All Chapters of Finding The Heart of Magic: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
34 Chapters
Chapter 20
Drake In my sleep, I hear someone's loud voice. I open my eyes and realize that the voice was not in my sleep but real and is heard outside my hut.I concentrate on the voice and understand that there is no quarrel or something. Is only one voice.I decide to go out and check what is happening. I quickly put on my clothes and go out.The man I see, moving away from my hut, is formally dressed, and I realize that he is the castle's emissary.Then I remember my mother's words telling me to wait for news from the castle.I run to catch up with the well-dressed man calling him: "Sorry, sir. Wait a minute."Fortunately, the man listened to me and stops. He turns his head and looks at me.I approach him and ask him if his arrival in the village is related to the castle's ball day work."Yes, it is," he replies, raising his eyebrows."I am also among the boys who were selected," I inform hi
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Chapter 21
Drake We follow her to the kitchen. We enter through the door that leads to the garden and the yard. The same door I used a few days ago. A pleasant feeling of intimacy overwhelms me that manages to drive away some of my anxiety.She puts us in order and gives us a medium-sized platter and not too heavy with a large serving spoon inside.The delicious smell of the plate inserts my nose and reminds me of my hunger. My platter contains some kind of grilled sausage with various chopped vegetables.I felt my saliva running, and I felt a great desire to take a piece and eat it. With a glance at the other boys, I saw in everyone's eyes the same unbridled desire."After the end of the serving, there will be food for everyone," my mother informs us, and a smile spreads on our lips. She has probably noticed our own hunger. "Now, I want you to restrain yourself and focus on our purpose.""Yes, ma'am," we said like a voic
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Chapter 22
Edith I'm in my room with madam-Zoe for quite some time. I am doing one last rehearsal of my dress. I have to admit that madam-Zoe did an excellent job. My mother was right, choosing her.Both dresses –mine and my mothers'- are finished on time, and the final result is simply outstanding!We are only a breath away before the big day of the ball. It is the day after tomorrow. Everyone in the castle is in a fluster by the preparations. They run all day to arrange everything to perfection and especially my 'nanny' Aida. The poor woman has a lot on her plate. She must be everywhere, take care of everything.This would be so hard for anybody.Sometimes I see her holding her head in despair, and I realize that she has started to reach her limits. But she does not give up. I asked her if she wanted us to bring her an assistant to share all these responsibilities, but she refused, telling me that she did not trust anyon
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Chapter 23
Edith   Going down the stairs, I see my parents coming in a hurry to welcome our first guests. The emblem of the standard proudly waved on the carriage brought them here, warning us that we have to welcome Duke Mateo and Duchess Amelia from the distant Dukedom of Holkorp. I smile. I like these people. They are kind, polite, and always cheerful and really care about the people of their Dukedom. I go near to my parents, who smile when they see me. "You are so beautiful, my daughter," my mother tells me, and my father, who is looking at me still smiling, agrees, nodding his head. "So are you," I say to them and hug them. The door opens, and Duke Mateo and Duchess Amelia enter, smiling and cheerful as always. My mother was the first to go to them, followed by my father and me. "Welcome," my mother says happily. She hugs Amelia, who welcomed her in her arms, while my father offers his ha
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Chapter 24
Edith I manage to hold myself back."My princess?"Oh! Una. I had forgotten her. I hope she has not understood anything. I return my look on her again."Yes, Una, I was thinking what you told me," I say to cover my place, and I keep talking to her so as not to give her time to think about anything else."When you go the water up to the room, tell my mother that some other guests are coming too.""Should I tell her secretly?""No, I do not think it is necessary. After all, it is known we are waiting for other guests too. Just ask permission to speak at an appropriate time and mention it.""Okay, my princess. That is what I will do. ""I will stay here. If they arrive before my parents come, I will welcome them." "Fine. I go now"."Yes, go, Una."My eyes were fixed on the stairs that Tyson had climbed a while ago. Oh! My God! Just at the thought of his name, my heart lost a beat
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Chapter 25
Edith Una appears at the door, panting. Her face is all red from the tension but also the rush. Drops of sweat shine on her forehead.As soon as I see her, I get up from my seat, ready to listen to what she has to tell us.On the contrary, my mother runs to her and asks her:"Well? What happened?""Only the coachman has a slight injury because he was sitting outside the carriage, and as the wheel broke, he fell from the carriage. Fortunately, he did not fall on a stone. He has already been carried to the castle. He is with Mistress Nina and cleans his wounds until the doctor comes. The rest who was in the carriage are all fine.""Did you find out who they are?""Yes, Ntandrein's Count Damian and his wife, Countess Grace.""Oh! My god! Are you sure they are both okay? ""Yes. They will be here in a while. When the doctor comes, he will examine them too. This is what the king ordered."
