All Chapters of BREAKING POINT: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
Chapter Fifty One
It was difficult for Penny to imagine Jeremy as he would be when he came into the flat this evening. She had only her memories of what he used to be and his voice, his calls, his texts... Those long, descriptive but heartbreakingly impersonal texts of his from which to draw her picture. With soul searing honesty, she forced herself to realize that Jeremy's life in Cairo was by no means a parallelism of her own. Having a baby was perhaps one of the biggest and most wonderful experience in a woman's life. Having an illegitimate baby particularly taught one a lesson. But she could not make herself believe that the gay, social round of parties Jeremy had described would have taught him anything. Worse, it had no doubt increased his passion for youth, his desire for fun, his irresponsibility. Perhaps he had met someone else? Perhaps she, Penny, had ceased to mean more to him than a memory... A pleasant but out of date memory like the girl he had once told her about.
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Chapter Fifty Two
He stole the very breath from her as his lips touched hers, moving over her mouth as if exploring a new, precious territory. Then he deepened the kiss, pulling her even closer so their bodies felt joined, seamless, and desire plunged deep in her belly; her hands fisted in his hair, awareness of anything but Jeremy and the desperate sweetness of his kiss fading to nothing. For it was desperate. The kiss was imbued with a longing that made Penny feel like this was all they would have, and she pressed closer, wanting more. Asking for more. Jeremy broke the kiss, his breath a raw shudder. "I have to ask you this" he said. His voice sounded hoarse and he still held her.  "Do you love me?" Do you still love me? Say it! Say it!" Jeremy demanded.  Penny broke away from him with a last effort gathered from the remnants of her waning strength. She gathered herself quickly, straightening her shoulders
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Chapter Fifty Three
Penny woke to hear the steady fall of rain on the roof and the spatter of heavy drops against the window pane. The room was filled with sombre grey light but she could not be sure whether the dawn was breaking or if the storm were responsible for the darkness. But it did not matter. Nothing mattered except Jeremy.  She turned her head and looked at his face, crumpled like Howard's in sleep. Hitherto she had seen only a likeness in the color of their eyes and in their hair curly hair. But now she saw that there was a strong resemblance in the shape of their heads the determined line of their lips in sleep.  Howard and Jeremy. Father and son.... And both hers. She and Jeremy were going to be married. Jeremy had said so. Today, when he woke, she would tell him about his son. Or should she wait and take him to Cornwell for their honeymoon, then show him Howard in person? He could not fail to love his son. Howard was so plump... So warm
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Chapter Fifty Four
"Oh, a year....perhaps less. Depends whether I get this other job I have my eye on. You see, my boss says that....." She did not hear the rest. She could only hear the voice of her own soul, and aunt Ann saying : 'Tomorrow you will live, you always cry. In what far country does tomorrow lie?' A year... Perhaps less! Perhaps never. Tomorrow never comes. Tomorrow is too late because now I have Howard. I cannot wait for tomorrow. I have Howard. "Jeremy!" "Yes?" "Last night I said I had something to tell you. Please lie down again. I can't talk to your back" He lay down, his limbs inflexible, his lips set in a thin, stubborn line. "Jeremy, do you remember the first weeks we spent together.. Here, in the flat? We... We were not very careful" "Well, what about it? What's the use of bringing up things th
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Chapter Fifty Five
"Look Penny, I'm bloody sorry. I have behaved so damn badly. I know it. I feel all kinds of a louse. I can only ask you to forgive me. It hasn't been too easy for me... Being away all the time, and then you did keep it from me, didn't you?" he ended stuttering. Her dark velvety eyes looked at him stonily. She said : "I did and I expect I was wrong. But quite honestly, if I had told you that I was pregnant at the beginning, wouldn't you have suggested I had an abortion?" The direct question threw him off balance. He scowled and shifted from one foot to the other. "Possibly.. But...." "No. Quite certainly" she broke in. "Well, it's so damn awkward..." She interrupted again. "Most awkward... For both of us. I knew you wouldn't want a child and I don't happen to believe in abortions. I take my share of the blame for our c
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Chapter Fifty Six
