บททั้งหมดของ The Tycoon's Matchmaker: บทที่ 51 - บทที่ 60
LI: Done Deed
“We just kissed and made love for the first time, all in one night,” Maya was lying naked on Alexander’s bare shoulder. Initially, she really wanted to hurt him for what happened, but she could also blame herself and the alcohol. It was done deed already. There was no turning back. Maya could not help but helplessly smiled when she remembered that her virginity was just taken like that. Aren’t you being easy, huh, Maya?  
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LII: I'll Be Fine
Maya glared through clenched teeth, “Why did you sleep with me and tell me all those things yesterday if you’re still concerned with your relationship with Stephany?” She demanded as she tried to suppress yelling at him. “What makes you think that just because I slept with you, I will be breaking off with Stephany? This has nothing to do with my relationship with her,” he said with a frown. Maya stiffened. His words were like piercing needles inside of Maya’s heart.
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LIII: Strangers
Little by little, Maya was able to get herself back together. Her being sick was like a blessing as well because it gave her the reason to avoid seeing anyone else, especially Alexander.  She was grateful for the occasional visit from her friends as well, like Matilda and Rick. Sebastian and Sicilia also visited her occasionally. At one point, Maya was disappointed that Alexander did not even drop by once, despite him the reason for her sickness.
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LIV: Cooking for the Engagement
Maya looked at her with worry as well before asking, “What is it, Sicilia?” In her eyes, Sicilia was someone who could deal with everything effortlessly, unless, of course, it was about her grandson. “I talk to the company who’s supposed to handle the food, and they said that they were already booked for that day. I can’t believe that you did not tell us sooner. What are we supposed to do now?” Sicilia asked anxiously.  “Maybe we can contact another one?&rdqu
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LV: Food Tasting
Even though it was still against her professional ethics to blatantly destroy her dishes just she did not really want to cook in the event. Aside from that, she also did not have any valid excuse to turn down Sicilia. Maya still owed the older woman a lot. So she will do her best. Pleasing Sicilia can be sometimes hard as well, not to mention the amount of food she will be making. So she will just keep thinking that she was cooking for Sicilia and her friends only.
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LVI: Sudden Confession
While Alexander was having a hard time, Maya, on the other hand, was elated. Not only did she made Alexander endure the food and made him feel uncomfortable, but she also made sure that he could not voice it out. With Sicilia’s high praises, there is no way Alexander could rebut. “You have quite a talent, my dear. Cancel all tasting reservations with the other catering companies. Maya will be the Chef of our party,” Sicilia said happily, “Thankfully, I don’t need to waste time to go around and check the dishes from
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LVII: Engagement Party
The garden was ready for the party of the year. All celebrities and high society will be attending the party. Everyone was excited to meet the new princess of the Knight family. Maya made sure to just act like a robot and work to the best of her ability. The guests started to come, and Matilda was at the door welcoming everyone, and Sicilia was the entrance of the garden. The house became full of people, and the food was being served along with drinks.
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LVIII: Worries Getting Bigger
The party was over, the guests left, the house was cleaned, and everything was back to normal. Except for Maya, each day that was passing meant the wedding day was getting closer, and all her worries getting bigger.On the other hand, there is concern about her future and the next step to take after the end of her job. And in the other hand, there is the fear and sadness of seeing Alexander on that altar.The baggage was getting heavier each day, and the sadness and worry were starting to make an appearance on Maya’s face.
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LIX: Other Reasons
“Now tell me, why do I find you always looking sad and tired, what is bothering you?” Among all thoughts going through Maya’s head, she didn’t expect Sicilia to ask her these questions. It warmed her heart the idea that she was concerned about her.“Don’t worry about me, Sicilia. I’m alright, maybe be it’s just the work, but I will be fine. It’s almost over,” she smiled.“Child, I might be old, but I’m not stupid. I can’t see the sadness in your eyes, and I know that it
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LX: Talk Of A Loser
There were tons of things running inside her head. In fact, Maya didn’t know what to expect, what kind of treatment she will get. She didn’t even know why she was there. Her mind and body wanted her to be there. But she was going to be strong.Maya heard movement inside the room, and she waited for something to happen.The door opened suddenly, and Alexander was standing in front of her. At the first look, he was surprised. However, it did not take long for it to be replaced by a blatant annoyed look that immediately gave Maya so much pain.  “What do you want?” he asked, not interested at all in what she has to say.He closed the door and stood in front of her.“What is it now?” he was still keeping the act of the annoyed one.“I was with Sicilia right now, and she told me everything,” she said, studying each little change in his face.“What did she tell you?” he asked
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