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Chapter 26
Edith   No! Woefully! My vision does not fool me. It is a dragon! A real, giant dragon with all its bones, flesh, and blood. Well, I suppose they do have blood. And all those terrible and ugly horns and nails. It is flapping its giant wings to keep its body swing in one place, at the height of the castle's balcony, which is the extension of the ball hall. Into its sight, my breath is taken away. For a while, I forget to breathe until my lungs tell me to do so. Then I take a deep, sharp breath. Oh! My God! What does it want? What is looking for here?  Why on this special day for us? And it is not alone. On its back is carrying a man. His eyes sparkle with malice and hatred. The hairs down my neck are standing up, and a shiver runs through my spine. "Good Evening ladies and gentleman," the man speaks with a voice full of irony. "Do you enjoy your ball? Now is the time not to anymore." Wh
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Chapter 27
Edith The first thing I see when I open my eyes is the ceiling. I wander my eyes around and recognize my room.I feel dizzy, and my head hurts unbearably. Next to me, I sense a presence slightly pressing something cold in my head. I try to turn my head to see who this is, but a sharp sting in the head fixes me back in place."It is me, my princess," a voice spoke to me, and I identify Aida's voice. "Please stay still. That's what you need now.""What has hap… ?""Shhh …… Not now. Later."Why? What has happened?The pain in my head forces me not to persist. That is why I am giving up at the moment.My head is buzzing. The icy pressure on my head that I feel is soothing and comforting. Blurry images begin to flood my mind as they slowly start to clear up. And then I remember… My eyes open wide."Fath…" I try to get up, but Aida stops me by holding me down.
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Chapter 28
Aida was infuriated with Brantley and Ladon. Although they had tricked her, pretending not to go ahead with their plan and giving her a deadline - apparently to throw dust in her eyes - they reassured her by carrying out their own satanic plan in the end.In the castle, she mobilized all her forces to not reveal her feelings, not to escape any word of her mouth that would betray her relationship with the dragons. They would think that she was involved in all this, and they would lose their trust in her. And most importantly, she would lose their love. And that would make her heart a thousand pieces. She was unsure if she could bear to lose the people she loves so much, who have become her family and have blind trust in her. All this can be lost in only a single moment.For tonight, her ally was the silver illumination of the moon which became her trustworthy guide. She was walking fast without noticing if there was anyone or any other animal around her. The boiling rag
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Chapter 29
Edith Shocked, I watch my mother tearing her hair out and shout, "No, no, no, you're not going. I'm not going to let you go."I have just announced to her my decision to go and find the gem. At first, she looked at me, knitting her eyebrows in wonder. It took a few seconds for her to realize what exactly I was talking about. Then she widened her eyes and started screaming and pulling her hair. The truth is that I did not expect this reaction. Yes, I expected her to refuse my proposal for me to go, but I did not expect all this weeping and hair-tearing. Her reaction tore my heart. I had to be prepared for it. First, the father's kidnapping, and now I tell her that I will go and find the gem without being sure if I will ever return.It's an enormous burden for a wife and mother. Her family scattered without knowing if she will see them again. And all this so abruptly, so tragically suddenly. From one day to the next, she will be left alone. My eyes a
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