Semua Bab Shadows of the Lost: Bab 11 - Bab 20
103 Bab
Who are You?
Hail couldn’t take his eyes away from the strange woman the whole journey. She struck her as someone he knew but could not pinpoint why so.Earlier, Briane was pestering her, persuading her to show her face. He even dared to seduce her in front of them, but Hail stopped him, which he followed for the sake of his newly polished shoes. Now frowning again, he closed his eyes, his arms on his chest.Michelle, meanwhile, had been at home with the soft benches. She couldn’t help breathing heavily as the foam registered to her skin. It’s like being back in her room, with her super-soft bed and dimly lit lamp.With a sigh, she stared at the landscape featured by the round window opposite her. There was no doubt of Zorphe’s beauty, its corners punctuated by an enchanted torch which captured any light it could detect. Far from that, the colorful trees, the horizon, even if it’s darkened by the heavens, were perfectly synchroniz
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Shadow Wielders Institute of Knowledge
Arc 2 Behind the Secret Would you know who’s behind it all? Lies, unparalleled deception, burying of truths, and reviving deaths. Do you have the guts to unravel it all, to unleash the monster sleeping in its cage? If you do, then behold! You’d end up wishing for lies to be the truth. --- Hail and Blame were walking one meter apart from each other. The rays of the sun, finally, peering at their back, melting the clouds, illuminated the breathtaking landscape of the school’s perimeter. There were about hundreds of trees standing in the corner, its leaves catching fire, turning to ashes, revolving in a heap, and back again in its branches. Large posts rested in the alleyway’s corner, occasionally slithered by bluish lights, traveling from under the ground and up to the horizon. Looking over her shoulder, Blame found the perfectly-made stone staircases. It was leading up to the cliff, its edges punctur
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Doc Liv
This warehouse is made to accommodate us, Beastie,” Reigna Halcht was explaining. “You see, the cute protector over there will hand us a postcard. If you don’t know what it is, it looked like a meta-card, hmm? It has an itty-bitty figure in it.”“What’s the use of this meta-card thingy?”“Ooh, it’s a ticket for the other infrastructure. Like the school, everything inside it is unplottable.” She moved closer to her, her hands on her mouth. “Chell said the headmaster’s a nutter who loves making our lives hard. Just don’t tell anyone I tell you that.” Then she ends up in a giggling state.Five minutes later, they’re already standing in front of the protector who scanned the three of them. He’s wearing a silver suit of armor and the eyehole of its metal was concealed in horn-rimmed glasses. It gave the protector extra-sensitive eyes that would help him detects suspicious things.After he handed three simple envelopes, he moved aside from the counter to reveal a d
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Orientation Gone Wrong
By the time Doc Liv finished coiling the foil on Blame’s skin, the stars were already twinkling at the indigo sky, the full moon beaming in its center. The foil was sticky and it irate Blame more than ever, but as they were in a hurry to go to the Great Hall, she just gritted her teeth and tried her best to ignore the impulse of ripping her artificial skin apart.Doc Liv was right, though. Her skin looked way too different. It was far from being rough and dry. In fact, it could be compared to a baby’s skin, so pale, so soft, and so milky. “Hurry! The orientation’s about to start,” said Reigna the moment she opened the challenger’s door. The path that led to the Great Hall was so large it could fit two arenas in it. There were about three pale tents erected in each of its corners, a crest painted just above the circular hole in its front. In front of these stood a castle-like building, with ten turrets, reaching about a hundred meters high. N
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The Headmaster
For three days, the school had been turned upside-down. Ms. Selene was sure that the culprit was still there, bidding his time to kill yet another prey. Mr. Heirt strongly disagreed with her because, as he put it, the culprit may have never existed at all. Doc Liv’s a skilled and notable doctor, but she’s also old and, basing on his student years, a twinge in the head or, in other words, crazy. “Mr. Heirt, I don’t believe that a decent Wielder such as Mrs. Livia will kill herself,” reasoned out Ms. Selene. They were at the hall’s storage room, standing one meter away from each other, their faces illuminated by the light coming from the hall. “Why not, Selene? However decent she is, she can also experience emotional fatigue. Let’s say she faced a problem, like—you know—lack of sexual intimacy—”“For Christ’s sake! She’s happily married—”“Not from what I’ve heard, no,” intervene Mrs. Halcht, her knees wobbling. “Her husband put it to hi
