrugged and said, "Probably for that Ad."I shook my head and walked by Larry, my boss, who was always polite and never harsh."Finally, Sydney, you've arrived." He gave a kind smile."I am so sorry, I got up late today... I missed my train and the next one got delayed.....""It's fine, Mr Reiner wants to see the complete scene," Larry said.My heart sank."However, it isn't due until tomorrow, and it isn't
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Chapter 16 - Sydney is forced to comply
Sydney When I saw Aiden leave with Marilyn, I was seething and trying to contain my beating heart. "What a scumbag!" I muttered beneath my breath. Only an experienced playboy could flirt with one girl before leaving with another. Aiden Reiner made an excellent playboy! I returned my gaze to my workstation and began tapping away. I'm done with him! It had been a month since I began working at Reiner Tower. Aiden had only disturbed me on a few occasions. He never tried to kiss me or touched me again. I did catch him staring at me hungrily occasionally. "Will you be coming to the office party?" Harriet asked me and I must admit I gave her a rather odd look. "What party?" "Check your mail girl," Harriet said, rolling her eyes. I checked my unread emails and there it was. One of those broadcast emails from the HR department about the annual Christmas party for the employees. Almost all companies throw year-end parties for their employees. Depending on their size and budget, it could
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Chapter 17 - At the party
Sydney    "I'm Trapped, and there's nothing I can do about it," I lamented, my head in my hands. Mike was seething while Leah stroked my hair.    "What a jerk!" Mike under his breath. "You don't have to do this, Sydney. Just quit your job and I'll take care of the money."    I looked up at him and said, "No, you will do no such thing. You have already done more than enough. Without you both I would have been lost. I can't take money from you."    "So, you're going to let him do anything he wants?"    My fingers twisted and turned. "No! If he thinks this is a game, I'll beat him at his own game. I'll go to that ridiculous party if he wants me to. But he's not going to get me." I replied resolutely.   Mike's brows were wrinkled as he glanced at me "Aiden is a powerful man who has both powerful friends and advers
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Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Sydney     Harriet and I struck up a conversation for a bit. She complimented my outfit. Because most people were still ignorant that Aiden and I had arrived together, I was spared from all the intrusive questions. Our friendship lasted until she saw someone she recognised, and a third person was unwelcomed. Despite this, I had plenty of opportunities to mingle. I kept my drink in my hand and went around meeting new folks. I tracked down Larry and a few others of my team, who were delighted to introduce me to others. But I had to be careful about how much I drank. Someone would press another drink on me as soon as I finished the first. I started carrying a half-full glass around after two fast drinks. I noticed that I was enjoying myself now that I was no longer with Aiden. I had entered the terrace and stood in a corner, taking in the panoramic view. We were on the top level, and I must say, the view was breathtaking. Stand
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Chapter 19 - Stay with me
Sydney   After what seemed like an eternity, the elevator bell rang. And the first thing I saw, was darkness. Shapes furnished the room all in black. The lit-up city was the most prominent visual. A breathtaking view from floor to ceiling. The lights lit up and the biggest living room I had ever seen sprawled in front of my eyes. Those dark shapes were state-of-the-art furniture.     I was still looking around in a daze while Aiden, took off his suit jacket, and tie. Folding the sleeves of his shirt up to his forearms, he walked off then returned with a first aid box and some ice.   "Sit," he told me.     I complied and took a seat on the couch.     "Let's take a look at this," he applied a cool towel to my face before applying an ice pack. He was all business as he worked on my swollen face.   &
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Chapter 20 - The compensation
Sydney     I shut the door to the sleek washroom and took a few deep breaths. Aiden was steadily getting under my skin, and I didn't like it. I needed to think of something quick. I returned to the room once I was finished. Aiden had vanished. I decided to go outside and look around, so I reached for the doorknob, which twisted and opened up before I could grab it. Aiden was standing in front of me, holding a plate of food.   "I assumed we could eat in here if that's ok?" he asked as I moved to the side to allow him to enter. He placed the trays on the bedside table and shut the door behind him.     Fuck! Why was he acting so friendly all of a sudden?     "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." As I sat in the chair against the wall, I said. He simply nodded and drew the other seat in closer. He then snatched up the bedside table and ro
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