All Chapters of The Corporate Diary of Eniola Fayola: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter Fifty One
As I listened in on their conversation, I couldn't help but feel threatened. The second woman was at least twice my size and of course, a bouncer was twice of her size and pure muscle!Lara took my hand and dragged me out before they looked too closely at us."Calm down, I'm sure no one knows who exactly the mysterious ex is." She whispered as we hightailed it out of there.I hoped to God that was true. In fact, I felt like I had overstayed my welcome. I decided to look for Bassey and take him up on his escape plan. So many guests began to leave their seat and I realised the reception was about to take place. I stiffened when I spotted the newly weds heading towards my direction. As they walked across the room, well wishers stopped to greet them. I tried to change direction but it was too late, there were too many people in the way and the newly wedded couple had already seen us"Eni…you came." Akin grinned. “This is my wife, Funmi.”That smile… the one that made me let my guard down
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Chapter Fifty Two
When the two of them walked to where I stood, I locked gazes with the man. It was then I realised that yes, it definitely could get worse. In fact, it just did. "Eni, this is my date-" I quickly signalled for her to come closer. "Lara my head just started pounding like crazy. I think I need to go home." Her expression melted into one of complete concern. "I think all the stress of today is getting to you, let me-" "Don't worry, I'll just find Bassey and let him know." I smiled faintly at her date and walked away. I am pretty sure what was meant to be a smile came out as a grimace. Bassey offered to take me home and I gladly accepted. Anything to get out of there. During the ride back to my apartment, Bassey kept casting curious glances my way. “What is it?” I asked. “I didn’t want to bring it up if you’re not comfortable but…” “But…?” I prompted. “First of all, what’s with the strange vibes I got at the wedding?” I sighed and shook my head. “Are you ready for this long st
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Chapter Fifty Three
Sunday, 27th March 2016 I was anxious all morning. I barely got any sleep and my thoughts drifted far even during church service. I had just left church and was limping slightly in my sandals. I had cleaned the wound on my foot the previous night but it still stung a little. My phone rang as I tried to flag down a taxi. “Hello?” I answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello, Eniola. It’s me, Simon.” “S-Simon…?” “Have you heard the news?” His voice was subdued. “I heard…but I don’t want to believe it.” “The car was completely wrecked, Bode didn't make it. He gave up the ghost before they got them to the hospital. Daniel is still in a coma.” “Oh no… no, no, no. Simon, I’m so sorry.” “None of this is your fault. The accident… no one saw it coming.” “How… how did it happen?” “The trailer driver was drunk.” Simon clenched his jaw. “Bode and my brother had to suffer for his actions.” Simon’s words hit me like a fright train. I felt numb. Maybe I did see it coming. Back at his
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Chapter Fifty Four
Monday, 28th March 2016Simon and the other company executives ran the company in my boss's absence. I assisted them with paperwork and retrieving files since I had worked closely with Mr Daniel. Simon came by my office a few times to check that all was going as it should. The employees were distraught over the news. For several years, Mr Daniel had been a permanent fixture in the company.Ever since he built the company back up to where it was now, his presence had always been felt by everyone. According to those who worked at Legacy longer than I had, he had never even taken a sick day off, always in the office on time and he still monitored the company activities even when he was away on business trips."I can't believe it. I mean, he's the Daniel Jacobs," Melody said as she waved a piece of fried yam on her fork, up in the air. We were out of the office on our lunch break."He is still human you know, I just want him to regain consciousness.""Same here, my dear," she sighed sad
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Chapter Fifty Five
Thursday 28th April, 2016I collapsed unto the sofa when I returned from the hospital, exhausted and weak. A bleak, depressed feeling began to settle in my chest and I couldn't drive it away. I quickly wiped the tears that threatened to fall. I was tired of crying.In the bathroom, I splashed my face with water and changed my clothes. My mind went to the empty apartment building a few floors up from mine and I felt empty again.First my father then Daniel. The two men who hold an important place in my life.My dad had always been a strong, unmovable presence in my life ever since I was a child and I had never really thought of the day I wouldn't have either of my parents anymore. It always seemed like a blurry, distant future that was too far away to think of but now, it hit me with such heart rending clarity that it could become my reality.Then there was Daniel, the boss who seemed so unattainable and far out of my league but was proving himself to have all the qualities I wanted in
