


"Wow, that's a really good picture of me" I said, admiring the picture of my sexy self on a magazine cover I'd spotted a lady holding in a store at the side of the road.

That was when a silly idea came to mind. I thought of the reaction I'd get if those ladies in that store happened to see me walk in and the possibility of them screaming or fainting played out in my head. 

I chuckled at that and decided to park properly before stepping out of my car. I crossed the street, walking over to the store. "Reading Culture, must be a bookstore or something" I said to myself on reading the delineation on the glass. I was sure Spencer's books were in there, a reason why I hated books even more.

I finally got to the store and got in with the bell attached to the glass door jingling, signifying that someone had entered.

"Welcome to Reading Culture and what would you like to..." came the lady at the counter but she paused on seeing me, her eyes widening and her expression showing that she was enticed by me, as expected. 

Sure it was no screaming or fainting, but it was still a good reaction.

The other lady with the magazine, seemed to be having breathing problems. Hopefully that was because of my presence and not just because she was having an asthma attack or something. 

But what really got my attention was the image of me on the magazine cover. Damn I was so hot and yes, I did find myself very attractive. I was in love, with me. Yeah, I looked that fucking good but obviously better in real life based off on their reactions right now.

Would I call myself a narcissist for loving myself that much? Nah, but I would say I was confident in my looks and in my abilities. Besides, wasn't it a wise person who once talked about the importance of self love?

"Y-Y-You-'re J-J-Jo..." "Do you guys happen to have any books by Spencer Carter?" I asked the lady behind the counter with my usual killer smile on my face and that was when I heard someone drop to the floor. 

I turned back to the lady with the magazine only to see her on the floor. Now there's the reaction I expected.

"Oh my God, Wilma!" The lady behind the counter exclaimed and rushed off to the one on the floor. 

"Don't worry she'll be fine, it's just the Josh Carter effect" I stated unattentively as I was rather checking out the boring books on the shelves.

Just from the titles of the books alone, I knew I would be put right to sleep if I tried to read a sentence or two out of any of them.

God I wondered what kinda people enjoyed reading, but then looking at this lady whom I believed was the storekeeper because she really did look like it, I didn't need to wonder far.

I mean, just look at her in those humongous uglyass glasses enlarging those blue eyes, in that even uglier sweater and who still wore tights? Definitely a boring book reader.

"Thank goodness Wilma, you're awake" the storekeeper came in relief to the stiring and moaning lady on the floor as her eyes opened up.

"Hmm... What happened? I had this weird dream, where I saw..." The lady came weakly but gasped on seeing me again. Before anyone knew it, she was back to the floor and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"I think you should leave" the storekeeper suddenly mentioned as she abruptly got up from the floor, looking like she was about to kick my ass. 

"Hey, calm down woman king. It's not my fault your friend there can't withstand all this" I came, my hands motioning at myself from top to bottom and she scoffed.

"Whatever, just leave okay? It'd be better for us all." "Why? Because you're gonna beat me up? Or because you're not far off from passing out like she did?" I asked walking closer to her, with my hands in my pockets and trying to taunt her but she stepped back. Then she quickly posed like some ninja. "Step back, I know karate."

"And I'm a black belt at jujitsu, can we move on noodle arms?" I asked, snickering at her attempt to look unaffected and brave but I could see how shaky and scared she was. I exhaled, finally quiting my shenanigans.

"Look, I'm not here to hurt you guys alrig...?" "Then why are you here?" She abruptly asked, cutting me off and indeed I thought about it, why was I here? To be mischievous?

"I... honestly dunno" I stated and she scoffed. "Weren't you asking for books by Spencer Carter earlier?" "That was just a facade. I honestly don't care for books, or that bastard" I stated that last part quietly and in contempt, I was sure she heard it.

"Well Mr. Billionaire," she started, walking back to the counter. "If really you need nothing here, then I'd suggest you leave please" she came, trying to be bold but I could still see the nerves in her as her shaky hand adjusted the glasses on her face. She wasn't comfortable with me, or maybe she was affected by me. 

Either way, she had every reason to feel the way she did. It wasn't everyday a lowly storekeeper got to have a good-looking billionaire such as myself in their store, which was in a hell of a terrible condition by the way.

"What's your name?" "Wh-What?" She came, like she was surprised I asked. "Your name? You do have one right browny locks?"

She exhaled tiredly, "It's Amy." "Hmm, Amy, nice. So, why's your store in such bad condition? I mean you do know it's bad for business right? It's hot in here, it smells like some old, underground cemetery and of all things, why a fucking bookstore?" I asked. I truly had no filter when it came to saying things as they were to whomsoever. 

Her eyes widened, probably at my swearing. She did seem pretty modest.

"You can't just come in here and question how I run my business, that's rude." "Well not as rude as being rude to your customers. Probably that's why no one's been coming in here" I stated shrugging and her mouth opened up, trying to find the words to say. 

"You're not even a customer and what makes you think no one's been coming in here?" 

"Because when I came in I saw no one else asides you two and up till now, no one else has entered this store but me, and like you said I'm not even a customer, so it's quite obvious things aren't good for you here" I came and she suddenly looked embarrassed. 

"You don't know that" she said quietly, in shame. "Yeah it's quite obvious. Just get somethings fixed up in here, as well as your attitude and I guess that would help out a little bit for you here" I advised and she looked at me like she wanted to kill me. 

Okay, what did I do wrong? I just offered her good advise which she should be grateful for. People didn't just get advise from me you know. In another situation, she'd have to pay thousands of dollars for this. "I don't need your consultation" she came. 

"Wow, you think you've got it all put together huh Emma?" I mocked, my lips curving.

"You know what Mr. Billionaire? You rich people are all the same. You're so unhelpful in the way you should but always have something to say by talking others down" she then scoffed. 

"It's not like I need your dang help anyway, just leave. Oh, and it's Amy, not like you needed that information but I just wanted to put it out there, jerk" she spat and suddenly bowed her head, holding it. She really seemed like she was going through it.

Hmm, she intrigued me. She was like a little tornado. She seemed shy but mouthy and stood her ground when she had to.

Probably hadn't been in any damn relationship of recent or... ever, I mean with looking like that, yikes. She was unappreciatively opinionated but who was I to judge her on what she believed in? She seemed like a smart one too. Suddenly an idea popped up in my head and I wondered if grandpa would like her. 

What the fuck Josh? Why was I even thinking about that? Of course there was no way I would present this lady to grandpa as my bride. She wasn't even my type, I thought. 

But this wasn't about who was or wasn't my type. It was about securing my inheritance. Grandpa was smart and would definitely not be convinced I was serious if I just brought some hot ass chick to him.

But this lady would make me seem as serious as she looked.

"Hey, Dina." "It's freaking Amy!" She came annoyed at me and honestly, I felt that as I had my hands up in surrender.

"Okay okay, noted Amy. I couldn't help but notice that you're in need of some financial assistance." "Yeah like I'd want that from a jerk like you" she came and I scoffed in disbelief. 

"Wow, you're a feisty little one aren't ya? Look, I know you're the kinda girl who wouldn't just accept money from a guy like me, so it's coming in exchange for something."

"I will not sell my body to you" she suddenly mentioned and I found myself burst out a laughter. 

"Hey!" She exclaimed and I could see the embarrassment in her eyes. 

"That's not it trust me." "Then what do you want from me Billionaire?" she asked tiredly and I moved my face closer to hers which made her move it backwards. "Woah, what the heck?" "Marry me" I suddenly mentioned smiling at her and her eyes widened at me.

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