The Time of Lavender

The Time of Lavender

By:  Michelle McLaren  Ongoing
Language: English
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Abigail, a struggling writer, time-travels to 19th century France, landing in the lavender fields of Provence. There she meets Vincent, a solitary artist with a mysterious past. Together, they explore the land and inspire each other's work, leading to a passionate, yet doomed, affair. As the hourglass drains, Abigail must choose between her modern life or her love for Vincent in the past

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25 Chapters
Chapter 1: The Crossroads of Time
A million stars twinkled in the velvet tapestry of the night, casting a silvery glow on the busy streets of New York City. Amongst the ceaseless bustle of taxis, the honks, and the swarm of people, a young woman named Abigail Finch stood alone on the terrace of a lavish penthouse, lost in her thoughts.In her late twenties, Abigail was the epitome of a modern woman - independent, successful, and driven. Her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, framing a face that held eyes reflecting the city's skyline, sparkling with dreams and ambitions. But behind the ambitious glow, there was a trace of longing, a silent yearn for something more, something different.The anticipation of the fundraising gala she was hosting for her art restoration project stirred a whirlpool of thoughts in her mind. She looked at the century-old pocket watch in her hand, an heirloom passed down through generations in her family. The timepiece, with its ornate carvings and delicate hands, was a stark contrast to h
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Chapter 2: Strangers in Time
The Provencal sun was slowly sinking below the horizon, casting a rosy glow over the sprawling lavender fields. As Abigail watched the man draw closer, she fought the rising tide of panic. She was a woman out of time, literally. She looked down at her modern attire and bit her lip. The stranger came into view, and Abigail got her first clear look at him. He was a handsome man, dressed in clothing clearly belonging to the 19th century. His sun-tanned face was rugged yet had a touch of gentleness. His hair was dark, and his eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue that mirrored the skies above. The artist's tools slung over his shoulder hinted at a life immersed in art and creativity. This man was the living embodiment of all the romantic stories that she had read about this era, but never dreamt of encountering.As he neared, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Abigail. He halted, a few steps away from her, looking puzzled. He removed his beret, revealing tousled locks of hair,
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Chapter 3: The Morning After
The Provencal sun shone brightly through the curtains, stirring Abigail from her troubled sleep. She awoke, the events of the previous day flooding back into her consciousness. The realization that she was truly stranded in the 19th century left her feeling disoriented. Taking a deep breath, she decided to face the day, uncertain of what it held for her.Venturing out of the quaint guest room, she was drawn towards the smell of freshly baked bread and simmering stew. The scent was warm, welcoming and far different from her usual city breakfast of instant coffee and toast.In the kitchen, she found Vincent, the man from a time far removed from hers, cooking over a hearth. He had exchanged his artist's smock for a simple shirt and trousers. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing strong forearms, and his hair was disheveled, a few dark strands falling into his clear blue eyes."Bonjour, Mademoiselle Abigail," he greeted her, turning with a soft smile. The sight of his easy d
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Chapter 4: A Day in Lavender
Abigail was gently stirred from her sleep by the peaceful cooing of mourning doves, a refreshing divergence from the shrill ring of her cellphone alarm. With sleep-softened eyes, she watched the soft light filter through the delicate lace of the curtains, painting a warm pattern on the wood floors. This stillness, a stark deviation from the pre-dawn rush of her city life, felt alien yet soothing.As she descended the worn-out wooden staircase, the aromatic perfume of brewing coffee enveloped her senses. In the kitchen, Vincent stood in a soft pool of morning sunlight pouring in from the window, his silhouette defined against the glow. The soft hum of an unfamiliar tune danced on his lips, its melody seeping into the room's morning calm."Good morning, Vincent," she greeted, and he responded with a radiant smile, presenting her with a fresh cup of coffee. The taste was rich, the warmth permeating through her senses. The coffee was homemade, far removed from the processed capsules she w
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Chapter 5: A Symphony in Purple
The next morning, Abigail found herself awakening before the call of the roosters, a strange pattern she seemed to be embracing in this unfamiliar era. The cobalt pre-dawn sky held a stillness that the city never allowed, a tranquility that whispered the promise of a new day. Clad in her borrowed nightgown, Abigail quietly descended the staircase, tiptoeing through the quiet house. She made her way to the porch, to drink in the sight of the vast lavender field under the mystical morning hue. The sight was akin to a dream, a violet ocean set under the canvas of the slowly brightening sky. As Abigail sank into the porch swing, the wooden floorboards creaked gently, echoing the whispers of centuries past. The swing swayed rhythmically, its cadence a soothing melody against the background hum of awakening nature. A soft rustle signaled Vincent's arrival, his disheveled hair and sleepy eyes a testament to the early hour. "You're up early," he remarked, his voice a hushed tone, careful n