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Fabricated Truth
“Sweetie, where have you been?” said Briane the moment Blame entered the tent. “OMG, Beastie! Are you okay? We thought you’ve gone missing again!” Reigna was already in front of her, checking her body, her brows creasing. “What happened to the foil?”“It doesn’t matter—”“Of course it matters, Blame! You look dreadful without it!” Blame’s brows raised. “Since when did your opinion mattered to me?”Everyone in the room gasped, except for Hail who merely looked up. “Zo, de Bleym I know will be back now. `ow wonderful!”“What I’m trying to say is, we need to go back to the hall. The headmaster’s here.”“Alright, let’s go!” Briane beamed despite the growing tension. “Have you forgotten, Speedy?” started Michelle. “She just walk out of us without telling us where she is, and what could possibly be more important that we have to go through anxiety just to guess her whereabouts?”“Seriously, Babe! She’s alr
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The Test
Just as the headmaster said, the test took place at the Contour’s Testing Ground as early as seven o’clock the next morning. Since there were only a hundred and six students in the school, there would be about twenty-one or twenty-two students who would take the test every day. This would mean that by the sixth day of the test, they’d just be waiting for the result.With that being said, Blame woke up at six o’clock, her hair looking like a disheveled nest that’s about to explode. Stretching and yawning, her half-asleep eyes bored at the transparent wall reflecting Hail’s room.Hail slept with both his hands resting on his stomach, a blanket covering the lower part of his body. Although she couldn’t see his face, she assumed his features to be innocent while asleep. Most often than not, Wielders managed to look younger and softer when their eyes were closed.Looking at his half-dead body, her heart clenched. Somehow, she saw the hint of Kleint’s existence (a childh
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The Result
Spluttering, Z sat abruptly, her eyelids drooping, her visions unfocused. She was wheezing as she tried digesting the piercing light now illuminating the room. It took her a cup of lavender to calm down. As she brushed the sweat away from her body, the woman who tested her sat in front of her, still wearing her mask.  Z had to stop herself from shuddering when the woman cupped her cheeks. The feels of her palms were so familiar. It almost felt as though she’d been longing for it. With her brows furrowed, she looked past at her warm eyes and still could not conclude who she was.  “Do I know you?” she said even before she could stop herself.  The woman just smiled, or at least, her eyes did. “That’s out of question, Ms. Seirt. Let’s go back to the business, shall we?”  Breathing rather heavily, Z leaned back at the reclining chair, massaging her temple.  “Mind telling me what’s happened?” said the woman, crossing her arm
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The shock took a moment to wear off. She knew by now that Michelle’s doubt would increase if she realized she’d been shifted into the other class. Hail’s, Briane’s, Jane’s, and Reigna’s perception might waver one bit because they were sure all of them would remain a Skipper.What you’ve been would always be… at least that’s how they saw it.But there’s no point pondering about it now. After all, the main point of her being there was for the headmaster’s head, and she just has to deal with their doubts as she went. If ever they pose a threat to her plans, they must be moved out of the way. “SWEETIE, LOOK!”Z hurriedly stuff the box and the letter out of sight as Briane barged in, bringing with him a letter quite alike with hers. Unlike the Noble’s, the Skipper’s head used a scented parchment for the student’s letter of qualification. It’s embellished with golden crowns and an eye that featured a shadow’s figure than an iris. “I’m a Skipper!”
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Her Closest Link
Z woke up three days after she’d been unconscious. The first thing she noticed was the flat ceiling of her bed. From its corners twirled white linen cloths that flow seamlessly down the ground. Grabbing one of her pillows, she turned and embraced it with a loud sigh. Her room was as big as three apartments combined, enclosed by marble walls that were creatively glued with minuscule diamonds. Due to its glimmering nature, the room was only illuminated by the pea-size flame of three candles standing on a candelabra in the corner. The strange combination of orange and yellow lights was enough to emphasize the glint of the diamonds. Supposedly, these diamonds were to form into a feature quite alike with the princess, but something happened along the way, so it then formed into a galaxy, with the diamond as the stars. From the left wing of the room stood a concave window. It’s embedded with a shadow’s physique that covered up its entirety,
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