1039 word(s) Published 32 JASAMINA The man didn't look so mean anymore. His face had lost all that intense expression but he was still big and looking so intimidating. "You are not taking me back?" I couldn't keep the hope from my voice. My voice trembled so hard that I feel like a talking spring cord. He shook his head once. "Never. And I want to thank you." He stated. "Thank me?" "My brother. He has been lost to us for the past few years. If not for you, I wouldn't have seen him again." A muscle ticked his jaw as he looked away, "It's obvious that you and your child have affected him, made him stop drinking even if it's just for a while. Thank you." That brought me a bit out of my fear and I found myself shaking my head. "No, no, you don't have to thank me. I should be the one thanking you and Tanner. I don't know what would have become of me if not for Tanner." "He helped me especially financially, or I would have died from sickness...I would have lost Jaimie too." The rem
Last Updated : 2021-06-14 Read more