All Chapters of Jayden's Luck: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
51 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Physically and mentally drained. Satisfied, with a job successfully completed. But well aware that it could easily have all gone very badly. Lucky. You were feeling lucky to be alive. But too damn tired to enjoy it." - "That's amazing." she said. Her eyes were wide. "How did you read all that?" - "I told you: it's exactly what I was feeling. That was why I felt a ... kinship with you. Then I healed you - that always creates a bond. It works both ways, in case you're wondering. I will always be grateful to Pamna." Aressine blushed. She swept her hair back. For the first time, I realized that she had an exceptionally long neck. Swan-like. I felt the urge to kiss her neck, her throat ... - "And Pamna told you that I was interested in you." she said. - "Don't make too much of that, Aressine. Yes, if I hear that a woman is interested in me, I'm curious ... But if she's ugly as sin, it isn't enough that she likes me. Or, if she'
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Chapter 32
"Please tell them that I'm looking for them. I'll be back later today."   Then I was off to meet Teeshay. I didn't particularly want to, but if I failed to show up, that might tell Jerian that I was on to her. I started thinking of something to do that would keep her occupied for a while, far enough away to keep her out of my hair for a time.   Teeshay was too excited; I could tell the moment I saw her.   - "I have something." she said, immediately. "It could be really important."   - "Oh?" It was going to be a lie; the only question was, what kind of lie?   - "Remember you told me to keep an eye on Jerian's bodyguards? Well, two of them went to a house yesterday. I checked the place out after they left. It wasn't a tavern, and it wasn't a whorehouse."   - "No?"   Teeshay grinned, and shook her head. "It was Nanamon's house."   - "Who?"   - "Nanamon. One of Evor OneHand's captains!"   - "Oh!" Never mind that I didn't believe Teeshay
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Chapter 33
 Aressine took off her boots, and then undid her belt. Still with her back to me, she slid her pants down, and stood there naked, with her back to me. Her ass was fine, but it was the twin dimples in her lower back, just above her buttocks, which made me smile. Lovely.   She surprised me by turning around to face me. I had expected her to be more modest, more tentative. But Aressine seemed prepared to let me gaze my fill at her naked body.   And what a body.   Her neck was quite long, and only stood out the more because of her powerful shoulders. Her breasts were perfectly proportional, and beautifully shaped. Her stomach rippled with muscle - something I was not accustomed to, on a woman.   She did cover her sex with her hands, but I could admire her well-toned legs. They were strong, but still shapely. Aressine watched me as I ran my eyes over her body, much as she had run her hands over mine. She could tell that I was happy with what I saw.   - "You
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Chapter 34
- "That was ... incredible." said Aressine.   - "Most exciting date I've ever had." I said.   - "Don't joke, Ken. Those men were there to kill us."   - "You were amazing, Aressine. I can't believe that I saw what you did. I can't believe that you did that."   We were still in the throes of the moment. Blood pumping, senses on full alert. I could see Aressine's nipples poking through her shirt. I was more than half hard, too.   I reached over, and placed my hand on her thigh.   But Aressine had been looking around. She was no fool.   - "Is this Sylvia's room?"   - "Umm ... yes."   - "She's seen you naked before, hasn't she? Have you slept with her, Ken?"   - "Yes." There was no point in denying it.   - "More than once?""   Ouch. I hadn't expected that question.   - "Yes."   Aressine frowned.   - "And Pamna?" she said.   - "Well ... you knew about her."   - "I mean, have you slept with her since we re
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Chapter 35
 - "I get it. I get it!" Nobody does snarky like an eleven year-old street rat. Especially the female variety. But just for a moment there, I think that Denya understood how worried I was.  "Alright." she conceded. "I'll spread the word."  - "Thank you." I passed her some money. If she and her brother stayed off the streets, they wouldn't have any income.  Then I went to meet Teeshay.  This was going to take careful handling. Since I had last seen her, yesterday, she had sent me into an ambush, which I had avoided by using my telekinesis spell. Had I been stupid enough to knock on the door, blunderbuss-boy would have blown my head off.  Then, that very evening, the same killers had interrupted my tryst with Aressine. Thank goodness she'd been there; I wouldn't have been able to handle all four attackers.  I had to guess at how much of that Teeshay knew. Well, how much Syrava knew. Not for the first time, I wondered why she disliked me so intensely.
