Все главы Adventures Into Love: Глава 21 - Глава 30
King Roy continues“She burnt them just like that? something Sarah has worked for nine years? ” I asked.“Well, she finished fully for the first time, the second and third time she went to the final year class but this time she started with them because they wouldn't accept her in the final year class all in different schools. So its actually six years now. ” said Ben.“It seems you knew all this time and you allowed your mother to treat her this way. What kind of relatives are you to not care about each other this way? ” I said.“Hey don't blame unnecessarily. ” he said.“Who do I blame then damn it!! get out of my car before I punch your face. ” I said angrily.“Cool down man, I am as angry as you are, I didn't know I was so naive. Everything was happening around me but I couldn't do anything since I didn't know the whole truth. ” he said.“Now how do we get her i
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Sarah POV.I stood at the gate of the school I had join in two months but was leaving for good, I was seriously unhappy. What if I don't get to join college? God I'm going to miss my friend Lizzy. I wore my uniform for the last time, my proprietor didn't want me to leave but it was now or never. Lydia skipped class to accompany me to Ben's school, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't even look my way but lad the way.Yes I was going there without knowing the reason because my certificates were burnt.“Lyd erm how is Aaron doing since the day I left Lucky's place I haven't seen him. ” I said.“He's good, just like you he likes staying indoors. ” said Lydia.“OK I hope he's fine, have you seen him yourself? ” I asked“No I haven't, hey are you crushing on the boy? I think he likes you too. See he doesn't like speaking with strangers, he....” She was staying.“One I never said I
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Secret Cameras
Third Person POVTwo people ran after each other on the campus the man following the lady in uniform. She stops for sometime and catches her breath, she looks back and see the man still running and that too to her.“No please leave me alone” she says, and runs once again but this time the man is a hand stretch away. People look on, some amazed others in anticipation to know what was going and how it will end. The lady crosses the road and ran to the grass beside the entrance.The man throws his body and it goes straight to the lady's body, and they end up on the grass with the man's body lying on the lady's.“Leave me alone please!!” said Sheila.“Where do you think you are going? girlfriend?” he whispers into her ear. “No I'm not your girlfriend and I will never be. ” said Sheila. She shouts and the people that have surrounded them started murmuring to each other.‘She doesn't want King Roy?’‘Who does she think she is?’‘Oh God I
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Band Mate
Third Person POV.He looks on as he sees what is going on in front of his eyes. He fumes in anger as he walks away.He had followed her from her school till they got to the college.‘What is Sheila doing in my school? ’ he thought.So he follows them but when she came running towards him, he hid from her view and watched her run away. He attempted to call after her but sees King also running that too after Sheila. He looked confused and walked towards the way they had gone but saw them lying in the grass. In the angle he stood he thought he was kissing her.‘God I might kill that king if he attempts to snatch Sheila from my hands’ he thought.He had forgotten she wasn't his in the first place. As he walked towards the entrance in slower steps, he heard someone call to him.“Aaron is that you?” asked Lydia.He turned to the voice and swallowed, he had instantly lost his voice so he nodded instead. As he sees Eunice staring at him too. He looked anxious.“Wh
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Third Person POVThree people stood in front of the admission office arguing about who was to knock on the door. The man in black kept his hands in his pocket, as he watched the other two argue and he would put in a word once in a while. He laid his back on the wall with a smile as he looked their way wearing his spectacles. One might think he was looking at both of them, he was rather enjoying looking at the girl in her excited mood.‘Gosh this girl is hot in all ways how can someone look so good even when she is in an argument. ’ he thought.So it turns out someone came from inside and asked,“Are you coming in, or passing by if you are coming in then be on your way. ” he said.King removed his spectacle, and looked at the man who spoke. The man also saw him and he panicked slightly and hurriedly said,Mr. King I'm so sorry I didn't know they came with you. ”“So if it was only them, you had the right to be rude with them? ” he asked with meanness in his voice
