The Stripper Woman

The Stripper Woman

By:  Kazuya  Completed
Language: English
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At the age of twenty, Alex became an stripper in King's cove. The reason why she became an stripper is to find the treasure of her father's diary that will lead to and use it to get out the hell out of the country.What else she supposed to do with fifty bucks of her name, an old coded diary and a body full of bruises?She only have one problem that is to avoid the four boys from her past that she hated at the same time. But that was the perfect opportunity for her to take what she owned. Once upon a time they betrayed her.The four boys she once knew don't just live in that twin anymore, they run it.The gang, nightlife and the violence. It's all theirs.All she have to do is to slip past them, do her things and get out.

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Delinda Schumacher
this book has been wonderful, I hope there is a book 2!
2023-01-12 11:14:11
36 Chapters
Most of the time, most days, I don't feel anything. Not today. Today, fear has a choke hold on me. It makes my stomach churn with nausea. Did I kill him? I hope I did. Because if I didn't.... If Gregorio isn't dead, I will be. Tucking my dark hair into the hoodie and pulling the hood up, I weaved through the people on the street. Pushing against the sea of people I move further from the apartment. I need to get out of town, now. Today. I tossed my phone in a trash can around yhe corner, knowing they'll track me through it, before heading to the bus station. Keeping my head down and footsteps hurried I rack my brain over where to go. All I know is that I need to leave Angelfall. The fifty bucks I snatched on my way out of the apartment along with my father's diary, the only thing I have of him, burns a hole in my pocket. The station gets closer by the second and my panic rised. I need to figure shit out fast. Come on, Alex think. I urged myself to find a solution. You could a
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Chapter One
Shit. I am in such deep shit.The silence of the bus ride gives my mind free rein to dive head first into my past and torture me with it. I swore I'd never go back knowing they'd be there if I did. Sometimes I used yo wonder if they would ever stoo and miss me. Wonder where I am and how I'm doing. If they still care. Then, that's probably wishful thinking. They wouldn't have betrayed me if they actually ever did care about me. If all can't have been a lie. We became friends before I found the secrets hidden in the diary I was left with when I was dumped on the orphanage's front steps. It had my father's name in the margins or I assumed it was my fathers. Markus Johnsen.So, that's the last name I was given. Not that it means anything to me. It's just a name that belonged to someone who didn't want me. Therefore, the abandonment issues. Told you.Those issues just got worse after the only friends I've ever had abandoned me too. I still remember the day Mr. Rux came to the orphanage wi
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Chapter Two
Ken showed me to the dressing room, which is huge. The space is filled with vanities littered with make-up. The mirrors have built in lights rolling garment racks are bursting with outfits and fill the room. I follow Ken inside weaving between the racks."Lexie, this is Maddy, She'll get you ready for tonight and make sure music and everything's ready." Ken hands me off to a tan freckled woman with strawberry blonde hair and Jed eyes.She gives me blinding smile throwing her arms around me. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you." She exclaimed stepping back. Maddy looks over my shoulder at Ken. "Don't worry, boss. We'll take good care of her."Nodding, ken gives us wide smile before heading back to his office. Maddy leads me over to a tiny kitchen in a corner filled with a group of men and women chatting amongst themselves."Everybody!" She claps her hands getting their attention. "This is Lexie our new colleague. She's dancing tonight so I want everyone to pitch in showing her the ropes," sh
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Chapter Three
Shade pov"Will you shut up if we come?" Hunter snaps at Dylan who keeps prattling on about a "guys night." The man's as loyal as they get and a hell of a sharpshooter but he talks non-stop. He's been trying to get us on to come with him to the Black peony for years."Sure dude." Dylan answers distracted by something on his phone. "Tonight's the perfect night." He exclaimed face lighting up. "They just posted that a new dancer's on the stage tonight. Let's go check her out." He bounces in place like an excited over grown puppy.Jeremy shrig8 not against going. He's the more social of us and can stand Dylan's incessant chatter. I'll go if the others do, I don't really care either way.Hunter makes a show of looking pissed, which he does most of the time. He rarely smiles anymore. He mostly works and keeps to himself.Ryder looks to me and I give him a shrug that says it's up to the others. He's the unannounaced leader of our group. Though we try to be a democracy, Ryder's the one who m
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Chapter Four
Shade povThe waitress returns turning all our heads. "She'll be expensive. A lot of people have requested private dancers before you."Ryder sucks his cheeks in biting on the inside of his mouth. "We'll pay whatever you want in order to move to the stop of that list."The waitress nods quickly. "Yes, sir. I'll come fetch you when she's ready." She curtsies before hurrying off strawberry coloured Ponyta swishing as she goes. It doesn't take long before the lights on the main stage darken and Lexie slips off the stage. Men boo and call out for her to come back while another dancer takes the stage.Ten minutes later, the swishing ponytail came back and leads us to a private room off the left. The four of us follow her walking stiffly. We look as if we're heading to our execution. Faces grim and postures rigid. We're all scared. Terrified that it won't be her. Equally terrified that it will be. Longing for answers to our questions and afraid of the answers.The room is dim. There's a sm
