
What Freaking Options?

“Good Morning, Sweetie.”

“Morning Pops.”

Jack was pleasantly surprised to find Claire awake and functioning this early. She was out pretty late at the cast party with Sean and Quinn last night. “I thought you’d still be asleep with Quinn and Sean. Y’all were out pretty late last night.”

Claire took a sip of her coffee. “yeah well, I’ve been trained to wake up early and unlike those two, I didn’t drink. My stomach is killing me, though.” She tentatively rubbed her stomach slowly. It was tender, and she didn’t want it to feel worse. “I think I ate too much.”

Jack just stared openmouthed at his daughter, “You? Ate too much?”

He rushed to the window, plastering his face against it as he looked to the skies.

“What are you doing, Pops?”

He didn’t look at her, but kept his gaze outside. “Looking for the flying pigs…” He turned his head just in time for the towel Claire threw to smack him in the face.

“You’re funny old man.”

Walking to the coffeemaker, he poured himself a cup before sittin
Meg Lawrence

Our girls are heading to Chicago! Can you believe it? Stay tuned for more releases! Something really special is in the works! Thank you for reading and allowing me to tell this story. Y'all are the BEST!

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