Semua Bab In the Shadow of the CEO: Bab 31 - Bab 40
97 Bab
31 - Haze
 "You don't even want to be here, do you?" Dolly asked.Jia looked up from where she had been staring down at her hands in her lap. They had been sitting in silence for only a few minutes now, Dolly on the far sofa and Jia sitting opposite her on the single-seater couch. The electric fireplace was happily crackling away just a few feet to their left."You don't have to keep up the whole professional thing here, by the way. I'm probably going to get smashed in like half an hour and not remember anything that happens tonight, so there's really no point."...But there was no alcohol stocked here, Jia wanted to point out. She'd peeked around the kitchen and pantries to make sure the other woman wasn't lacking anything, and the closest thing to wine she had seen was a carton of grape juice in the refrigerator. No alcohol at all."Um...There's no...""I have my ways," Dolly told her before she even f
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32 - Retaliate
Jia closed the apartment door with a soft click, careful not to let the sound echo through the small unit and wake Jisu and Jini. They had made it home, after all. Even after a quick shower, her heart was still thudding away in protracted relief as she turned the lock and stuffed the key into her pocket. She had been afraid that she would come home to find their beds empty, that she had made a mistake leaving it up to Jisu to get his sister home.It said a lot about her that she had been uncertain. Said a lot about where she had failed and where she should have tried harder. For instance, leaving it up to one twin to find the other after she had disappeared from school. She would have to talk to Jini about it tonight, she knew, but she would cross that bridge when she got there. She wasn't looking forward to it.Jia stared down at the pavement as she walked to the bus stop. She should have been keeping her eyes up and staying alert
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33 - Talks
 Luckily, conveniently, there was a man waiting to drive them to headquarters in a small limousine instead of a cramped sports car. Why Atlas had picked Dolly up himself was a mystery in that case, but perhaps he simply wanted to make doubly sure that she was ready for him. Well, all things considered, Jia had made sure the job was done well. She was tired and she was sure she had dark circles under her eyes from the exhaustion creeping over her, and Dolly did look like she had just bit into an entire lemon, but they were all packed into the vehicle now and well on their way to Pandora Lights. The two women sitting next to each other and facing the rear, Atlas sitting across and watching them with his now-familiar cold stare. Black asphalt and white sidewalks and pristine buildings slid past them as they trundled down Manhattan streets in 8AM traffic.  Besides the incessant honking that had begun to go up, how nice and
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34 - Preparations
 "Lydia, I owe you an apology for yesterday. I'm so sorry, you warned me and I didn't listen. And then..." What was Jia supposed to say? I'm sorry I made Atlas angry at you, I'm sorry I made him be so rude to you, I'm sorry he's such an ass and also that I don't think before I act - Lydia held up one slender hand and shook her head to dissuade Jia from apologizing any further. "The important thing is that Mr. Grayson didn't miss his appointment. It was incredibly important, and I shouldn't have cut it so close. He was right to reprimand me for it." How could she say that? She was the one in the right, and while Jia understood that sometimes that there was a need to pretend that the boss was always right, but surely this wasn't one of those times. They were alone in a room and there was no chance of Atlas overhearing. Jia had already extended the apology, too, knowing full well that the unfortunate incident
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35 - Conference
By the time Jia finished her gripping story of the wild redhead woman and the adventures at the burger joint (Lydia's eyes had nearly bugged out of her head at the mention of such an undignified dinner experience), they were both standing in the hallway one door down from the conference room Atlas, Daniel, and Dolly were in. Soundproofed and solid, there was no way to tell if the talks were winding down yet, but that was fine with Jia: she liked talking to Lydia like this."And then we came here," she concluded, artfully omitting any mention of her working a night shift and leaving Dolly on her own until the morning. "It was a wild day yesterday. And after all that, she's leaving again this Sunday?"The blond nodded. "That's how it is most times. Mr. Grayson's clientele are all high-demand, so they lose a great deal of money the longer they remain not working under contract. Ms. Munson's a special case since all her contracts require redrafting, but
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36 - Stubborn
