All Chapters of The Children of Thunder: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 Chapters
Chapter Nine
They found themselves in a large dome shaped hall, bigger even than the halls they used for drills, the spherical roof inlaid with glass windows from which a group of people stared down at them, dressed in business suits, army uniforms and lab coats, Omotola noticed doctor Mugabe standing with a stern faced broad shouldered man in an army suit decorated with so much medals she wondered why she wasn’t hearing the jingling down from where she stood.“Can someone tell me what’s going on here?’’ Orchid whispered nervously, they were alone now, their handlers had silently withdrawn.“These people own us,’’ Shettima said so quiet Obiora had to lean forward to hear him; they’re here to watch us do what we’ve been trained to do since we learned to walk and fly, the 5th children were silent as his words sank in.“What do they want from us?" Babybaby asked, her lower lip quivering.“To do what we do best’’ Obiora replied this
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Chapter Ten
As I once more fled to the solitude of dreams, the weaker I had become, the weaker my grasp over my dreams as I was instead swept into memories I had no desire to remember. To my chagrin and shame, I was forced to re-live them all, the pains and regrets and then this particular one I was swept unto like the erratic flow of a river pregnant with rains.I saw myself strolling through the slave markets of Ajashe Ipo; now known as Porto-novo, invisible to the eyes of the the mortal traders and merchants. The gathering of clouds and the distant rumble of thunder heralded my arrival, the traders throwing a few worried glances at the sky wondering whether it might rain.All this I ignored as I moved closer to the objects of both my curiosity and loathing. The foreign Portuguese merchants.For a while I stood and watched the foreigners argue with Yorùbá, Fon and Ewẹ traders, haggling and bartering goods, salts and gold in exchange for slave
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Chapter Eleven
Something woke Omotola in the dark. She squealed, panicking until a familiar voice hissed at her to hush it, she brushed her hair from her face and glared balefully at Shettima.“What’s the big idea Dracula you want to give me a heart attack?’’ He smiled apologetic, "sorry if I scared you, but it's really important that we talk.’’“You saw me at drills just this morning,’’ Omotola growled irritated, ‘’I need my sleep, and haven’t we agreed you quit your midnight strolls for a while? You’ll ruin everything.’’“Change of plans, I saw something else’’ he cuts in so sharply she shuts up fast, “if we have to leave we should leave soon.’’“You have a nice cubicle, she heard a deep voice said.’’She squealed again in alarm, her wings flashed electricity so bright Shettima flinched, then she saw Obiora chuckling, his twin Orchid stood beside him grinning in amusement, carrying a sleepy Babybaby astride her
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Chapter Twelve
But things took a turn for the worse as the classes they’ve always had together was canceled, Omotola had a sick feeling that the institute was trying to ease their separation by keeping them apart, like puppies about to be sold off, not siblings with humane feelings.Drills and tuition became a private activity and their schedules were adjusted to reduce the chance of them being together but instead, the recent turn of event did nothing but agitate them the more as they began to act unruly, Omotola was punished, prodded and confined to her cubicle without meals several times for asking questions, of course the institute needed someone to blame for that because Katie was never seen again, and she was replaced by a stone faced lady who ignored all attempts at conversation.“Where’s Katie?’’“Silence…”“Who are you and when is she coming back?”“More silence…”&ldq
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Chapter Thirteen
“Who are you?’’ Binta asked, her voice squeaky, which sounded kind of silly since he already introduced himself as their father. The man seem to think the same because his chuckle like thunder booms shook the room.“You look like Aina my first daughter whom my wife Oshun bore for me. She was always mischievous. Alas she perished in the great fire. The corners of his mouth seem to curl downwards in regret as he said this, then a smirk spread over his face so fast Omotola thought she must have imagined it been sad a second ago.“So the pampered 5th generation finally had the liver to step out of their comfort shells, I was beginning to think you were too daft to think for yourselves’’. His jabs stung but they wisely held their tongues but Babybaby who was still learning to keep her mouth shut, stood up for them.“No we’re not! She fired back “Look who managed to get himself locked in a cage, who’s the daft one now.’’ they held breaths
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Chapter Fourteen
