All Chapters of The Retired Gang Leader.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
Keep You Forever.
I could feel the sweat trickling down my skin and my clothes were sticking onto me and barely allowing my pores to breathe. Exhaling harsh breaths as I trained with Antonio I could feel my legs becoming weaker but I pushed myself wanting to get this over and done with. "Harder Lotus!" Ant shouted and I pushed my arms with as much force as I could, throwing punches his way and him blocking most of them. What is the point of me even doing this with him if he can predict every move that I make? I stop trying to hit him and stand looking at him trying to catch my breath, placing my hands on my hips. I feel another wave of nausea coming in but I don't vomit. I walk towards the wall and balance myself with it before sliding down, For a whole month, I've been feeling some in my hips accompanied by body aches and dizziness. Sometimes vomiting joins in the party my body seems to be having on its own without my permission. "Is it happening again?" Antonio puts his hand on my forehead moving
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Antonio and I were tangled in the sheets together, and before your dirty minds go any further it wasn't because we had sex, because we didn't. What I'm trying to say is that Antonio was laying his head on my chest and our legs were tangled as I played with his soft silky hair. Flipping hell English is becoming a mission these days. "So how old were you when you lost your virginity?" "Fourteen or fifteen, not sure," he mumbled against my chest pulling me closer, jeez if he pulls me in any closer he might just squeeze the life out of me, but I like it. "Hmm, I was twenty-one thanks to someone," I said and he chuckled looking up at me. "Didn't you like it?" "I loved it. How old was she?" Geez Lotus, you sound jealous. Jealous? I assure you I'm not, I'm just curious. Hmm... "Two or three years older than me I guess. Why are you asking?" Why are you asking why I'm asking? "Did you enjoy it?" "I don't know, it was a long time ago," he sighed. "How can you not remember? She was yo
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Asked Me.
I was sitting behind my desk watching Lotus as she played with the pencil trying to balance it between her top lip and her nose, she looked cute. She sighed when it wouldn't sit straight and removed it scribbling down on the paper in front of her. "Lotus," she looked up at me and had a small smile on her face. "Yes sir?" I could feel myself tighten up in my pants at her response, I leaned back on my seat and balanced my arms on the armrests. "Can you please come help me with something?" She got up from her chair and I stared at her body as she walked towards me, the way her hips would sway and she wasn't even trying to be sexy was extremely arousing. "Yeah?" She stood in front of me holding onto her fingers looking down at them. I don't know what has been going on with her but she's been really quiet these days and always seems down. "Can you get the file from that bottom drawer over there please?" I pointed to the drawer that was on my far right, she frowned and for a second I w
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Suffering The Burns.
I was standing in front of the mirror as I looked at myself wearing a white dress, for one I'm not used to wearing white because I find it annoying to clean up and two I’m not particularly fond of white. However, this dress was hot! I liked it, in fact, I loved it and it fit my body very well although I had to get a bigger size because of these goddamn hips that won't stop growing and my boobs too. It was a strapless side slit evening dress with a thick lining of black going down on the side. To finish the look I paired it with clear high vamp heels, thank God I have bearable toes. They’re more than bearable, they're pretty cute. Unfortunately, this time I had to slick my hair back and tye it into a bun at the back of my head, keeping my make-up simple, thank the heavens for this angel I call Tiffany for teaching me how to do this stuff because I am a complete idiot when it comes to that, it was natural but I did try to make a statement by painting my lips with a dark maroon matte l
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Antonio hooks his arm with mine and I give out a small smile not letting the drama that just happened in the car come into this function with me. Yes bitches, I’m being positive. So Wood The Dick is this other dick's half brother? I don't know if it's interesting or sickening, for one they don't look anything like each other or even resemble any feature that they could've gotten from whichever parent they share. So if Cain isn't Cain and is Wood, then who the hell is Wood and most importantly why would Antonio even allow me to come here with him? Maybe because you were sort of forcing his hand? Well, that doesn't matter what I did, what matters is that he should have been stern and told me no. But you would've come anyway because I was invited by Cain or Wood. "Lotus, can you please stop thinking so much," I don't think he's in any position of telling me what to do, I think I'm ready to go home, I don't want to be here. "Just don't make it obvious that you know," okay, that makes
