Semua Bab Mr Stone, My CEO: Bab 21 - Bab 30
70 Bab
Embarrassingly, it had taken me a while to get what Mr Stone had meant. When it finally dawned on me, I was unable to concentrate on any work for the rest of the day. In contrast, Mr Stone simply got on with his schedule. Occasionally he explained things to me or showed me different client portfolios. He acted as if everything was normal. As if he hadn’t asked me to masturbate in front of him in a few hours’ time.As the end of the day approached, I became more and more nervous. Eventually I gave up trying to pretend to work, and looked out of Mr Stone’s window at the city skyline.“Shall we get started?” His voice came from behind.I gave a small nod.“You don’t have your vibrator in your handbag by any chance, do you?” He asked it so casually. He might as well been asking if I had a pen.My eyes flicked to his. “Are you mad?”He laughed. “Some women do. I could hear ho
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I was doing it. I was going to the library. I was going to pick up my book. I was going to speak to him.I told this to myself again and again. What was stopping me now? I’d masturbated naked in front of a man…what could be scarier than that?I had spent approximately two hours getting ready. I knew I needed to look as good as was possible, without it being obvious that I had tried too hard. After a series of agonising wardrobe changes, I had settled on dark skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with my new navy wool coat over the top. I decided to go with my doc martens for shoes. After all, I needed something about me to be authentic.I had by no means mastered the art of make-up but I could now at least apply the basics and not have it look like a three-year old had drawn on my face with a pen.Thursday mornings in the library were usually a quieter time. The night before was the various society’s official night out. That meant a lo
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“Does this mean you’re going to be taking your vagina out of hibernation?”I nearly choked on the swig of beer in my throat as Vanessa gave me an incredulous look.“Why do you always have to be so graphic?” I shot.She shrugged. “I say it like it is. That’s all.” She paused for a second, her finger lightly tapping the edge of the brown bottle. “You know, I’m not even sure hibernation is the right term. It’s never actually been out so, maybe released into the wild is better?”I rolled my eyes. It was best not to encourage Vanessa too much when she got like this.“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He hasn’t even text me yet.” I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice, but I failed miserably.Vanessa gave me a rare sympathetic look. “Listen, this is how guys are. They never want to act too keen. Give it time, it was only yesterday he a
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I stared at him wide-eyed, waiting for what on earth he was going to ask me to do.“Go to the bed and sit against the headrest,” he commanded.I thought about protesting, but that would just waste valuable time. And if I was truly honest with myself, I was also curious about what he was going to ask me to do. He hadn’t told me to remove any of my clothes, so it made me think that it wasn’t going to be me that was touched tonight.As he kept his eyes on mine, he undid a few buttons on his shirt, and I braced myself for him to take it off, but he didn’t. I ignored the disappointment clouding within me, taking note of the spattering of dark curly hairs that were now revealed. Before I knew what was happening, he had snapped off his belt buckle with a flourish, pulling out the leather strap from the loops of his trousers swiftly. It clattered to the floor with a clang as the buckle knocked against its prong.My heart began to beat
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My stomach flipped wildly as the nerves coursed through my system. Matt had asked me to meet him in The World’s End. I’d been a few times before, as it was one of the most well-known pubs in Camden. Letterbox red brick walls held my destiny.Predictably, I was stopped by the bald-headed bouncer. He looked at my ID suspiciously, but eventually gave a harsh grunt to tell me he was satisfised.The pub was rammed. It was Saturday night, so it was to be expected, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to find Matt in the throng of people. I did a rather unattractive impression of a meerkat, looking for any sign of my date. My search came up empty, and a dark feeling crept into the base of my stomach. What if he wasn’t here? What if I’d been stood up? I began to panic, conscious that people may already be staring at the girl without any friends.“Rosie!”Relief flooded through me. It was him. I swivelled round quickly to see him
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I woke up on Sunday a little bleary eyed. It certainly wasn’t a full-blown hangover, but it was enough to turn my head into concrete. I went though the scenes from last night in my mind, and a cloud appeared above me. I curled myself into a tight ball and pulled the duvet right over me, deciding that today was probably going to be spent in bed. Shutting my eyes tightly, I willed sleep to take me again.My bedside table began to oscillate, and I realised it was my phone vibrating. I reached out from my cocoon to find the device. I squinted as the light from the screen blinded me for a second. Eventually managing to focus, I felt my heart skip a beat. Hurriedly, I clicked to open the message.-Hey Rosie. Just wanted to say again how cool last night was. How about some Thai food on Thursday?I stared at the message for ages, trying to assimilate what this meant. He wanted to see me again. Even after the awkward ‘not a kiss’ last night. The cloud e
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I gulped. Why did the idea of kissing Mr Stone currently sound more terrifying than another mirror exercise? For some reason it felt more…intimate. As if it was possible that he would gain even more of an emotional hold on me.Either way, the time had come. Clothes now removed I stood in front of the mirror, his eyes roaming every square inch of my body.“So, Miss Woods, tell me. What do you like about yourself?”I shifted uncomfortably. I knew it had to be something below my neck line. A mischievous idea crossed my mind, and I smirked.“Fingers,” I announced.His face darkened. “Are you being serious Miss Woods?”“Yes. You said below the neck link, that’s where they are. I think they look okay in a certain light.” I brought them up to my face, turning them over and pretending to inspect my nails.His jaw clenched. “I’m going to give you one more chance, Miss Woo
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Just to add to my Mr Stone never-ending nightmare, Emma confronted me first thing before our morning lecture started.As I selected one of the cinema-style drop down seats at the back of the lecture hall, she came almost running towards me.“So? Did you speak to him?” She asked excitedly.I hesitated. I didn’t want to tell her word-for-word what Mr Stone had said. It was far too harsh. I scoffed inwardly as I considered that I was actually trying to soften the blow for Emma of all people. I knew if it was the other way round, she wouldn’t give me the same treatment.“I did…” I stared tentatively, finally placing my bum on the hard plastic.“And?” Her eyes were wide with hope.“And…he says he’s not looking for anything serious right now.”Her face fell, and she took a few steps away from me, almost knocking into one of the students walking down the aisle. S
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This date was much like our first, him chatting and making me laugh, me gawping at him from across the table. It couldn’t have been more perfect. The meal was completely delicious. I even found myself comfortable eating in front of Matt, which was rare for me. We shared the food, dipping between the different coloured ceramic bowls and telling each other what we liked best about it.As we finished, Matt asked me which one had been my favourite.“Hmmm,” I pondered, considering the empty dishes. “The one with the prawns I think.”He nodded. “Geang Dang Goong. Good choice. It’s one of my favourites too.” The corner of his mouth turned upwards, and I replicated the action.When it was time for the bill, I reached into my handbag. “Let me pay half at least?”But before I could say anything, he’d swiped his card over the reader. “Don’t be silly, I remember how much money you ha
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I had stayed up with Vanessa pretty late in the end, so I had decided to give myself a lie in on Saturday morning. However, my plans were disturbed when my phone went off at 10am.I answered sleepily before checking the caller ID.“Hello?” I asked groggily into the receiver while rubbing my eyes.“Miss Woods…are you still in bed?”My daze state dissipated into thin air as I realised who it was.“Mr Stone? I er…had a late night.”Silence.“Mr Stone?”“A late night with library boy?” Mr Stone seemed to spit the words.“No, with a friend. Vanessa.” I clarified the gender of the friend automatically, although I wasn’t sure why.“I see,” he replied, seemingly more congenial. “Does that mean you have a date with him tonight?”I hesitated. Part of me wanted to lie and say yes. I didn’t want him
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