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Chapter Fifty Six
I cringed at the thought of how many people at the office actually thought I was sleeping with the boss and using our relationship to my advantage. I shook my head to set it free from the disturbing thoughts. My phone rang and I snatched it up immediately. It was a welcome distraction.“Eniola, it’s me… Bassey.”Surprise mixed with a tinge of guilt washed over me. Lara was right, I hadn’t even spoken to or thought about Bassey in a while. Not with everything going on.“Hi Bassey, I’m so sorry I didn’t call.”“It’s fine. I wasn’t sure how long I was supposed to wait either. You know, I figured there may be some unspoken rules about these things.”“Rules? What rules?”“Well, that makes both of us. I don’t know either.” He chuckled.“It’s really nice to talk to you again. I wanted to thank you for helping me get through the whole wedding drama.” I suddenly felt lighter talking to him. Like some invisible burden was lifted.“I’m glad, I got to meet you because of that whole wedding drama
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Chapter Fifty Seven
I couldn’t sleep a wink the previous night after Simon’s call. I had imagined a thousand and one different scenarios of what it would be like when I finally saw Daniel awake. I spent most of the day psyching myself up for later that evening. I stood in front of the hospital doors and took a deep breath before I walked in.I made my way to Daniel’s room without any resistance. The guard didn’t bother me this time, he even gave me a little nod which I reciprocated. I sat by Daniel's bedside and gently held on to his hand.A nurse walked in and smiled at me in greeting. I returned the gesture. “I heard he was awake, why is he still asleep?” I asked.“Yes, he woke up in the early hours of today but he is just resting now. He is out of the coma and he is in a much more stable condition than before.”I nodded in relief. The nurse left shortly afterwards and once more I was alone with Daniel. I knew he couldn't hear me, that was what gave me the confidence to say some of the things I could
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Chapter Fifty Eight
Wednesday 4th May, 2016Just knock already. I scolded myself.I stepped back abruptly when the door opened and a woman stepped out.She stopped when she saw me and gave me a questioning look. She looked older, had a petite figure and a mane of long, dark hair extensions. Her delicate features and the way she carried herself gave her an air of sophisticated professionalism.My heart thumped in my chest. I shouldn't have come.“Hello, how may I help you?” She asked as she watched me closely.“I'm here to see Mr Daniel. I am his personal assistant at work.”“He's resting now, sorry. Can I take a message for him or would you like to wait?”My gaze dropped to the ground in disappointment.“No, never mind. I'll just… come back later.” She nodded and shut the door gently as I turned away. Once I was in the safety of the elevator, I let out a deep breath.I knew it was a bad idea. I had never been up to his apartment without him requesting for me. Why did I think it was a good idea to do so
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Chapter Fifty Nine
Daniel leaned back to get a good look at my face and frowned.“Did you just ask me about… my wife?”“Yes,” I jumped to my feet as I shoved him away in the process. I ignored his wince of pain and focused on my exasperation. “You wear a wedding ring on your finger for crying out loud. So, how can you tell me these things without me questioning your character and the very existence of another woman you must have pledged your life to. You’re nothing but scum of the earth!”“Eniola… I never said I…”Gone was the romantic mood. Daniel looked perplexed and tired. He clutched at his chest as he stood without a word and stumbled towards the coffee table where a glass of water and some pills were placed in a tray. I watched him from across the room as he gulped down the pills. “I think you should leave,” he said.“But…”“One more thing, since I'm not going to be back at the office for a while, you can have the time off.” Daniel’s business tone was back. “I was informed that you were assisting
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Chapter Sixty
I took the stairs to get to my floor. I felt the need to keep moving instead of waiting for the elevator. I couldn't help but feel a little foolish. Everything about Daniel’s reaction to Claire pointed to the fact that there was something between them.Claire seemed like the calibre of women he should associate with. Not just beautiful, but extremely successful as well.But then again, why did I feel hurt? Maybe I was simply silly enough to develop feelings for someone who was so far out of my league.But Daniel said he cared about me… right? Claire’s image flashed through my mind and snapped me back to reality. I stopped moving only when I got into my apartment… the apartment Daniel had given me. I had never felt so many doubts and insecurities like that moment. The only heartbreak I experienced was with Akin. If I didn't put a stop to this, Daniel would be the second and what was worse would be the fact that we were never even together in the first place.“This is ridiculous!” I
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