


I wake up to my beta Jake banging on my door. " get up dude, we are going to be late and don't you need to get your paper from that omega from gold moon?" my paper I think to myself mentally slapping my forehead, I had forgotten. being the future alpha I'm always busy and tend to forget my assignments alot, between the alpha training the regular training, the visiting other packs making allegiances with neighboring packs of my father deems them worthy and absorbing them if he doesn't. our pack is the biggest and strongest in the region but we weren't always. as a matter of fact my father built us up this strong because he believes we were once weak, at least weak enough to lose my mother and older brother in an attack from a rival pack. ever since then he has been building our pack either by allegiances or by growing our own ranks when we absorb the weaker pack taking in their members that submit and swear loyalty. since I am 18 and will be graduating soon I will be taking over the pack as soon as I find my goddess given mate. Those are my father's two demands before handing over the pack. I couldn't afford to let my grade slip even if I was busy with alpha duties so that is why I have a different omega from each class do my work for me, this paper is most of my grade so it is very important it is done and done on time for my class.

I jump out of bed and am in and out of the shower in five minutes, I quickly dry off and throw on my jeans Tshirt leather jacket and Harley Davidson boots.inlook in the mirror giving myself a once o we before walking out the bedroom, I see my black almost blue hair, hazel eyes I have very strong facial features I'm 6 foot 4inches tall and I'm bulky but I'm not fat, I'm very muscular actually, I grab my bookbag and my riding glasses and head to the dining hall, my beta Jake and gamma Eric are both goofing off with a couple of the female warriors Jess and melanie while waiting on me with my normal breakfast, a sausage biscuit and a black coffee in hand. "Thanks, I mumble out to them, let's get going" I can't believe this is the last term paper I'll ever have to hand in. as we walk over towards our bikes Jess and Melanie follow the guys over and just before we get to where they are parked I hear the shrill voice of the head warriors daughter Eden Evans , hi Brandon, can I ride on the back of your bike to school? she asks batting her obscenely long fake eyelashes. Atlas cringes in my mind I ignore him tho and hand her a helmet, jumping on the bike and letting her jump on behind me and head towards the school the whole way to school she is holding on to me tight and I can smell her arousal and it's making my stomach turn. I'm not sure why, Eden and I have hooked up a few times atlas has protested everytime even tho Eden is a bombshell at 6 foot 2 inches blond hair blue eyes a triple d breasts and ass for days, she has been training her whole life so she is built but in a sexy way, I have an iron 883 bobber and both the beta and gamma have a sportster. my father got me mine for my 17th birthday and she is in top. condition. I keep her maintained washed and waxed. she is my baby. I love riding more than almost any thing else in the world, the only thing that compares is running as Atlas. Atlas is my black wolf with a white chest and a white tipped ear he is big, bigger than my father , I got him a few months ago when I turned 18. my beta Jake has had his wolf able, who is dark gray with a black strip down his back and both his ears have black tips, for almost a month and my gamma Eric gets his in almost two months Most of the time Atlas is my best friend but today he feels off, kind of just agitated, he was pacing and whining in my head all night and I couldn't sleep most the night. it's definitely got me in a piss poor mood, and he is acting even worse now that I let Eden so close to me on the bike. I'm going to try and keep myself in check, I really just want the last day of school to be chill. as we pull up to the school I see the omega from gold moon walking towards the tree we are supposed to meet at and I Hollar at him to get his attention, he turns and seeing me his facial expression turns fearful. I'm used to it with the reputation my pack has. we are known as ruthless tyrants that will do absolutely anything for power which is both true and false. " so, I begin, how did the paper go" his eyes drop to the floor and he begins stuttering and fiddling with his fingers obviously nervous,it takes him awhile to respond and I'm already irritated and I am by no means a patient person on a normal day, with my wolf acting out of character and me being already on edge it's even worse. well?! I growl out to him are you not going to reply to an ALPHA you omega scum. speak now I grab him by his neck and lift him up against the wall, where is my paper? you are not my alpha he manages to choke out while I hold him against the wall, I push my aura out at him and he submits almost immediately, I almost have it done, he sputters out, barely able to form words from lack of oxygen. I have a free period for homeroom. I was going to finish it then and give it to you before lunch so you have it by 6th period, before your class. I'm sorry, alpha Brandon please, have mercy he begs me to let him go. as I'm deciding what I should do I get distracted by the sweetest scent I have ever smelled, lilacs and rain. Atlas begins to howl and scratch at my mind. MATE he howls, mine, go get mate. now he demands. I drop the omega growling out a quick have it don't before lunch and I begin to look around for the she wolf the scent belongs to and it only takes me a minute to realize the scent belongs to Savannah Gold, and she is booking it at a supernatural speed with her best friend Sarah, in tow. follow her atlas demands, Eden must have noticed me acting wierd and she calls out to me, Brandon are you okay? I ignore her to her dismay continuing to stare in the direction Savannah and Sarah just went. atlas begins to whine about wanting his mate. she hates me I tell atlas if we go over there she will probably just outright reject us. atlas wimpers and says with a growl, she might reject you but she will love me, go get mate. before I i know it I'm standing at the driver's door of savannahs car, I walked over with out even realizing it and I know atlas must have taken control so I would go to his mate. I can hear savannah and sarah having a conversation even with the windows rolled up thanks to my wolf hearing, neither one of them realizing I'm even there. I hear savannah asking Sarah what to do and thank the good goddess for Sarah she tells her to at least talk to me, I am after all her goddess gifted mate and she may never get another.

savannah begins to roll down the window and all of a sudden her facial expression turns into pure rage and hatred. she swings the car door open with all her force hitting me hard In the gut. she begins yelling about the way I was mistreating the omega from her pack while she pokes me in the chest, her beautiful blue eyes are swirling with black letting me know her wolf was on the surface as well and she also did not like the way we were treating the omega. as she is yelling all I can think of if she is this protective over all members of her pack she will make an excellent Luna. " are you even listening?!" she screams " ughhh never mind" she yells as she throws open the door to her car and plops into the driver seat turning the key backing out and driving away from the school. where is she going I think to myself, school hasn't even started yet, she can't miss the last day she won't graduate.

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