Semua Bab Mr Stone, My CEO: Bab 61 - Bab 70
70 Bab
I never ever bit my nails, but for some reason, I was doing it tonight. I kept checking the time, wondering when he would be home. As soon as it had turned 5pm I’d given up on work and put on the TV. Not that I was really watching it.As soon as I heard the front door open, I leapt out of my seat and skidded towards the front door. He gave me a bemused look as I crashed into him.“Hello to you too…what’s the emergency?”I rolled my eyes. “I just want to know how it went!”He laughed a little. “Alright. Can I take my jacket off and put my bag down first?”“I suppose.”We went into the kitchen, and I attempted to wait patiently while he settled down next to me.He took a deep breath. “It went well as could be expected. They tried to trip me up a couple of times with questions. Some twat with a with a top knot tried to insinuate I was lying to get some free publicit
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The vibrator was lying on the bed next to us. He picked it up, his thumb flicking the switch on to the first setting. It hummed in his hands, and I stilled, as if I expected it to give me an electric shock when it touched my skin. He brought it closer and closer to my breast, hesitating just before it came into contact with my nipple. When it finally buzzed against me, I gasped. The sensation of the cool coating vibrating made my pussy get even wetter. It also reminded me how good the last time had been. He traced it from my breast, down my stomach, all the way to the slit between my legs. I let my head rest against his chest, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment.“You take over now.”I took a deep breath and allowed him to place the item between my shaking fingers. I almost dropped it, the adrenaline was pumping through my veins so hard. He returned his hands to my breasts, the action making me realise how much I actually wanted to touch myself. Witho
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I was shaking so much that I dropped the paper. It fluttered to the floor, the harmless inanimate sheet flying through the air as if it didn’t have the disturbing message written upon it. Not wanting anyone to see, I bent down to retrieve it before shutting my front door and locking it.For fear of fainting, I sat down on my bed, doing my best to regulate my breathing. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, but the next thing I knew my phone was ringing. I answered it, finding his soothing voice travelling down the other end.“I’m outside. Are you ready?”“S-someone, someone has left a note for me.” I stuttered.“I’m coming up.”I knew by the tone in my voice he could tell I was upset. Five minutes later he was knocking on my door.“It’s me Rosie, open up.”I went to the door to find him standing on the other side with a concerned look on his face.&ldqu
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When we finally sat down to breakfast, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander back to the note. I ate the omelette he had made us in thoughtful silence.Noticing, he asked what I was thinking about.“The message…do you think we should contact the police?”Ezra shook his head. “No. Let me handle it for now. If we tell the police they won’t allow me to investigate myself.”I frowned at him. “But how are you going to do that?”“Rosie, don’t you remember I’m a billionaire?” He raised his eyebrow at me, before placing his knife and fork down on the empty plate. “I can hire people to look into it.”“…legally?”He began to laugh. “Yes Rosie. I’ll hire a PI that I know. I’m a CEO, not a gang lord.”I narrowed my eyes at him. “I just wanted to check.”He leaned back in his chair, his ex
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I didn’t even want to blink. It was so incredible. I of course had never been on the London Eye, as it was too expensive. However, now I was up here, I could see it was worth every penny. I couldn’t deny how strange it was being in a glass bubble at this height, but the views were too breath taking to ignore. Some people might question how I could find a cityscape so beautiful considering I grew up with the turquoise waters of the south coast, but I did. It was a different kind of beautiful. To see all the wide spectrum of architecture both old and new was wonderful. You could see the majority of the London landmarks, from Big Ben to Canary Wharf. When I thought about all of the people living their lives in this iconic city, my head swam.Erza stood next to me in silence. He had booked out an entire carriage for our own use, so the only sound was the low hum of the structure rotating. At first I had chastised him for wasting money when we could have just got regul
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The phone woke us both up with a start. It was early, that much I knew. Ezra clocked the name on the screen and answered it immediately.“Morning.”I heard a male voice on the end of the phone.“What do you mean?” Ezra’s tone changed from light to dark in seconds.“No, I haven’t seen them, I’ve just woken up.”Still on the phone, he got out of bed. He held the phone next to his ear with his shoulder as he pulled on his clothes without even casting a glance my way. Was it Mr Franks?“Yeah. Send me some copies over by email.”He strode into the kitchen, where I heard him switching on his laptop. I sprang out of bed, finding any kind of clothing to put on before going off to find him.He was sat down, elbows on the table with his fingers pressed into his lips. The deep frown line in his forehead told me this was anything but good.“What is it?” I
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So, this was what the threat had all been about. I hadn’t stopped seeing him, so as a consequence, nude pictures of me had been leaked, and false information printed. I wondered how Greta had got to the point of hating me this much. We barely even knew each other. Had she been in love with Ezra?By the time I got back to my halls, I realised I could still make my mid-morning lectures. The fact this thought occurred to me surprised me. After all, I could so easily sink back into despair and not leave my room. But I was tired of that. All my life I had been fearful about what others thought. That fear had kept me trapped, restricted from living my life. I knew I had nothing to be ashamed of. I had done nothing wrong. Hiding away in this room was going to solve nothing. It would only prove to the world that I had been beaten once again. Last time, Mr Stone had saved me, but this time, I was saving myself.Taking a deep breath, I found some of the fanciest clothes I
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I was relieved that Vanessa decided to not adopt her usual ‘tough love’ approach. I’d managed to hold it together all day, but I didn’t have a lot left to rebuff any further judgement.“I can’t believe that bitch did this to you. This is why I work with animals. People suck.”We were sitting on my bed while I used a wet-wipe to clean the smeared make-up off my face from crying.“Yeah well…it’s not even her I’m the angriest with…” I trailed off, looking at the once pristine wipe that was now a grubby rag.Vanessa sighed. “Hah. I haven’t even got on to that bastard.”We went silent for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say.Just then, my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket, almost dropping it when I saw who it was.“It’s him.”Vanessa’s face went instantly sour. “Don’t answer it!”
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Eight long days went by. By the third day the story about Ezra and I was old news. He hadn’t contacted me at all since Vanessa had sent him that text message, and maybe that was for the best. A few days after the story came out, Emma stopped turning up to lectures. I wondered if Vanessa had talked to her dad, but she promised me that she hadn’t. At first, I wondered what had happened to her, but then I realised that I didn’t care. I shouldn’t be wasting my time thinking about people like that.I wish I could have applied the same principle to Ezra, but he was far more difficult to forget. Everything seemed to remind me of him. One of our lectures would cover a marketing trick that he used and I see him at his desk. I’d see a fancy deli and I’d remember his favourite food. Sometimes when I was walking down the street, I would catch a glimpse of a tall man in a dark suit, and I would snap my head towards them. But of course, it was never him.
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I wanted to look at Vanessa, to what her reaction was. But my eyes were stuck on the screen, barely believing what I was seeing was real. His dark eyes seemed to be boring into my own.“My name is Ezra Stone, and I am a foolish man.”I felt my hands begin to shake, and I dug my fingers into the armrests to try and control myself.“I have lived a life without love, and so when it finally arrived, I didn’t know what to do. And so, I did the only thing I knew how. I pushed it away. But I no longer want to do that.”Tears began to slip down my face.“So, this my public pledge to win back the woman. The woman who’s smile melted my heart. The woman who showed me there was more to life than money. The woman who introduced me to milky tea and full English breakfasts. The woman who I want with every fibre of my being. The woman who changed my life, forever.”The screen cut out and the lights went up. I
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