She felt stupid. And sad. And angry. But if something good had come from her involvement with Jeremy, it was Howard. She had little Howard. She would focus on him. She would love him and he would love her back. No matter what happened, she refused to see her baby as anything but a blessing. He was such a wonderful, cute little baby. He didn't cry much except when he was hungry.... Or needed his diaper changed. He would frown and pout before crying loudly, but as soon as he got what he needed, he was a happy baby again.  Penny didn't talk much to anyone when she returned to Cornwell. Audrey of course, was delighted that she had returned so soon, Joey was too. But the happiness wasn't complete because they knew that if Penny was back so early and without Jeremy, then it meant that things didn't go as planned with Jeremy.  Penny stayed indoors for days. She wasn't in the m
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Chapter Fifty Seven
"I'm just worried about you" Audrey said, knowing that her friend wasn't fine as she said. She gazed at table as she spoke. "Joey and I are worried about you. You spend most of your time in here, except when you go for a walk with Howard. And you don't even paint anymore. I know you have been very hurt, I understand that, but it's been a month now. You should find a way to move on." When Audrey stopped speaking and looked up at Penny. She saw that she was sobbing quietly. No longer trying to fold the clothes, but she tossed them carelessly into the drawer. Audrey could almost feel her pain as she watched her, and she had to fight back the tears that clouded her eyes. Penny needed her to be a source of strength for her, and she had to be strong for Penny. She rose up and went to her friend, pulled her into her arms and they sat together on the bed.  "You will be fine. I promise" Audrey murmured as Penny sobbed on her shoulder. "We are he
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Chapter Fifty Eight
Perhaps he felt for her more strongly now because he knew that she wasn't engaged to anyone anymore. He wasn't sure she was seeing anyone, although he knew she probably had a lot of men after her, but he hadn't seen her out on a date with anyone. Somehow he had to make his move before it was late. He'd hate to loose her again.  Penny stared at the painting in front of her. "I was just thinking of the perfect price for this. I don't want to make it too expensive" she said. "I'm sure people would love it. It's a beautiful painting. The trees.... The ocean.... The birds... You didn't leave any detail out." Joey said, then he moved and he was right behind her, his voice was softer, almost a whisper. "I can imagine what it would be like to be in a place like that.... The quiet...the gentle breeze.... Watching the trees and the birds...... Would be even much better if it was a date... Would be amazing to go someplace like that with someone"
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Chapter Fifty Nine
"Of course you are. Don't ever think you're not. I'm just scared, Joey" Penny replied, she dropped the brush she was holding and began to wipe her hands on a towel, suddenly needing to do something... To keep busy, but his intense eyes remained on her, watched her like a hawk.  She felt terrible. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, but she had to tell him so he wouldn't keep hoping. "I don't think I'm ready for another relationship just yet. I don't know if I will ever be. What happened with Jeremy.... It was a lot to take. And asking you to wait for me or leading you on would be the wrong thing to do. Friends don't do that to each other, and that what we should be... Friends. We have something amazing going on. We might ruin it if we try to make it something more. And I can't stand the thought of losing you... Or Audrey. I really hope you understand" "It's fine" Joey said softly, but in his head he wondered if that was all sh
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Chapter Sixty
She had turned him down. And it wasn't the first time. A week had passed since then, and maybe she was over thinking, but she beginning to feel him withdrawing from her and she couldn't blame him. It was never her intention to hurt him, and even now with Jeremy gone, she didn't think she was brave enough to take that step with anyone. She wasn't even sure if she would be able to open herself and her heart to anyone else.  She looked at Howard. He had finished feeding. She lifted him up-right and began to rub his back to burp him, tilting her head so that she could feel his hair against her cheek. Despite the weariness that was coming back in a tidal wave and the fact that life had just thrown her another rather dramatic curveball, she found herself singing softly.  Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I’m right beside you…  ---------------- Joey could hear the song well before
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