All Chapters of THE CEO'S PAWN: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
139 Chapters
The attack on his company softwares was more than he'd thought and it had taken a lot more effort to control. He'd spent the rest of the day stuck in the damn task dealing with some fuckers and doing a lot of recoding. No fucker was allowed to infiltrate his company system and cause harm, he'd been breed to cut off such hoes. And if he'd been in town, he'd have turned the hella until he had them pleading underneath his heels. He cuddled thoughts of flying out, back to base and away from this life he was living here. Sometimes, it becomes like too much efforts wasted on men who've lived most of their lives, happy, while he'd drowned in the aftermath of their sins and perversion. They owed him but it was becoming too much effort to make them pay. And while stuck in the game, he'd realised he was letting himself become vulnerable, he was letting the hardness that Ryder Steele was reputable for go for a woman who didn't want him af
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Over the next few days though, they barely ever saw each other.Bree was caught at work with the deadline beats and clamouring clients bombarding them with work, so she was barely ever at home.And Ryder had himself invested in his purpose for being back here.He planned to be done from here as soon as possible and get out before the press sees through Marrow's plan and come raging for him.He'd gone to see Roger, the lawyer guy, on hastening the liquidation process.With that cleared, he'd just have to take his strikes and finally take a break from revenge.That shit only served to drain, leaving nothing in its wake except an emptiness that can never be filled.That's why he needed to be done sooner rather than later, it'd be easier to deal with now.With what he already had in his arsenal, it just took getting his hands dirty and getting in one too many back doors to have everything he needed to see Brandon crawl.He c
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Bree came to, in a strange, dark room that was awfully unfamiliar. And she knew of course that she wasn't in here of her own will, something had happened and she didn't believe for a second that it was any good. Without a pause, the memories of God knows how long ago came flooding back into her head. "Oh God." She gasped, of course she's been kidnapped. She remembered closing from the office a little later than the normal 5pm and that's because it's that time of the year when most of the businesses in town decides they want their accounts done and drawn in the shortest time possible. And all that achieves, is dump a lot of work load on the tables of innocent accounting firm employees and putting them under a lot of pressure, she for example. She'd spent the whole day breaking her back on her not so comfortable office chair, her eyes glued to her system and her brain racking to balance numbers for insane hours with no break. Eve
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That was it, that was how she ended up here. It was that car, the stupid looking salon car and the even worse looking men that had come out from it, they had kidnapped her. It didn't make any sense to her that they did though, there's currently nothing to her name that'll make anyone want to kidnap her. For fucks sake she doesn't even have the basic - money! So if this whole shenanigan is for the reason of ransom, it'll be a big joke because there's basically no one who'll care enough to pay for her to live. At least not her father, or Cole and definitely not Ryder. The latter will probably see her absence as good riddance. She moved tentatively to the door, careful not to make any sounds and alert whoever else was in the house of her now consciousness. She'll be in luck if the door comes open and even better if she can make it out of here without being captured again. That one will be a difficult task seeing as
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It didn't make sense to Ryder that she wasn't back yet and the later it got the clearer it became that something must have happened to her. It felt like a sucker punch to his gut thinking of her being hurt and helpless. Fuck, he didn't want anything happening to her, he already blames himself for hurting her too much, to add the guilt of having her get harmed on his watch would be hell. Snatching his phone off the table, he dials Jonas as he goes to grab his key too. If there's anybody that can find her, it's that guy and currently, he's Ryder's best bet. Jonas' can find anything in the face of earth given the right information, including the idiomatic needle in haystack. His call got answered on the third ring, just as he makes it outside to his car, a groggy voice coming from the receiving end. "What do you need this time, Ry?" Jonas drawled over the line grumpily. "For your info, I was just about to have dinner. You
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He didn't waste any time making the necessary calls, the earlier he got the guys together, the earlier they could go rescue Bree from that bastard, Brandon. He hated the idea of her being under the same roof with the man, it disgusted him to imagine the length Brandon can go to get revenge. His plan had been to round up Jonas' men and go bursting into Park's residence, making the rest up as they go, but Marco the seeming leader of the group he'd gathered wouldn't hear of it. The man was a raw strategist, a ground and fine one at that, and he took care of every detail before going into anything, Ryder came to realise. And while that was a fine asset in the business they were involved in, it wasn't what Ryder needed at the moment. With men like Brandon, every minute counted because the bastard could be as volatile as hell. He'd know from experience. He could still close his eyes and relieve the horror he'd endured at his hand, li
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It was the early hours of the morning before they finally shut down planning and the other guys set out for their destination. Marco had been intense enough to assure him of a higher success rate  He'd wanted to go with them, had fought the man on the subject, but the other man had somehow managed to make him see how that wasn't going to be a good idea in the end. They needed him back here, doing his thing, disabling security systems and alarms while they go in and save her. Though they both hated to admit it, Philippe was right, he was going to be a liability to them since he didn't have half the level of training and expertise these men did on hostage rescue. And he was already in Brandon's bad book for confronting him at the bar of Montgomery's. He wouldn't even be surprised if the bastard had figured out exactly who he is and was using the kidnap as a stage to lure him in. With his face buried in his work, he had his f
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Breaking into the house of Brandon Parks was not s difficult as Marco and his men had envisioned it would be. Thanks to Ryder's efforts on his end, there had been no alarms going off in their faces or anything, a the directives of the man he had inside, they'd known to remain in the shadows still, avoiding the men that guarded the house. So far it's been a smooth operation and he was looking forward to having it remain like this to the end. It's be slightly difficult for them if those guys outside got involved because they'd be out numbered in the fight and under armed.  He hated the idea of having a young, innocent female in the same building as the snake, Brandon, though, and that was half the reason he'd taken this job in the first place. The other half was personal. With any luck, he wouldn't have to come face to face with the man himself because he didn't trust himself to hold back from killing that bastard and damming the co
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Bree had her eyes pinned shut, saying a silent little prayer as the man called his pigs back into the room.This was it, the end of the road for her and it only made her sad because she never got her revenge.Down to the end, she'd been a prey, she'd allowed herself to be used by her father and his friends and now this man, without putting up a fights.She was the girl that didn't get away.Maybe this devil will let her live beyond this moment, but in the end, she was still at his mercy and he'd kill her off when he didn't need her body anymore for entertainment.He'd made it clear afterall that that was all he wanted from her, as revenge for turning him down at Montgomery's.Since when as that a crime though?The door to the room came open as two men reentered the room, these different from the ones that had brought her in here initially.At least she would have recognized the horny idiot, Isco and his equally horny mate if it
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That bastard had tried to touch her!That had been the first thought to storm Ryder's mind as the big black guy they called Rox put Bree's small, sleeping body in his arms.He knew without a doubt that he was right because shirt was missing buttons, like someone had forcibly tried to rip the damn piece of clothing off her body and it made him mad.He wanted to hit something, preferably the face of the scumbag responsible for this, but he had her in his arms now and he was schooling himself to accept that was enough, for now.It killed him to imagine how scared abdshe must have been being at the mercy of that Savage swine and he couldn't beging to understand why anyone would want to harm this little, lovely being.His little one.He owed a lot to Marco and his men who had risked their own lives to save her, but Brandon owed him a life, his life and he'd vowed to make sure the man pays in every way possible.Now more than ever.H
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