All Chapters of IMPERFECT Princess : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Chapter 11
Sebastian's POVIt had been another week and I still remained in my bedroom. I didn't want to deal with the meetings, the constant talking about my arranged marriage and, most of all, I didn't want to deal with Princess Naomi.After tossing and turning for fifteen minutes in my bed, I got up and walked to the balcony. It was a beautiful day, yet I was unhappy and lost deep in many thoughts. Thoughts of going to fetch Emily and running away with her, thoughts of me bringing her boldly into the palace and introducing her to my father as the woman that my heart oh so desires.A knock on the door startled me."Come in," I called.In walked my maid with my breakfast."Thanks, but I'm not hungry. You can return it back to the kitchen.""Sir, I've been returning your breakfast for three days now. Why won't you eat your meals? Does this have to do with that other woman?""What other woman?" I asked sharply, eyebrows creasing. The last thing I
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Chapter 12
Sebastian's POVMaybe I was wrong. Maybe I was right. But what I was certain on was that I hated the confusion in my head and the one being newly formed around my heart. I had always had feelings for Emily. Falling in love with her in high school was everything, but when things ended the way they did, I understood that her feelings would never be the same. And the time apart didn't help. Years of lost communication and distance would do that to anyone. I knew it was completely over. It wouldn't ever be between us even if I tried, so it was best to let it just fade away. But it didn't.Naomi, on the other hand, I only disliked for one reason. She wasn't Emily. But today, as I sat across from her on the picnic blanket, I saw her for her. She glowed and flushed as she told me stories from her childhood— what it was like to grow up as a princess with a very strict father— and I found myself relating to her because our fathers had lots of similarities. 
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Chapter 13
Sebastian's POVThree Days LaterI watched as my father walked around his bedroom with his hands behind his back and his head held heavenwards. He, then, stopped and turned towards me. "There are rumors circulating that you may be involved with another woman.""And I can assure you that those are just what you said there are— rumors.""Oh, they better be just rumors Sebastian because if you bring this kingdom any shame of any sort, you won't hear the end of it!"I heaved a sigh and rubbed my temples as the times spent with Emily came flooding back like a broken pipe, including the night we had together in my bedroom."Sebastian! Have you heard me?" my father's voice snapped away the memories."Huh?""Have you been to your fitting already? It's tradition to wear a suit with your medals and the color of the country's flag!""I'll get to it right now." I peeled myself off the chair. I walked out the bedroom a
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Chapter 14
Emily's POV"You have a lot of nerve, Emily Hollen. I don't know who you think you are, and I don't care who you are, but let me make myself very, very clear to you. Stay away from my fiance!" She finished with a small shout and got the attention of several hotel employees, who quickly turned their eyes away from us when I looked back at them."Listen, it's not what—" I started, but she cut me off by lifting her hand to my face, and the only reason I didn't slap it away was that she was royalty."No. I don't listen to outsiders and to people like you. I believe that you have knowledge about my engagement with the prince but, nonetheless, you came onto him!""Where's your proof of that?" I asked, now folding my arms to control myself."Oh, I will... I do have... I want to hear you confess with that mouth of yours!"I laughed and shook my head at her. Of course gossip would start about Sebastian and myself, I had been expecting such, but Princess Na
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Chapter 15
Sebastian's POV"SEBASTIAN! NOT ANOTHER STEP!" my father yelled after me and I halted in my tracks, slowly turning to face him. He was livid and red in the face. His eyebrows creased on his forehead as beads of sweat form over them."Dad, I can't—""I don't want to hear of it, son. What has gotten into you, huh? Why walk out on your own wedding and your own people?""Dad, I'm not ready to—" I tried to explain but he cut me off again."Sebastian, so help me, if you don't go back into that Chapel and repeat your vows—"  I had had it with him telling me what to do. "That's the problem with you, Dad, you don't listen. I'm not ready for all of this! I've tried but I can't do it. "Now I fully understand why my mother ran away and took me with her. Since I've come back, being king is all you ever talk to me about. You don't care to ask what I think about it, or how I feel about taking your place. You just shove everything down my throat
