All Chapters of Why Me?: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
107 Chapters
The Winner
  After few days we got a notice, the notice was that everyone are compulsory to participate in story writing competition. The competition was between whole school except the juniors did not have the competition. The moral was given one day ahead. I went home and thought about the competition. I just thought I will do okay as usual. The next day competition was held.  We were given a whole day and we could sit wherever we wanted and write the story. Before competition started, Alice told me, "Sarah, do you know Girl Captain and Boy Captain did not have to participate in the competition. How lucky both of them." I could see a flash of jealousy in her eyes just for a small moment. For a moment, I thought how lucky they are. But again I thought optimistically and said that well the ones who are participating can gain knowledge and experience but not them. We sat on the garden and started writing. After the competition ended everyone's stories were coll
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It Might Be The Last Time
After a few weeks, three foreign teachers had come to our school. It was a teachers’ exchange program. To welcome them we had a small formal welcome. In that welcome, those teachers said few words and they had brought gifts to the principal and other big members of school. Then, they said they had brought gifts for the Boy Captain and Girl Captain also. They received the gift. I was a little jealous. The gifts were wrapped beautifully. I thought how lucky they were. I could also see jealousy in Alice's face. But maybe if it was Alice who had received the gift I would not have been jealous but it was Tanie. After few days, they left.We all then started focusing on our studies. Our final exams were near. Nothing happened because everyone was busy studying. Soon, we had our exams. I gave all exams well. However, the last examination was of Mathematics. Tyler was in the back seat of mine. I had been practicing Mathematics a lot. So, I was confident. I started writing th
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"Come alone I have to say you something.”
  When I reached school, many of them were already there. Then, we waited for everyone else to come. Alice also reached after a few minutes I reached. We were excited. Three lady and three gents teacher were joining us. At 7.25, one of the teacher took the attendance so that they can know how many were going. Then, we had two school buses and we got into bus. Alice and I sat together. I was in the window side. I realized that Kyle, Tanie, Samaira, Tyler were also in the same bus. Samaira and Tanie sat together and Kyle and Tyler sat together. The bus headed towards its destination.Few of them from backwards started singing songs while I had chat with Alice. After few minutes, there were just voices of people talking to each other. After few hours, we reached a place to eat our breakfast. Then, we had our breakfast. We again continued the journey and soon we reached our destination. First we were divided to groups for the rooms. Four in each roo
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"How can I let the one who bullied my girlfriend go without a proper apology!"
   After few minutes, it started raining heavily. So, I went to another corner to stay away from rain. It was just a left turn from the place Tyler said. It was raining heavily. I waited for an hour, my legs were feeling numb as I was standing in the same place. Although it was raining heavy and other sounds could not be heard, I could finally hear a voice. It was loud and familiar. I poked my head and saw that Tanie came along with Tyler. They both were under an umbrella. I felt a little sad but I just thought that she followed him here. However, when they came exactly to the spot, I was going to step out and call out for Tyler but when I heard Tanie speaking I sat behind and watched them secretly.She said, “What is the surprise? Where is it?” Tyler had a confused expression on his face and said, "Oh, I had said Sarah to come here. Why did she not come?" Tanie had a little angry eyes and said, "How can Sarah be a surprise for me?"