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Chapter 6: Music of the Past
The days began to blend into each other, each one a new verse in the poetic simplicity that was Abigail's life now. The sun rose, painted the lavender fields in hues of gold, and then set, bathing the world in the cool kiss of twilight. Between these endless cycles of day and night, Abigail found herself growing more accustomed to the unfamiliar rhythm of this quaint life.It was a simple life, yet it was in this simplicity that Abigail found a certain profundity. The silence of the mornings spent on the porch swing, the tranquility of the afternoons in the lavender fields, the serenity of the evenings under the vibrant sunset skies - it was all a symphony of quiet moments that slowly pieced together to form the melody of her new life.One such afternoon, after a morning of work in the fields, Abigail returned to the house to find Vincent seated in the parlor. He was strumming a lute, a soft melody flowing from his fingers like a gentle stream, filling the room with a comforting tranq
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Chapter 7: Sketches and Shared Silence
The pattern of the days began to establish itself, familiar yet filled with novelties. Mornings were reserved for labor, with Vincent and Abigail working side by side in the lavender fields. The afternoons were calmer, dedicated to leisure, discovery, and shared experiences. Abigail learned more about Vincent’s art, his love for music, his connection with the land, and Vincent learned about Abigail’s fascination with the new, her determination to understand this past world, her love for the unexplored.One afternoon, under the canopy of an old, wise oak tree, they found themselves sitting on a blanket with a picnic spread out before them. It was a typical Provencal lunch, with fresh baguettes, local cheese, a selection of charcuterie, and a bottle of wine Vincent had fetched from the cellar. The food was simple yet delicious, the flavors a symphony that danced on Abigail’s tongue, awakening her senses to new gastronomic experiences.As they savored their lunch, the sun playing peek-a-
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Chapter 8: A Fête to Remember
The arrival of summer in Provence was a symphony of sensory delight, especially with the lavender in full bloom, dressing the fields in a royal hue. It was this season of beauty that brought the villagers together for an annual celebration—the 'Fête de la Lavande'—a grand festival dedicated to the lavender harvest. One morning, as the sun rose, casting its warm golden glow over the sleepy chateau, Vincent came to Abigail with the news of the festival. The announcement seemed to break the monotony of their days, infusing a new sense of anticipation and excitement into their peaceful existence. The 'Fête de la Lavande' wasn't just any celebration—it was a vibrant display of the rich culture and traditions of Provence, and Abigail was eager to experience it.The days leading up to the festival were busy, yet filled with a distinct joy. The entire village was in a flurry of preparations. The air was heavy with anticipation, the villagers working tirelessly, decorating the streets with fl
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Chapter 9: Artistic Endeavours
After the vibrancy and excitement of the 'Fête de la Lavande', life at the chateau resumed its usual rhythm, albeit with a notable change. The festival had opened a new door for Abigail, not just into the culture and life of Provence, but also within her own heart. She realized the beauty and simplicity of this era was slowly weaving itself into her soul, its enchantment impossible to resist. The mundane routines no longer felt monotonous. Instead, every day was a new discovery, a chance to learn, to immerse, and to grow.One morning, Vincent proposed the idea of painting a portrait of Abigail. "It would be a shame," he said with a teasing smile, "to not capture your spirit on canvas while the lavender is still in bloom." He suggested setting up the easel outdoors, in the heart of the lavender fields that had won Abigail's heart.In the days that followed, they spent hours out in the lavender fields, basking in the soft warmth of the Provençal sun. Vincent would paint while Abigail sa
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Chapter 10: The Unveiling
The day arrived to unveil Abigail's portrait to the rest of the household. Vincent had kept his work of art shrouded in secrecy, ensuring that the canvas was always covered whenever they weren't in the lavender field. There was an air of mystery and excitement surrounding the event, the staff eager to witness the masterpiece that had kept their master so engrossed.They gathered in the grand hall, a room that Vincent rarely used except for special occasions. The tall, arched windows let in a flood of natural light, the stone walls adorned with tapestries and paintings from Vincent's family lineage. In the center of the room, on a finely carved wooden easel, stood the covered portrait, its presence dominating the room.Vincent and Abigail entered the room together. His hand gently rested at the small of her back, a quiet support that filled her with confidence. He was dressed in his formal attire, looking every bit the nobleman he was. Abigail, dressed in the same lavender gown she wor
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