
Chapter 9

Wild missed the others. Elaine knew he missed Tiffany and Westley. She knew that he knew they belonged where they were. They weren't as far gone as he was. He couldn't quite go back into human society like those two. He knew, and so did Elaine, deep down. That's why she decided that he would be the one to help save the others. That was the initial plan anyway. Now that the news of the hybrids were out, that meant getting the police involved. Get Jon involved. She was going to have Jon and Wild meet. She would invite him tonight and bring him over tomorrow if he agreed.

Elaine stopped by his room, where one of the other employees had brought him something new to read every few days or so. He preferred books over the TV. "Hey, I might be bringing someone over tomorrow, and he's going to ask questions about the facility and the experiments. Is that ok?" Wild looked up from his book. "If it's the first step to freeing the rest, I'll do it." Elaine nodded quietly, bidding Wild goodnight and goodbye before she left to go home for the night.

Jon wasn't home when she got home. It gave her time to shower and eat and think through the scenarios regarding how Wild and Jon would meet. How they would interact with each other. Wild was pretty quiet and reserved compared to Jon's rather talkative nature. She wasn't sure if Wild would be scared of it, if he would ignore it, if he would be intrigued in what he had to say. Maybe he would listen to Jon talk. Provide his usual short answers, maybe a few long ones. She heard the front door open and close. Keys were tossed onto the counter. "Is my Mrs. Moore home?"

"Other room, we have to talk, Jon."

Jon went to get dressed with Elaine following. "You've been working pretty long nights. Is it important?" Jon shook his head and shrugged. "The human hybrids have been all over the news. I want to get down to the bottom of it and find out who would do that to children. I need to know if there is more out there..." Elaine smiled a little. Jon was such a good man, and she was glad he was already looking into it. "They call it the W Series. Tiffany and Westley were 2 of 644 experimented on children within the facility." Jon looked at Elaine in surprise before realization dawned on him. "The thing you had to keep secret..." She nodded. "Tiffany, Westley, and Wild were the only three we've gotten out so far. We are working out how to get the rest of the survivors out." Jon blinked. "Wait, Wild? There were three?"

"Sit down, I'll start from the beginning."

Elaine told Jon everything from beginning to where they were now. About the different experimentation labs around the world that had been popping up and her mission to infiltrate the closest one, the W Series, as a therapist. She told him about meeting all the children who were kidnapped and forced to go through genetic modification and how some of them didn't make it out. She told him about of the 644 remaining children, Wild, Westley, and Tiffany were the best choices to pull out and save first and how although Westley and Tiffany were given back to their families, Wild was still in their custody. Finally, she told him how Wild wanted to save his fellow hybrids and get them back to where they belonged. Jon listened to every detail.

Elaine waited as Jon mauled over the information he'd been given. "Can I talk to him? Wild? Can I help take this place, this W Series, down?" Jon asked, to which Elaine smiled. "Yes. I was wondering if you wanted to meet him tomorrow? He's a good kid. He's a bit reserved and territorial, but he doesn't bite." Elaine mused. "Wait, is that a possibility?"

"They had wolf DNA forced into their genetic code. Of course, it's a possibility." She pointed out. "Oh." That was nice to know. "He won't. He's older than the other two were." Elaine reassured Jon. "Well. We should probably get to sleep if I'm going to meet him, hm?" Elaine beamed and gave a quick, happy kiss.

"Yes, of course!"

Wild's nose twitched to the powdery smell of doughnuts. It woke him up instantly. Doughnuts, shave cream, and the familiar scent of perfume. Elaine was in his room with a man and a bag of doughnuts. His ears perked, and his eyes glowed in the dark as he turned to face the two. "Good morning, Wild." Elaine greeted him quietly, though she knew he heard her as if she said it out loud. "Good morning..." He greeted back, sitting up and stretching. "You said he was a kid?" The male asked in startled surprise. "He is still a child until he turns eighteen in a few weeks." The male carried Elaine's scent. They were mates, he realized. "This is your husband. Jon?" Elaine smiled. "Yes, he is. He's going to help us free the others." His eyes traveled to the bag. Elaine's gaze followed. "Come on over for breakfast." She invited. Wild got up in an instant and got the lights so the humans could see.

Jon had seen the other two. The boys' nose, claws , and fangs. The girls' tongue. But Wild was a whole other level that he hadn't been able to see in the darkness. That boy had literal fucking paws, a tail, ears, eyes. Jon watched Elaine give him a doughnut and watched Wild reveal literal wolf teeth in his mouth. "H-how long have you..." Wild's ear twitched, and he turned to Jon. "Long enough to know I'm not human." He took another doughnut from Elaine. "Wild was very little when he was kidnapped. I don't know what his exact age was." Jon felt sick. Who would do this..?

Wild was waiting for more questions. Whether it be something like if his hair was actually hair or fur like Richard had asked or another like if he remembered his time before. Until the question would be asked, he enjoyed the powdery doughnuts Elaine was providing. "Who hurt you? Any names will do." That wasn't a question Wild was expecting. His body tensed in reaction, his tail tucking itself firmly between his legs and his ears folding down. Wild whined lowly, backing up a few steps as he remembered W-16-D. The man, the director. "Woah woah, it's ok, Wild, it's ok!"

"He will hurt you, don't go after him, he will hurt you..." He hugged himself tightly. "He's hurt someone before?" Jon asked. "She... she tried to leave... he made an example of her. He will make an example of you, too..." Wild flinched as Elaine touched him, then pulled him into a loose hug. "We need his name, or we can't save the others. What is his name, Wild?" Elaine was good to him. He could tell her. She would protect him.

"His name is Michael... Michael Jonah..."

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