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Chapter 16
Emily's POVI rested against his chest, exhaled slowly, and felt myself like a cherry on top. I was scared of falling in love with him because he wasn't mine to claim anymore. I pushed away as I remembered that."We can't do this." I wasn't ready for the shit storm I knew would be coming our way at anytime now. The media would have a frenzy and the King would have my head for lying with his son while being engaged to the Princess of Scots."You're scared, aren't you?" It was clear that he knew me better than I expected, and I was strangely impressed."I'm sorry to interrupt, but I believe the King is here," Gen said as she walked into the bedroom. The beats of my heart quickened and I held onto Sebastian as if I were holding onto dare life altogether. "Where is he?""Right outside the door," she answered."They must have followed me here when I left the church, but don't you worry, nothing is going to happen to you,
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Chapter 17
Emily's POV"EMILY, my darling!" my mother greeted loudly as her eyes caught me entering the dining room. I was pulled into her firm arms like a child and I found consolation in them. I missed my parents and I missed home.She led me to the table and I noticed she was dinning alone."Where's Dad?" I asked, hoping something wasn't wrong. I had been away so long and I usually missed out on the family dramas, dinners and events."Oh, he's in the study getting some paperwork for Evan. He should be done any minute now." She started eating off her plate."Great," I answered shortly with a sigh of exhaustion."Baby, what's the matter?" She stopped eating and waited for me to answer."Nothing that I can't handle. I'm just winded and I think that I need about six months rest from all the hotels and travels," I said with a slump."Oh, my poor baby, you need to take a much needed rest, Emily. You've already done so much.""I kno
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Chapter 18
Emily's POVI was baffled by my mother's question. "Preg... nant? Mom, are you crazy? Of course I'm not pregnant. I've always been careful when it comes to having sex. I—" I paused as memories of the heated night with Sebastian flooded my mind, "I'm always careful," I finished, but I knew I was lying. I missed my Levonorgestrel pills the morning after because when I got back to the hotel pills weren't even on my mind."Okay," my mother simply said, and I knew she wouldn't leave it at that. If there wsa one thing I was certain on about with my mother, it that it's unfinished business whenever she's calm.I swallowed the fear and my senses tasted the imaginary liquid at the back of my throat. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. I was still sleepy.At midday I woke again to my mother standing in the doorway, looking at me with a sly smile on her pretty face that never seemed to be aging."You know I won't leave you alone
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Chapter 19
Sebastian's POVThe night wind blew extra cold tonight. I was on the balcony, staring up at the dark sky, feeling alone and sorry for myself, but thoughts of Emily weren't leaving my mind, and the times I had spent with her, I'd give anything to have those times back again. I couldn't get over her smile, her touches, her scent, the sparkles in her eyes whenever she'd look at me.Someone touched my shoulder and I leaped."Didn't mean to startled you. Sorry.""Naomi, what you doing here?" I brought my attention to her."I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about you and the manner in which you walked out on our wedding. Why Sebastian? Was it me?""No. This has nothing to do with you. It's me.""Okay. Is it that you're not ready to get married to me, or is there someone else?"I chuckled lightly at her question and took her face in. She was no Emily but she was beautiful to look at and I felt guilty that she was in this position, but I also
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Chapter 20
Emily's POV"I'll knock his face off!" Evan, my twin brother, exclaimed when I told the family who was responsible for my pregnancy. Everyone was gathered in the living room, drilling me with unnecessary questions as if the child was going to be born into poverty. I had more than enough money to give this child everything and anything his or her tiny heart desire."You're not going to do that Evan," I defended."He knocked up my baby sister and you think I—" I didn't let him finish, I had had enough of his bickering and input. "JUST STOP! You're not going to do anything to him. I'm not in high school anymore Evan. I'm twenty six. I'm a woman and I don't need anyone fighting my battles for me because there isn't a battle to fight. This baby will be loved and spoiled in the best of ways, and I really don't need a man to do that.""Emily, you can't do this on your own," my mother let out."I can and I will," I said as I slumped.&nbs
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