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Chapter 36
- "What do we do now?"- "You keep silent, and stop interrupting me. Then I will dispel the wards." Taliesine didn't even bother to look my way, but Kima was grinning.The glow on the door vanished. The wizard stepped back, and waved a hand at me. A quick check confirmed that there were no mundane traps. I had my lock picking tools ready, but I barely needed them. It was child's play to open the door.I entered first, and led the way, followed by Taliesine, with Kima acting as rearguard. We had decided not to use a candle or lantern, because the light might show through a window, when no one was supposed to be home.I wasn't the only one with low-light vision. Taliesine had it, too - courtesy of a spell. Kima simply told me not to worry about her.Once inside, the wizard insisted on casting her detection spell again.- "Clear."There was no need to go near the kitchen, as far as I was concerned. Jerian's ro
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Chapter 37
Easier said than done: we were still awake hours later, no closer to knowing what to do about Syrava. That was one reason why I changed the subject.- "Taliesine?"- "Yes?"- "Have you ever had an apprentice?"- "Once. It was an error on both our parts, which ended badly."- Have you ever considered taking another? Or possibly tutoring someone?"Taliesine raised a single eyebrow. "Who, Ken? You obviously have a specific person in mind. I have no interest in training one of your paramours, no matter how much financial inducement you offer."- "Paramours? No - she's only 11."- "Eww, Ken!" said Kima.- "No. No! She's not my girlfriend. Her name is Denya. She's a street kid. Part-time thief. She works for me, sometimes - she's the best tracker I've got. Bright, quick-witted, observant ..."- "Why her?" asked Taliesine.- "I worry about her. I want to help her .
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Chapter 38
The raven-haired wizard confirmed Kima's story: Syrava had no use for men.Yet I had heard her, in Jerian's house, saying 'That's not ... it's not just sex, for me'.- "She's not with Jerian." I said. "He may think she is, but she's in love with a woman."- "Teeshay?" said Kima, with a frown.- "Cremyne." I said. "Jerian's wife." I contacted both Inavar and Ledomir; they had to be told what I'd learned. I wasn't sure how they'd take it, but I insisted that we had to meet at the Narimac, so that Sylvia could block any scrying or listening spell. Syrava might know where I was, but she wouldn't be able to see me, or listen in. Inavar came the very next day. - "Ledomir will see you the day after tomorrow." he said. "It wouldn't do for us to be seen in the same place too often. Now - why did we have to meet here?" I explained about Syrava. The Wolf just grunted. So I backed
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Chapter 39
- "We've met." said the dark-skinned, dark-eyed asshole that I'd encountered at the Eagle - when he claimed that I was sitting at his table. He'd shaved his head for the occasion. His voice was just as cold, just as expressionless as the first time I'd heard it. "I remember Master Ken." he said. "I remember him very well." Had we been meeting outdoors, I would've been reaching for my pistols. They wouldn't dare to try anything at a party, in a crowd - would they? Pirate Lord Rymogo extricated me from what might have become an awkward situation. She threw an arm around my shoulder, and shouted in my ear. - "Ken! I was looking for you!" Then she pretended to catch sight of Jerian's party. "Jerian." she said, coolly. - "Rymogo." he answered, equally cool. "You know my wife, Cremyne." Then he had to introduce the rest of his party. They were - understandably - much more polite to old Rymogo than they'd been
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Chapter 37
Easier said than done: we were still awake hours later, no closer to knowing what to do about Syrava. That was one reason why I changed the subject.- "Taliesine?"- "Yes?"- "Have you ever had an apprentice?"- "Once. It was an error on both our parts, which ended badly."- Have you ever considered taking another? Or possibly tutoring someone?"Taliesine raised a single eyebrow. "Who, Ken? You obviously have a specific person in mind. I have no interest in training one of your paramours, no matter how much financial inducement you offer."- "Paramours? No - she's only 11."- "Eww, Ken!" said Kima.- "No. No! She's not my girlfriend. Her name is Denya. She's a street kid. Part-time thief. She works for me, sometimes - she's the best tracker I've got. Bright, quick-witted, observant ..."- "Why her?" asked Taliesine.- "I worry about her. I want to help her ... grow into something more than a thief."
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