“I admit that I underestimated you pagan god,’’ Doctor Mugabe said, his bearded face demonized by his furious countenance. “your unwelcomed affiliation with the specimens has complicated our plans but no matter, we’ll improvise, you have been nothing but trouble from the onset but soon, your usefulness to mankind will soon be over.”Shango’s face was devoid of expression but his fierce eyes followed Doctor Mugabe as he stalked around his spherical cage with so much intensity Omotola wondered why he wasn’t blown away by the psychic wave of hatred pulsing his way.“Your rebellious curiosity disappoints me children,” the doctor stopped to face the 5th generation children, his back to Shango’s cage in a show of power. “In spite of our care and nurturing, a decorated monkey will still be a monkey, since you have decided to act like your freak sire, we shall treat you as such, now we cannot afford to allow you jeopardize our decade long plans at the peak
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Chapter Fifteen
I had always pictured these children as repulsive and witless as the other abominations the men in white coats created from my blood, I was wrong, for there they were before me, magnificent and regal in their bearings, I couldn’t help but feel some pride burning through my being.They daring to come seeking answers to quench their doubts signifies creatures blessed with intelligence and bravery, my heart stirred with hope. The men in long white coats had finally made their mistake, for my liberation stood before me in the form of my offspring, I answered their questions as best as I could for I needed to bring them to my side. I told them everything about me and everything I knew about the institute they called home.In answering theirs, I couldn’t help but wonder about whom answers mine, how they found my body, how they succeeded in holding me for decades, and the powers behind their existence, the people who gave them the go ahead to eat their pou
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Chapter Sixteen
I spent the better part of the day searching for a trail but found none, it was as if the missing members of my band had disappeared into thin air, but still I followed my instinct as I burrowed deeper into the forest, on the second day of my search. I made my first encounter, an old woman so wizened, death mistook her for dead and so she lived on.“Come to me young warrior’’ she croaked as i drew close, "lend me your strength and youth."“Stand back old one,’’ she stopped as I drew my cutlass, “my strength is mine for I earned it, my youth is mine for it is my time, why borrow mine when you spent yours to the fullest even though I find it hard to believe you were once supple and young.’’ I grinned mischievously.“A trade then,” the old woman crooned, "a sliver of youth for a glimpse of your future, or a chance at what you most desire.’’“No thank you old mother," I answered polite but firm, "I am young and full of
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Chapter Seventeen
“I have you old one," I answered, my reply sent him into another bout of laughter.“You’re not only brave but cunny, surely Ogun did not have my backing but you could, if you are willing to accept my patronage; for your skills, strength and iron cutlass will avail you not when you face the daemon deity.""Who are you who calls Ogun the terrible war god with such familiarity.""I am Shokoti the elder smith god, he proclaimed, rising up to his full height, it was at my bellows that a young Ogun learnt his trade.’’I bowed and payed homage.“Then you must surely have a weapon that can defeat Elegbara I implored.”Shokoti smiled and answered, “why ask a yam farmer if he knows how to plant and grow cassava, for if he can cultivate yam he will surely know the secret behind planting cassava for are they not both tuber? surely that was not the question I expected from you.
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Chapter Eighteen
For more two days, I encountered other dwellers of the forest. Tree imps, gnomes and minor deities, but I paid them no heed for none of them was whom I seek. They also avoided me because of the dark aura emitting from Oshe, I was anxious to find my quarry as soon as possible, delay may prove costly for I still harbored hope of seeing my friend and bard, Obembe and the rest of my band alive.On the third day, I began to despair and grow doubt, what if I was late? what if the elder god was lying and Oshe failed to cut the daemon deity’s divine skin and I ended up at the bottom of his stew pot, turning back had never felt so tempting, my purposeful steps began to falter as the dreadful thoughts ran through my mind, then I realized my adversary was the Orisha of despair and hopelessness, I then resolved in my mind that I must be getting close to the evil god’s lair which explained the change in my mood, turning back was never an option for I also have the price to pay f
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