
Orientation Gone Wrong

By the time Doc Liv finished coiling the foil on Blame’s skin, the stars were already twinkling at the indigo sky, the full moon beaming in its center. The foil was sticky and it irate Blame more than ever, but as they were in a hurry to go to the Great Hall, she just gritted her teeth and tried her best to ignore the impulse of ripping her artificial skin apart.

Doc Liv was right, though. Her skin looked way too different. It was far from being rough and dry. In fact, it could be compared to a baby’s skin, so pale, so soft, and so milky. 

“Hurry! The orientation’s about to start,” said Reigna the moment she opened the challenger’s door. 

The path that led to the Great Hall was so large it could fit two arenas in it. There were about three pale tents erected in each of its corners, a crest painted just above the circular hole in its front. In front of these stood a castle-like building, with ten turrets, reaching about a hundred meters high. 


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