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I groaned in pain as my eyes slowly opened and were blinded by the light source that was directly in front of me. Blinking my eyes rapidly I tried to see what my surroundings were. Squinting my eyes looking around, the room was empty from what I could see and it was cold. My wrists were bound behind me but my legs were allowed some freedom, the aching in my head was bearable and I could feel the dried blood on the side of my face. How hard did that person hit my head? Trying to free my wrists from the rope all it did was scratch me and cause discomfort to my clean wrists. Giving up, I sagged on the chair trying to get a comfortable position, spreading my legs out, I sighed counting the number of times the light in front of me would flicker. Out of everything Antonio taught me, couldn't he teach me how to untie myself as well? It soon got boring just watching that light flicker and hearing the distant music that played. " ’Trust me’, he says," I mumbled into the lonely room, I am
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I sat in front of Lotus watching her try to find a comfortable position in that chair she was sitting on with her hands tied behind her back. How in the world they caught her beats me, but this is not the time to get angry over it. What really angered me was the wound on her forehead and the cut she had on her lip that she kept licking. Every person responsible for every scar is going to regret ever touching her, what about the prints on her neck? I didn't mean to squeeze too hard, it broke me to watch her claw at my hands trying to breathe. All for a plan that failed. My attention was on Lotus ever since Stacey manoeuvred me here, I could've easily knocked her out but the need to see Lotus overpowered the plan that was supposed to be carried out. When she showed me a photo of Lotus unconscious I complied with her request. "Can you please loosen these up or put them in front of me, I'm trying to concentrate on your story but it's a bit difficult when I'm not comfortable," Lotus spok
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The Downfall.
TWELVE YEARS AGO Antonio stood over the little girl's lifeless body on the ground, the smoke surrounding them he watched as her blood pooled around her body. He couldn't help but feel guilty, and one thing about him is that he never feels guilty over anything, ever. He felt it was his fault that she ended up being the victim of his plan, being the leader after all he had to make sure that nothing happened to innocent people. His plan had been really simple and clear, evacuate the citizens that didn't have to be there leaving only Luca and the pathetic team he had. Crouching down he brought his hand to her face as her dull eyes looked right at his. Culpability hit him like a thousand bricks all at once and a tear found its way out of his eye. He hadn't cried since his parent's death and that was years ago. Bringing his fingers to her eyes, he closed her eyelids and picked her up walking over to one of his men, handing her body over to him, he looked at her once more. "Make sure she
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The Downfall, part two.
Jefferey Richard Hutton had just gotten the call of Antonio's arrest and couldn't hold in his excitement. At long last, the devil had been arrested, and this time he had enough leverage to take him away from the streets for a long time. The excitement from her father didn't go unnoticed by the ten-year-old daughter. Walking towards him running her tongue over her new braces she held his hand. "Daddy, why are you so happy?" It wasn't his or her birthday for sure. "They got him kiddo! They got him!" He exclaimed, picking up his daughter and spinning around with her, wow daddy must be really happy, she thought to herself, I wonder who this 'him' is. "Are you going to be his lawyer?" She asked when her father put her down on the floor, he held her shoulders and shook his head. "I could never represent such an evil man kiddo, I am going to make sure he goes to jail for all the bad things he has done, and with this new evidence that was dropped by earlier on it will be so much easier," s
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Over A Crest?
I had just come back from the bathroom and on our way back I might have sneakily grabbed Big Joe's gun and hit him on the head. I couldn't really pull him anywhere because he was big and compared to him, I was extremely small. Taking his pocket knife I walked back into the room and found Wood beating my Antonio who held a satisfied smirk at what was happening and Stacey standing there watching them as if it was a show. "What in the world is going on here!?" My voice echoed in the room and I ran over to Antonio pulling him away from Wood, here I am acting as if this is my house but I hadn't been gone for more than five minutes and here they were fighting already, slipping the pocket knife into his pocket I helped him stand straighter. "This is an ivory-white jacket, do you know how much work I will have to do because there's blood all over it?" It wasn't really about the jacket, but it wouldn't hurt to get them thinking it was about it. Walking back to my seat but pushing it next to
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