Much like a clumsy gardener happily hacking apart the backyard and accidentally puncturing the water line, it was clear that Jia had just struck a nerve. She froze, torn between immediately apologizing and pushing the envelope. She was already neck deep anyway. And it really did grate on her nerves that he called her Ms. Moon, something only customer service representatives and telemarketers called her.And hearing him call Lydia by her given name while addressing her so formally made her uncomfortable too, as if it were drawing a wider divide between the woman and herself. Jia didn't like that, especially not after what had happened yesterday. For the sake of restoring their burgeoning friendship, Jia had to push a little bit. Make it a point to prove that she and Lydia were the same, that Atlas wasn't treating them any differently.(At least not in the way the woman might suspect.)"You call your clients mister and miss such and such," said J
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37 - Clumsy
 Who knew that standing here motionless for this long could take such a toll on the body? Atlas had the advantage, having only been out here for the last half hour, but Jia had been on her feet ever since she and Lydia had filed out into the hallway far earlier than that. These stilettos were doing a number on her heels. Surely her spine had compressed a few inches by now?And why was Atlas still standing out here as if he expected Dolly to beg him to come back inside any moment now? Jia hadn't known the woman for long yet, but she was confident that even Dolly were on fire inside the room this very moment and Atlas possessed the only fire extinguisher in existence, she would readily reduce herself to cinders and dust.Not too long ago, Jia had had the same opinion of him. Up until last night when she had spent eight hours wondering what exactly her game plan was, going forward. She still disliked him, but if he provided the paychecks, she would give him honest ef
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38 - Amenable
 "This is ridiculous.""Ms. Munson, please -""And oh, my God, if anyone calls me that one more time, I swear to God I'll - Jia! Get over here."Jia obeyed, hurrying with a sharp series of clicks as she scuttled over on her stilettos. Amazing how quickly she had become accustomed to brisk-walking in these without breaking her ankles. Didn't mean her toes felt like they were breaking any less."Hello, Dolly," she said cheerily, forcing her voice to sound as sunny as possible. She was complete faking it, of course, but it seemed like the atmosphere could use a little positivity, artificial or otherwise. The look on the redhead's face was abominably irritated, and Jia knew well that that was not a good sign. It was almost time for lunch and Atlas was due back anytime now - it was a miracle that Dolly had lasted this long, honestly."You hear that?" the enraged woman demanded, turning around to glare at Lydia and Daniel who had followed her out of
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39 - Memory
"And...Dolly? This seat's open."On the other end of the table, the redhead turned her gaze on Jia only to give her a single baleful scowl. "It is open," she agreed. "Doesn't mean I want it." With that, she turned away again and leaned back in her chair, aggressively massaging her own shoulder with an angry look on her face."Aren't you hungry?""I can eat over here."Jia pressed her lips together for a second, and then turned them up in a wide smile. "You look sore. And tired. Why don't you eat and I'll take care of that?" She beckoned her over again with a flap of the hand.Dolly stopped for a moment and threw her a suspicious stare. "Take care of what."Jia didn't miss a beat. She raised her hands to shoulder height and pantomimed giving the woman a massage with a few flicks of the wrist before speaking again. "I'm at your disposal," she said cheerfully. "...If you'd like to join us. But you don't have to if you'd rather
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40 - Professional
 "Mr. Grayson -""Yes?"The sharp response lanced through Jia like a cold knife, and she had to steady herself so that she didn't rock back from the sheer frigidity emanating from Atlas right now. And yet there was a heat in his eyes that made her wonder if perhaps he wasn't about to physically pick her up and hurl her out the nearest window."Ms. Munson hasn't shared anything compromising about you, if that's what you're concerned about, Mr. Grayson."Jia made sure to hold his stare - no matter what! - so that he could see her earnestness. As much as she wanted to keep backing up to put more space between them, that would put her directly against the wall, and she remembered only too well what had happened the last time she'd done that."Then what exactly have you two bonded over? You're not much a drinker as far as I can tell, Ms. Moon."Well - how would he know that? What if she was, in fact, a drunkard on her own time? In truth, she
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