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Chapter Five
Alexa povWhat the actual fuck?The rumbling of Jem's truck grows quieter as we reach the suckenly rich part of the city. As we slow down I watch the giant houses with green gardens roll past. Wondering what the hell we're doing here, because they can't actually live in one of these houses. I scowl at the world. We come to a stop outside of a gate. Behind it sits a beautiful white house. It takes me a moment to realize which house this is and why it seems so familiar. Stipping, we wait as a wolf sitting in a little box houses exchanges a few words with Ryder before pressing a couple of buttons to let us in. The gate slides open and we roll inside.My heart beats out of rythym as my gaze falls on the entire house. Big black double doors sit above a small half-moon staircase that leads to the front door. Jem, veers the car to the right and a black garage door opens. A narrow road tilts down and leads us underground to a massive garage. Multiple cars and bikes, all expensive as hell, is
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Chapter Six
Ryder"Sleep we-" Jem cuts himself off. The unfinished sentence grates on my nerves and I whirl toward him about to smack him over the head with my spatula when I see the look on his face. His expression is frozen somewhere between rage and shock. The usually smiling and cheerful Jem gone. Which doesn't happen often. It freaks people out when Jem smiles as he beats them up, because it makes him look a bit crazed, but his mood is simply always bright, but it's when his smile falls away you should be scared.Following his line of sight, my eyes fall on Alex's face. My blood turns to ice the spatula freezing in the air. A dark blue and purple bruise surrounds her left eye. That side of her face slightly swollen. She must have hidden it beneath makeup yesterday. My gaze trails down to her neck where a bruise that looks a hell of a lot like a big handprint sits as a necklace on the fair skin.Jem whirls and slams his hands down on the counter the muscles in his back bunching with contained
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Chapter Seven
AlexaThey went through my stuff. The world around me darkens as my gaze snags on dad's diary. The very thing they sent me away to get their hands on. Assholes. Stepping forward I reach for the diary. Which Jem snatches off the table grinning at me.Walking backwards he waves it back and forth taunting me to try and get it. I know I should act as if I don't care. Walk away and take it back in a less obvious manner. But my blood's boiling with anger and fear's swirling in my gut. So, I lunge for him instead. Jem holds it high above his head and even though he's the shortest of the guys, I can't reach.Snatching his arm, I try to pull it down toward me whilst trying to climb him like a tree. Jem's arm doesn't budge and I growl, frustrated with him. Clawing at his arm frantically I grow more and more irritated with how easily he can keep it from me. When that tactic doesn't work I sink my teeth into his bicep.Jem yelps, drops the book and moves away from me. Looking down at the imprint
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Chapter Eight
Ryder "You really think she's here to find the treasure?" Jem asks when the front door's closed. When Alex left, we thought she'd either found the treasure and left with it on her own. But when Shade went to the orphanage and asked about Alex's disappearance Miss Lana told him someone had adopted her. Of course, we tried to get the papers to find out where they'd taken our girl but that shit's confidential and we were too young to do anything about it. By the time we were old enough to know how to, Alex was long gone."Yeah, I do. Don't know why though. Probably has something to do with that piece of shit who hurt her." I grumble trying to make sense of both past and future. Shit doesn't add up though. Why didn't she come back when she left whoever had adopted her? Why didn't she come back to us? Why is she so angry now? I have more questions than answers and it pisses me off. My eyes go to the front door as my fingers drum on the tabletop of the kitchen isle. Maddie seemed nervous a
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Chapter Nine
Alexandra"He's going to need a name, you know." Jem states from his place behind the wheel. Tucked into the corner of one of the backseats I'm playing with the dirty white little ball in my lap. The kitten is so adorable I feel like I might combust with his cuteness. It is a boy. I checked earlier when I had nothing to call the little animal and calling it thing, like Ryder does, is not okay. It's a living breathing creature not a thing. Humming to the kitten I brainstorm some names out loud seeing if anything sticks. "Ace?" no. "Bandit?" the kitten sinks its tiny fangs into my finger. I'll take that as a no. "Spades?" he bites down harder. "Ow, okay I get it." I tell him trying to extract my finger from his mouth. "Hmmm. Boggart?" laughing I shake my head at myself. "No, that's not it. Come on buddy help me out here." Kitten only blinks at me. Sighing I look to the front of the car where Hunter reaches forward to change the radio channel. My gaze lands on the word tattooed on his ri
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