

Aurora's laugh echoed from within her room once she got the news about Xavier's request. Dazrey and Nathan switched glances before staring back at her. 

"Mother its not funny." said Nathan

"Yes its not funny Natty, its the greatest news ever!" she laughed loud again, "You agreed right?"

"Ofcourse not, mother i cant let him go its not safe!" he spat, "I may not like Xavier but he is my brother and i care about him!"

"Oh shut up Nathan shut up! What do you know about care what?! Now listen to me both of you this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get rid of the one and only threat to our rule."

"But mother..."

"Shut up Nathan what do you know? Dazrey you will go meet Xavier and tell him you are ready to do it. Ask that old fool to show you how its done as well, we cannot miss this rare opportunity never!"


"Good afternoon your highness....good afternoon your highness." Xavier got those as he walked past the citizen

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