Semua Bab Mated to the Alpha of the North: Bab 41 - Bab 50
73 Bab
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Willow Jax did not waste any more time, immediately coaxing me to lie back as his talented mouth continued its downward descent, peppering kisses along my neck and nipping lightly at where the smooth slope met my shoulder, before shifting his attention further south to mount a full assault on my abundant breasts. I was completely lost in the moment, enjoying each caress of his rough hands as they worked their way down the landscape of my body, to the waistband of my sleep shorts, and I could no longer contain the sounds of pleasure that had been threatening to escape from my kiss swollen lips the moment his intoxicating tongue had invaded my mouth earlier. Thank Luna, no one was around to hear the many whimpers and throaty moans that Jax elicited so easily from me.   I reached out with my hands, frantic to make contact wi
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Chapter Forty
Jax My wolf and I were on cloud nine now that Willow’s wolf had left her mark on us, even though it was only temporary, but it was clear that her wolf had been the one driving the action, leaving us feeling conflicted about the momentous occasion. I could not help the sound of pleasure that escaped my lips at her unexpected act, but I pulled back before I could do something I would regret later, feeling my angry cock protest at the distance from the warmth that had been so close. I knew she might not be okay with her wolf’s bold move, and I did not want to push her too far. I reached down to readjust my painful erection, promising to take care of it later, before focusing back on my mate’s facial expressions. Willow seemed to be struggling with herself as she fought with her wolf to regain contr
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Chapter Forty-One
Willow I hurried into the closet, firmly shutting the door behind me before turning around and letting out a long breath, shutting my eyes momentarily to bring myself back into the present. I opened my eyes, shaking off the daze that seemed to never leave when I was in my mate’s presence, and I looked around hopefully for the clothes that Jax and Ronnie had promised I would find in this tiny room. I could not understand how I felt as comfortable in Jax’s presence as I already did, but I decided not to question the matter too much. Every minute I spent with him, he was constantly endeavoring to show me how much Luna had blessed me with my enviable mate. Also, I could not believe that I had forgotten I was naked, but I found the more I thought about it, the more I liked his burning, hazel eyes roaming over me.
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Chapter Forty-Two
Willow Ronnie’s words immediately sobered my thoughts and halted the next words that were on the tip of my tongue from falling out. She was right, I had marked Jax this morning. Well, my wolf had, but I could not really be upset at him for doing the same thing, just in a different manner. Could I? My wolf yipped a resounding no in my head, but I was still disregarding her. Even so, most of the unmitigated indignancy had drained out of me when I grasped how quickly my mate had sprinted to my side when he had thought that I needed him. It warmed my heart and sent a shot of confidence racing through my blood when I comprehended that he had been telling the truth earlier. Jax completely ignored Ronnie, reaching down and gently guiding my face up before asking, “What happened,
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Chapter Forty-Three
Jax I promptly finished rinsing off and taking care of my problem downstairs, though I knew it would not last for long with Willow’s lovely scent taunting my wolf and I at every turn. Her personal fragrance had persisted within the confines of the small closet that I had found myself within, already causing my dick to stir de novo. I could hear her moving around downstairs with my sister as I swiftly pulled on some jeans and reached for the first shirt that my hands touched. I grabbed my shoes and socks and made my way back out into the bedroom. Yet, my half-dressed state was completely forgotten the moment that I heard the sound of shock escape Willow’s perfect lips. I flew down the stairs like a bat out of hell, my wolf hounding me in my mind about our mate’s wellbeing, and frantically searched the room until my distraught eyes locked in on her curvy figure
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Chapter Forty-Four
Jax Asher was already there once I had arrived at Reese’s dwelling, though it appeared that he may have just arrived, seeing as he was still standing in the front hallway with Reese when I had walked through the door. I was already on edge due to the distance between me and my unclaimed soulmate, so Asher’s next words seriously pushed the limits of my self-control. My wolf had allowed me to leave Willow’s side temporarily, appeased by her wolf’s show of possession this morning, but that would only last for so long. Further, I could not keep my own tempestuous thoughts at bay, as I worried as I was with Willow being out of my field of vision and Zeke still on the loose, only compounding with my wolf’s own stormy blend of emotions. Needless to say, I was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, and Asher had been the one dumb enough to blow the fuse.
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Chapter Forty-Five
Willow It took me a few minutes to come back down from the high that I had been riding after Jax’s sweltering goodbye kiss, and when I finally fell, I found that Ronnie had just completed tidying up the kitchen while I had been standing in the middle of the room like a lovestruck fool, right where Jax had left me prior. Ronnie had taken one look at my face as she turned around from where she had been washing the dishes at the sink and then proceeded to break out in giggles while saying in between laughs, “You should really see your face right about now.” She snickered, before going on in a sober tone of voice, “If I was not so happy for my brother and you, I might have been a little sickened by that display, but it just makes me melt seeing how content you two are together.” Her words warmed my heart further, aiding in slowly,
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Chapter Forty-Six
Willow I could not help but notice that our return trip to the lodge had taken longer than the initial journey into town, and I had a sneaking suspicion that my slower pace was the cause of the increased length. We had not talked much on the walk home. My mind was too fried at the moment to focus enough to keep up a line of conversation, and I was too busy trying to figure out what this subtle pull in my chest was that I continued to feel rising stronger as we advanced towards our final destination. It was like there was a siren, luring me ever closer, and I could not resist the intoxicating feeling. However, all at once, the tugging sensation seemed to increase in intensity, nearly suffocating me with the impulse to rush forward to something heretofore unknown. Jax’s personal fragrance had stayed with me throughout the day, b
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Chapter Forty-Seven
Jax I arrived back at our lodge, enthusiastically anticipating the moment when I would get to hold my curvaceous mate snug in my arms again, but I was regrettably saddened when I had discovered an empty dwelling, though the fact should not have surprised me considering the mad dash that I had been in to get here.   I settled down to mind link with Ronnie about an estimated arrival time, anxiously awaiting Willow’s appearance. Ronnie assured me that they were already on their way back and would be here soon, but my wolf and I were not satisfied with her answer. He wanted me to shift and go find her immediately, but I suppressed his desire for now, resolving to work on holding up my end of the plan that had been created this morning with the other alphas to finally locate Zeke’s whereabouts. While it expended a considerable
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Chapter Forty-Eight
Willow Upon arriving back at the lodge, I speedily shifted shapes and was then shepherded into the house by a tremendously domineering mate. I found that I did not like this side of Jax, discovering that it reminded me too much of Zeke’s overbearing ways, despite the differences in the details. I had promised myself that I would speak up more in the future regarding my needs and desires. I knew there was feasibly a threat to my safety, so I paused to temper my thoughts before starting in on him. In that time, Ronnie showed up bearing gifts of clothing, though I had forgotten I was naked to be honest. I donned the shirt which instantly drowned me in Jax’s scent, helping to lessen my anger as I questioned my mate, “What is going on? Why did you rush me back here so fast?” Ronnie joined in, not giv
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