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Sheila's POV.I sat there looking at the man like a glutton who has seen her favorite food, I wanted to ask questions but to who? so I turned to Ben and asked,“Why? why did she have to do that to me?” He shook his head sadly, why is he sad?“Hey why are you looking sad whats wrong with you do you have to be sad about this small issue?” I asked.He looked at me, and said don't cry its going to be alright. I looked at him as if he was some silly person why is he saying I'm crying. King hands came to my face and I pulled back.“What is wrong with you guys what's with the sad face?” I asked.King removed a handkerchief from his pocket, to clean my eyes this time I let him. ‘Its not like I'm crying anyway' I thought.“Uncle you will still give her the scholarship right? you already know her results. ” said king.“Yes but her mother will have to agree, she's her guardian after all. ” said his uncle.“I will be her guardian from now onwards. ”
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Your Wishes
King Roy POV.I don't know why she keeps doubting and not taking me serious, she doesn't look like she has some experience in love. So why all the doubts? Other girls would rather be flirting with me even if I was serious about them or not. I know there's something else I don't know about her,  that's eating her up, but how will I get to know?I still held her hand as we walked to the car park, we didn't have to go far because my car was parked at the administration park. Ben left us there to get his motorcycle at the students park. I opened the gate for her as a gentleman would but she only sneered without a thank you. ‘It seems I've got a tough fight ahead of me or maybe a war? but victory will be mine, I never fail, not when I'm serious. ’ I thought.I smiled and entered the car, I looked her way but she was seriously watching something I don't know out side.“What are you busy watching?” I asked.But she didn't mind me, totally ignoring me. So I tapp
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Share The Food
Third Person POVThe waiter brought in the drink, he told them her food would be ready in no time he asked king what he wanted to oder but he only shook his head. The waiter said nothing else and left them alone. Sheila watched him as he did something on his phone, he had seen her watching him so he decided to pay more attention to the phone so she could watch him. After five minutes she hadn't touched her drink but was still watching him in amazement. King didn't know why but he felt proud that he had got her to watch him but he got tired of looking at the phone for that long so he looked back at her. She immediately retrieved her eyes ignoring him and taking the Malta to drink. He felt bored and asked her,“What course do you want pursue in college?” asked kingShe blinked for three seconds and answered, king found that cute and smiled.“English” she said still smiling.“Why English? you could do music and dance or acting you would be a good actress. ” said
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Acting Oblivious
Third Person POV.They finished their meal and they set out to go home, they got to the door and King opened the door and went ahead living Sarah behind. She stood there watching as he went for his car keys with his car waiting for her out. He sat in the car for sometime waiting for her but she still stood there waiting for him to open the door for her.Everyone didn't want to give up so she went back to sit down and took a magazine to look through. After a while King saw that his message wasn't passing on as he thought it would so he got out of the car and went back inside.“Sheila aren't you going home?” asked King with a sneer on his lips.“I am why do did you ask? ” said Sheila acting oblivious.“I went to the car waiting for you to come but you didn't. ” said king.“Is that so? i thought you went for something. Okay then let's go. ” said Sheila.She followed him closely and as soon as he opened the door she pushed herself out before he could come out himsel
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Inferiority Complex
Third Person POVShe watched her as she entered her room. She sneered wickedly and hurriedly locked the door from the outside.“You will stay in this room till I let you out, bastard. ” said her mother.“Mom don't please! please let me out, I'm sorry mom. ” cried Sheila.“You better be but I'm not satisfied, so see you tomorrow or until I feel like it. ” said her mother angrily.“She knelt on the ground, bitter tears leaving her eyes as she sobbed away. What do I do to make things right? can she really not love me? am I really her daughter? I need to do something to forget these things. ” she said and cleaned her eyes. As she was deliberating on what to do? She heard a vibrating sound. That scared her and she started looking for the source. The sound came from her school bag, ‘I don't remember owning any electronic machine where did that come from. ’ she thought.The call ended and almost immediately it started ringing again.She took her school bag, op
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