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 After I realized someone was behind me, I wiped my tears and looked back. I looked back and it was a male. I looked at him from floor but I could not recognize him. I stood up slowly and saw him, he looked like he was few years elder than me. He was handsome. I did not say anything. He said, "Miss, you are soaked in rain. You will get ill if you stay like this. Let me drop you to your building where you are staying.” Although he was a stranger I could know that he was just trying to help me. So, I did not say anything just nodded. He gave me a hand and I stood up. I showed him the building and walked with him under the same umbrella. We walked silently until we reached the door of the building.I then said, "Thank you for your help. I am Sarah." I extended my hand. He shook it and said, "I am Charlie." Then before I said anything else, Alice came with an umbrella in her hand and said, "Why did it take you so long? Why are you soaked? Who is he?" I said, "H
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The Trip
 I reached home. I hugged my mom. Dad was not in home. I took a shower and I skipped dinner and told my mum I will rest as I was tired. In the room, everything that happened in the trip came on my mind. My eyes were filled with tears and then I cried. After crying for few hours, I stopped and thought about the one who helped me to prevent me from getting drenched, Charlie. I felt as if I had seen him before. I thought for a while but I could not remember. I thought it was just my thoughts. I slept after that. I woke up late in the morning.I freshened up and had breakfast with my parents. My mom and dad went out. I cleaned the utensils and then went back to my room. I did not know what to do. I started watching movies. I spent the whole day just like that. The next day, my mom asked me if I will go to a trip with them. My father was also going. I agreed because I was bored in the house anyway. The trip was after three days. She told me that it would be cold there so I
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The next day, I was admitted to the course that was after school and before high school. We had two to three months to wait for the result. So, I took that course. On the first day, after talking with the teachers who managed that agency. I went to the classroom. I was late. The benches were not arranged so properly. The front part of class were packed. So, I had to go to sit at last. I went through all those people. There were very few girls and they were at the front. The class was like a few girls at front and then many boys and at last it was me. The whole time I could not concentrate because the teacher spoke very slowly and I had no one to talk to. After 4 hours of class I returned home.The next day, I reached fast and I somehow made some friends. I enjoyed talking to them. I were not so close to them but they talked nicely. One day, I was a little late and I saw a seat that was in the corner however I had to manage to go till there. I was fat, so when I tried to go to
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Why Did She Do That?
On the first day of school, I took the school's bus as I had never taken public bus by myself before, I did not know how to. Yeah I know it is weird that I do not know how to. If only I had known that Alice would be going to same school earlier, I could have gone with her. My stop was the last stop, I had to stand in the bus. It was my new experience. We reached school. I made few friends. When returning from school, I waited for Alice and I went with her and her two friends in a public bus. Her friends were polite. We did this all days. We studied well and travelled together. In my class, my friends were not as good as Alice's friends. One day, the school organized a modelling contest. The winner would get prize money and awards. I did not want to take part because I knew everything was about beauty although we had to show our one of the talents. However, my friends kept my name without asking me. I went to withdraw my name after knowing but I could not do that as it w
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It was our teacher, Ms. Lily who also had very big impact on judging. She always was fair with every decision. She said, "I have heard everything. Do not worry, everything will be fair." I was actually relieved that she heard everything. If I had to explain I would have had to give some proof. Now, that I was just telling my friends she would obviously think that I was not lying and the facts were enough. She said that she actually came here to see me after what happened.  After changing we went to her office. Her decision was respected by many. So, she called for a meeting ASAP with the other judges and teachers in the meeting room. We heard an announcement after that. Everyone was expected in the hall. I did not know what happened in the meeting, so I went to the hall with Alice, Marie and Annie. We sat at the corner. I did not want to face anyone else. The host suddenly said that, the winner for the program has changed. The host said that the winner was the o
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A Call
After hearing the story, Jammie's mother slapped Jammie real hard. Maybe because she was a female she could understand what a girl will feel after going through that incident. After she slapped her, she said, "I did not expect this from you. How could you think of ruining another girl's life? If your plan would have come totally true than you could even end your life in prison. If that incident would have happened, she could even suicide. Then, you guys would be the murderer." She slapped her again. Jammie started crying. Jammie's mother covered her face and sat down for a minute and came in front of me and she knelt down. She said, "I am sorry for my child's doings." I know Jammie was wrong however her mother had not done anything wrong and she was elder than me. Before I reacted Jammie came and asked her mother to get up. But she did not. Jammie said, "Mom, I have not done all these things. It was Monica's plan. It was all her doing. I know I am wrong that I supported
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