
4| A few more minutes.

The stranger Reese met at the bar said he was going to rid her of the pain she was feeling from getting dumped, and he sure did!

Magically, she had totally gotten over Jasper, and all she could think about was the mysterious stranger who made her body come alive with want.

Her other best friend, Lucy, was sitting beside her in her bedroom, gawking and looking at her in disbelief, as she explained in detail everything that happened to her yesterday, without leaving out anything.

"Are you dense?" Lucy exclaimed and smacked her hard on the shoulder.

Reese held her shoulder and groaned in pain. "Why’d you do that?"

"You need some ass whooping, Reese!" Lucy yelled. "Why’d you run? No man has ever made your pussy drench, and when you found that man, you ran away? Because some fucking waitress interrupted?"

Reese groaned into her hands. "I regret it. Believe me. I do."

"Jasper fucking dumped you because your pussy couldn’t get drenched for him." Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose. "And that bitch he dumped you for? I never liked her, and I told you that. I told you to stay away from her, but you didn’t listen to me."

"So, Jasper dumped you?" They heard a familiar voice say.

They both swung their heads to the side to see Reese’s sister, Beatrice, standing in the doorway, shoulders resting on the door frame, legs crossed, and arms crossed over her chest.

"How long have you been standing there?" Reese asked, a frown creasing on her forehead. "How much of our conversation did you listen to?"

"And who is the mysterious guy that made your pussy drench?" She asked, ignoring Reese’s question and with a smile touching her lips. "I’d like to have a taste of him too."

Reese hissed, then reached for her slipper and threw it at her sister.

But before it could get to where she was, she quickly moved out of the way.

"Get out!" Reese yelled.

Rolling her eyes, Beatrice stuck her tongue out at her, before disappearing.

"Cat and rat." Lucy chuckled when they were finally alone.

"She’s so annoying." Reese hissed.

"Reese.” Lucy called, and her countenance suddenly went blank. "I know this is the worst possible time to tell you this, but I have to."

“What?” Reese asked, raising her brow.

"I am going to London."

“Who are you visiting?"

"I am not going there to visit." Lucy said. "I am moving there."

"What?!" Reese exclaimed, and her mouth fell open.

"Yes." Lucy said, nodding her head. "I got a job. The pay is so mouthwatering that I can’t reject the offer."

"When are you leaving?" She asked, pressing her lips together.


"Weekend?!” She exclaimed, gawking at her. “Why are you just telling me about it now?"

"I got their email today, and I was asked to resume next week on Monday." Lucy took her fingers to her temple and scratched it. "I am so sorry, Reese."

Reese really didn’t want her friend to go because she was the only one she had. But she understood that Lucy’s parents were not wealthy and that she would have to struggle to survive. Unlike her, who is the heiress to a multimillion-dollar company and receives everything on a platter of gold.

She had to be a good friend to her and support her, she thought.

Curving her lips into a smile, she said. "I am happy for you, Lucy. Congratulations."

"I am going to miss you," Lucy said.

Reese pursed her lips into a pout. "I would definitely miss you more."

"Enough about me. Let's talk about you." Lucy beamed, moving closer to Reese and wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "We are going to the bar tonight."

"Tonight?" Reese asked, surprised, as she lifted her brow. "Which bar and why?"

"The same bar where you met the man with the magical hands." She squealed. "We are going there in search of him. And this time around, I would make sure you never let go of him."

"Do you think he is going to want me too?"

"Why not?!" Lucy exclaimed, a smile tugging at her lips. "You fucking said you saw the urgency in his eyes. He definitely wants you. And I’m pretty sure he’ll go to that bar and look for you."

"I’m scared he might—"

Lucy didn’t allow her to complete her sentence. She knew exactly what she was scared of.

"Babe. Don’t be scared. The only reason men dump you is because of your low sexual drive. But now that he’s unlocked that part of you," She winked at her. "He’s definitely going to stay. Because you are a fucking spec!"

Reese chuckled, and her cheeks turned red.

Lucy drew her into a tight embrace before leaping to her feet and pulling Reese up with her.

"Let’s get dressed." she beamed. "I’m putting on your dress, by the way."

They went to the bar where she had met the mysterious guy and sat down on the stools by the bar counter where she had met him.

They’ve been sitting down there for more than three hours now, peering into the crowd and scanning the room for the stranger. But nothing.

"You said he’s built, and he has brown eyes and brown hair, right?" Lucy asked, looking at a man who matched the description Reese had given her.

"Yes.” Reese said as she continued peering at the crowd.

"Is he the one there?" Lucy asked, her eyes still glued to the man she was staring at.

Reese’s heart skipped a beat, then thundered, as she swung her head to the side and trailed Lucy’s line of sight, hoping it was really him.

But every fiber of hope she had faded away when she saw the person Lucy was talking about.

It was not him.

The stranger she almost had sex with was more buff and hotter than the man she was staring at right now.

Shaking her head in disappointment, she leapt to her feet. "Let’s go." She said to Lucy. "I knew this was a bad idea. He’s not going to come."

"Let’s wait for a few more minutes, please." Lucy pleaded. "I’m positive he would show up."

"He’s not going to." Reese said, as she turned on her heels and started striding towards the exit without waiting for Lucy’s response.

She wasn’t going to stay there for another minute, looking through the crowd like a lost dog.

Lucy had no other choice but to stand up and trail behind Reese. She cared about Reese so much and would have loved to stay back and continue the search for the mysterious guy. But she couldn’t stay and search for him all by herself when she didn’t even know him.

When they got outside, they both slipped into Reese’s car, and pulled out of the bar’s parking space, feeling so disappointed.

But just as Reese pulled out of the parking space, Axel pulled in.

He had come to the bar in search of her.

They missed each other!

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